Sequel: Whispered Memories

Screaming Dreams

Chapter Three.

The days passed almost seamlessly as the beautiful autumn leaves darkened and deserted the now bare trees. The temperature dropped as October changed to November, which quickly transitioned into December. Each day, schedule permitting, I met Edward in Jackson Park. We would settle down in the shade of a large tree or sit on a bench overlooking Lake Michigan, leaving only when we had other appointments or when it was too late to be considered a reasonable hour. We would talk endlessly; it was effortless conversing with Edward. One day, however, the conversation took a darker turn.

"Do you remember when we first met, or rather, when we first saw each other?" he asked one day while we were lounging under a large oak.

I smiled, "Of course."

"At the store, I heard your mother say something about an engagement party," he started sounding almost morose as he looked at me intently, his eyes full of curiosity. "What did she mean?"

I sighed, fighting an internal battle. A part of me wanted to be carefree and not worry about what awaited me in less than a year's time when I was with Edward. I was growing more fond of him with every passing moment. A fondness a mere friend should not have. The smaller, more rational part of me knew he had a right to know. If he was in fact feeling anything remotely close to the attraction I was, he deserved an answer.

"I am to be wed on August fifth of next year to Arthur Russell Johnson." I watched his face drop as I spoke those horrid words.

"Oh," was all he said. He turned to watch a boy and his dog racing around the park.

"It's an arranged marriage. I met him the day I first saw you in the shop." I sighed again. "It would help my father and my mother tremendously. Father works for Arthur at the bank."

"I understand," he mumbled still looking away from me. He was still looking toward the boy.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. In the couple of months that I have known Edward, I was already more comfortable with him than any other person I knew. Every second I was with him, I felt I could be free. I didn't have to hide my emotions or feel guarded and cautious as I did with everyone else.

My lovely introversive nature and restrained emotions were passed on to me by my father. He's quiet and cautious around everyone excluding myself and my mother. That's why he and my mother fit so perfectly. She's the voice of their marriage; they compliment each other perfectly.

Edward suddenly turned to me, a smile playing on his beautiful features. "Well, we have a little more than eight months until I must give you up. Be that as it may, we could still keep up this wonderful friendship. That is, if you'd still like to see me. I understand completely if you choose to be wholly with Arthur." He looked down at our entwined hands.

"You know I would like nothing more than to be with you." I placed my fingers under his chin, lifting his face to meet mine, and smiled.

He smiled innocently, looking as stunning as ever. He then leaned closer to me, looking around the park as if he was going to tell me a secret. "Maybe, if you wanted, I could sneak you out some nights." He smiled that wonderful crooked smile.

I grinned; his smile was infectious. Despite the chilly weather, I felt absurdly warm. His mere presence was enough to chase the cold away and warm every inch of my body, especially my heart. Still, my heart ached. I knew I shouldn't, couldn't, have these feelings for Edward. It wasn't fair to him, or me, or Arthur for that matter. But it felt so right.

Obviously Edward noticed my torn expression. He grabbed my hand, pulling me from my troubled thoughts. Grinning, he pulled it up to his lips and kissed it just as he had the first day I met him. Also like the first day we met, it sent shivers through my body.

"Everything will be okay as long as we're together," he whispered.

I smiled back tentatively.

He squeezed my hand lightly and then lay back, his head in my lap, looking at the bright blue sky. We stayed like that as the sun sank slowly behind the trees and the blue sky faded into hues of purples, pinks, and oranges. Another day was parting with us, another night coming. Every second passed, getting closer to the day I'd have to vow to give my heart away to another man.