Sharlot and the War Council

Chapter Eight

The Castle:

"Well, Well, Well, there is quite a few of you. Line up and I will kill you one by one." illoit emerged for the huge castle doors with a grin on his face. "Who wants to go first?"

My skin crawled but I spoke out, "Where do you have my parents?"

"My dear girl I don't take prisoners, I kill them."

The anguish I felt in my heart tore through me. I fought to keep it under control. I couldn't break in front of him, you never let your enemy see you weakness.

"Unless, you mean The Salvatore's."

I glared up at him.

"Oh you do mean them." He smiled. "They escaped. " His smile pulled down. "Such a shame that they killed half my men. Now I have an army of 25." He laughed. "But I do enjoy watching a good fight." He straighted his expression. " My war is falling apart and you here to ruin it some more. After I kill all you, I will kill your parents for ruining everything. Now I want the fairy to fight first."

You could tell by his voice that this wasn't a requested and the serious intensity of the stance of of whats left of his mean, that they were ready to enforce this demand. My heart dropped, Why does it have to be Doll? Matt tensed up, he walked next to me and grabbed my hand while Doll stepped forward. A familiar warm feeling spread though my body.

"I love you." I can hear Matt's words from my seventeenth birthday echo through my head.

"Ah, you are a beauty." He licked his lips, gross, Matt squeezed my hand tighter.

"You will die at my hand." Doll stated, no emotion what so ever in her voice. "But first tell me where the Salvatore's have gone?"

"I don't know but they stopped the war for the most part. Now it only a select few fighting and I hate that." He step closer with each word till he was only inches from Doll's face. "Did you know I am half Demon?" He smirked.

She smiled and replied, "No but I do know that you are half of something."

The next thing you know his torso was sliding off , his eyes grew wide and the top half of his body falls to the ground. Everyone gasps, she shurgs and walks back in place.

"This will be a place of peace. " And as soon as she spoke those words, the army bowed and put down their weapons.

"Go home and rest, this is far from over." The little errie demon from before said then smiled. My stomach clenched. "illiot was a lacky, the one who runs the show will reveal themselves soon enough." He smiled again and turned to walk back into the castle humming a little tune.
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