Sharlot and the War Council

Chapter Three

First Attack:

The land in werewolf territory was old. The trees towered us but they were dead, even through it was spring. We made our way through the old town. The houses that lined the cobble stone road were small and all had shutters. I saw people shutting the shutters as our huge group passed. They didn't seem afraid just cautious as if the fact they we were here to stir things up us obvious.

I walked in the rear watching the groups back. I kept all my senses sharp as we drew closer to the forest. I could feel the evil energy in the air; it pricked my skin like the thorns on a wild rose. The forest was beautiful and deadly. The trees, tall and green, were causing the path to be dark because of the lack of sunlight. Red eyes were glowing out at us, as if daring us to enter.

Lance turned towards the group, "Be careful." Was all he said, but passion rang out of his words.

I feel everyone tense up and prepare to fight. I drew out my fangs and claws. I heard clothes rip as the pack changed into wolf form. I heard Edmund snarl and I returned the snarl. We proceed staying close together.

I heard a eerie laughter. I heard tearing flesh and Lance growl in pain.

"Attack!!!" I yell and everyone was fighting.

Then I saw the attackers. Small demons with large horns on their tiny heads. Their green skin looked slimy and slick. Their teeth and claws sharp and covered in dried, stale blood. I sniffed the air, flesh blood had been spilled. Either it was on of ours or someone was here before us. The creature jumped on my back taking advantage of me being distracted.

I pulled at it ripping out one of its horns. The blood of the creature seeped onto my shirt. It smelled vile, I gagged. I grabbed the other horn, which was still attached to the things head, and threw it against a tree. I heard the tree crack under the force of the throw. I heard the other little demons run towards me. I slashed at all of them causing the top half of their bodies slide off their bottom halves. It made a sick tearing sound and then I ran to help anyone I ran into.

Of course that wasn't needed, everyone finished them off.

"And those were only the first guards, the little guys." Matt said.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked

"Yes, everyone is fine." Said Lance.

He approached me and I embraced him.

"You were in pain."

"They caught me by surprise that’s all." I stared at the dry blood on his body. Man, he healed fast.

We kissed and kept moving,
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What is next?