Sharlot and the War Council

Chapter Two

On the Hunt:

All 38 of us were prepared to leave; you could see the war faces and taste the blood lust in the air. We planned on driving to the werewolf line and then taking it on foot from there. Not that we had a choice the werewolves have a barrier preventing all modern day technology from working. It would be like going back in time to the old world.

I told Lance to lead the way with his car, since he and his pack knew where to go. He kissed me before got into the car. I wanted to kick him for kissing me in front of everyone. Now I wanted to kick everyone else for staring at us like that. I turned around to look at them but the busied themselves by getting in the cars in groups of four minimum and eight maximum.

The trunks and roofs of the car were filled with supplies that soon we would all have to carry on our backs. We could only bring one extra outfit. We wore comfortable and sensible shoes ready to hike and walk long miles. illilot was said to live in the heart of werewolf territory, which was deep within the jungles of the mainland. He is also said to have a small guard of fifty people. There strength is what made them fearsome. Our numbers could take care of that small group in no time.

The jungle is said to be cursed and is known as a very dangerous place in our world. Then again it is also very avoided so no one really knows.The creatures that live there are dark and evil, and only 37 of us could fight, Stacy is just a human.

"Actually, Stacy was raised as a poison ninja, her real name is Katsumi. I call her Kat." Said Aislin the dream hopper (and mind reader?).

"So why does she call herself Stacy?" I asked.

"To blend in." She replied with a 'duh' tone of voice.

I looked at her disappear to Kat's side. I used to think Stacy was harmless and could only cause a headache. Apparently outside of school she is Kat the poison ninja who causes death. No wonder she never had a boyfriend. She would kill them with one kiss, didn't see that one coming. I just thought she was asexual or something.

I heard the roar of engines and quickly hop on my motorcycle and revved it up. I heard Lance stepped on it and speed off and we all quickly followed. I chose to ride the motorcycle so that it was easy to check progress and get close to every car. Let''s face it, I wanted to look like a bad-ass too.

When we reached werewolf turf everyone was anxious. Some just wanted to fight already and go home, the others were scared out of their minds. I couldn't blame either group because I felt a mixture of the two. But if I went home I could risk never seeing my parents again. That was not an option, so I prepared to enter the territory of my natural enemy. Lance got of the car and headed towards me. He wore an expression of worry and his hand seemed to be shaking. His walk didn't betrayed any fear. He moved with his same smooth flow.

"Lets get everyone set up with maps and gear then we all go in once everyone is prepare."

I nodded, as if it was a go ahead everyone started to move. The process of unpacking the cars began. I stood watching the structured chaos for a brief moment. I grabbed a map, took a deep breath and made my way to the front of my small army.
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Unknown Lands