Sharlot and the War Council

Chapter Seven

The Speech:

As the small army moved forward, Lance was in trailing behind to protect the flank. I was on full alert after getting the chills from that demon’s smile I was on the edge. Every sound seemed to make me jump. No one seemed to notice which was good for me since I didn’t want anyone to think of me as weak. The time had come to face illiot he even cleared the woods of all his fighters to make a clear path for us. The fact the he wanted us made it feel like we were walking into our death, I could feel his presence so close that I wanted to run. I could smell the blood, the fear, the sweat and the death that filled illiot’s castle. It loomed in the distance like a bad omen.

I looked at my small army. How many will I lose in this battle? I thought. None was the answer I hoped and prayed for. May my army of 38 remain strong and willful thorough the battle. We were at the steps of the gate when I felt the need to give a speech like the ones they gave in the movies. As if they also felt my need they halted and faced me.

“You all have been loyal and wonderful companies. I dread this battle for I fear losing any of you.” My eyes fell upon three in specific Matt, Doll, and Lance. “We have come a long way and have fought hard. You have all shown me what it is like to have courage and what the faces of bravery truly look like. Today we fight unbeknownst of our kingdoms to save them.
We will live as unsung heroes of war. Today we are the brave few who were willing to fight this mad man. I stand here today more proud then I have ever been. I am proud to call myself your leader, your lover or your friend. I am proud to fight by the side of such brave individuals. And I will be honored to die along side you. Today we fight for freedom.”

They cheered, we cried the tears that we held in for months. This may be our last moments for sweet goodbyes. So there was hugs, kisses and kind words. When it came to an end we marched into the castle praying that this would no the our last battle.
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omg wow