Sequel: Whispered Memories

Screaming Dreams

Chapter Two.

The next day, my parents told me I could do whatever I pleased, within reason, and as long as I was home before four o' clock. The three of us had a dinner invitation to Arthur's luxurious home and had to be there by six.

The sun shone down on the tall buildings of Chicago as I passed trolleys, carriages, and a few Model T's on my way to State Street. I debated going back into the shop where I saw the handsome boy, but chose against it. I would look like a fool walking in and asking for the attractive stock boy. Instead, I settled on going to one of my favorite places, Jackson Park.

I smiled at the families on the beach as I strolled down the shore of Lake Michigan. Toddlers were splashing about in the water while their adoring parents watched. Couples picnicked on blankets while sunlight danced across their lovers' faces. It was a perfect day.

A slight breeze began to rustle the autumn leaves as I sat on a park bench overlooking the lake. Despite the sounds of the crowded beach, I found it peaceful being here. The water was a serene, beautiful blue once you got past the splashing children. I could sit here for hours.

As I was lost in my thoughts, the slight breeze turned into a furious gust of wind. With the sudden force, my hat flew off of my head, twirling as the wind blew it down the shore. I raced after it but the wind was too fast for me.

After a few minutes of running, the wind died down and my hat landed on the sandy shore. I was about ten feet from it when a tall, slim boy around my age grabbed it. Feeling thankful, I looked up at the boy. It was the same one from the shop. He was smiling that same lopsided smile from yesterday. My heart fluttered.

I could not repress the smile that was creeping onto my features as I walked over to him. "Thank you."

He handed me my new favorite hat. "You are very welcome, Miss..?" he trailed off.

"Amelia Collier."

He took my hand in is, like Arthur did yesterday, yet his hands were much warmer than my future husband's. I felt a shiver run through my body as he kissed my hand. My heart fluttered again as he spoke. "I am Edward Masen and I am very pleased to make your acquaintance."

I blushed. "As am I."

"Would you mind gracing me with your presence today?"

I blushed an even deeper red. "I'd love to." Then I thought about Arthur. "Oh, wait.."

He looked discouraged at my sudden retreat. Even then, he looked more beautiful than anything I've ever seen. I decided I would go. After all, I had a few hours until I needed to be home. And, it didn't take two hours for me to prepare for a simple dinner. Besides, where would we be if no one took any chances?

"I have to be home by four."

He smiled, suddenly relieved. "We can arrange that."

When I arrived home at a quarter until four, I decided not to tell my parents of my meeting Edward. We went to see a silent movie starring Charlie Chaplin after we talked for hours at the park. I found out he was sixteen, like I was, and worked at the shop we saw him in. His father was currently ill and his mother was taking care of him. Due to his father's illness, he had to work and keep up the household. As playful and light-hearted as he was today, he seemed burdened by his parents. I somewhat pitied the striking boy.

At exactly six o' clock, my father raised the large brass lion's head on the door of Arthur's manor and knocked three times. He answered it promptly, leading us into the large dining room where an over-sized mahogany table stood. The places were already set.

After seating me, Arthur took his place at the head of the table. My mother sat across from me, to the left of Arthur, and my father sat next to my mother. A butler entered through a door to the back of the room carrying a tray of food, beginning dinner.

During the feast, we discussed the wedding. It was to be held August fifth of next year and would be lavish and very expensive. I was relieved by the date; I had plenty of time to get to know Arthur. Still, I could not help but feel this peculiar sensation in the pit of my stomach. A face and a name came along with the sensation. The face of a beautiful bronze haired boy named Edward.
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This is over a year old, so I'm sorry it's terribly.. simple and horribly written. It was my first big story, actually. I'm kind of proud of it.