Sharlot and the War Council

Chapter Four

Warriors in Love:

I fought the urge to give a big cheesy, we can do this speech and instead just broke us up into teams. When my team and I moved out, the other began to follow. We race through the trees cutting down everything in our path. Everything, trees, demons, bushes, and vines nothing could get in our way and not face death. As time the fights got bloodier and more difficult but we never lost to anyone. It was the army's spirit I worried over, missing six months of senior year is bad. Plus we missed showers, cell phones and loved ones. I could feel us drawing closer to the source of all this evil; it was like something in the air. So I would use these feelings to keep the army going. We were to close to turn back now.

I decided we needed a well deserved rest after fighting the tree demons. So we set up camp, assigned everyone a shift to sleep in then called it a day. With two soldiers at each of corner of the camp at a time, I felt safe in this strange place.

Lance and I had the same shift at the North corner. Which was my way of giving myself a bit of normalcy in this hectic time. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. It felt so nice that I relaxed into him. He smelled my hair and I could feel him smile while my scent filled his lungs. I giggled. I miss this.

"When this is all over, you are going to be my wife." He looked at me to see my reaction.

"Really?" I was stunned.

"Yes. Why not? I love you."

"I love you too." I had just realized that was my first time telling him that.

I smiled and kissed him passionately. I wanted nothing more but to be with Lance in that moment and forever. I love him. Now more then ever. This experience has only brought us closer. We were so caught up in the moment we didn't see what lurks in the dark. A pair of gleaming eyes stared out at us.
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Sorry its so short.

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