Sequel: Whispered Memories

Screaming Dreams

Chapter Four.

"Amelia, darling, wake up," my mother cooed from my bedside. "Merry Christmas."

I groaned, bundling deeper into my warm blanket, ignoring the fact that it was Christmas morning and I would be receiving gifts. All I could think about was trying to go back to sleep to finish my dream. It featured the bronze haired boy who I cared for profoundly.

"Dear, you must wake up," she rubbed my arm. "We have to be at Arthur's in two hours. He's giving you a gift too, you know."

I sat up suddenly, surprising my mother. I had forgotten all about Arthur in my dream world. Nevertheless, I was shocked that he would get me a present. For the first time since I met Edward in the park two months ago, I felt anxious.

"Well, since you're up, let's head downstairs and open gifts!" she exclaimed, looking at me like I was six instead of sixteen.

I smiled at her as I climbed out of my bed and followed her down the stairs and into the small living room. A heavily decorated tree was sitting in the southeast corner, presents scattered around it. My father was sitting on the floor setting the wrapped boxes in three different piles: one for me, one for my mother, and one for himself. He smiled at us as we entered the room and sat in front of our small stack of presents.

"Amelia, open yours first," my father said.

I stared at my four presents, contemplating which to open first. There was a large, bright red box, a long and slender emerald box, and two small white boxes. I decided on the long, emerald one. I ripped off the paper to expose a plain white box. After opening it, I pulled out a long blue dress, one from the store Edward works in.

"Thank you," I smiled at both of my parents. They smiled back brightly.

My mother opened one of her presents next; it was a family portrait. Then my father opened one of his. We continued like that until I was the only one with a present still left to unwrap. It was the smallest one left, a white box with a single red ribbon. I pulled the ribbon off and opened the box. What was inside made me gasp in shock.

"Oh my," was all I could choke out. After a few deep breaths I was able to manage an "It's beautiful."

In the box lay the most amazing necklace I had ever seen. It was a choker with elaborate beading. In the middle, a single ruby pendant hung surrounded by tiny diamonds.

"It was my mother's." My father got up from his spot and came over to me. He picked up the heirloom and placed it on my neck, tying it in place. I smiled at him as he sat back down on the two-seater sofa.

I never really knew my grandmother. She died when I was four. The few memories I do have of her are very vague. However, I do remember she was a large, stocky woman. She was also very nice. It was nice to have a piece of her with me now.

"Time to get ready for Arthur's," my mother announced. "Amelia, wear that new dress please. It will look wonderful with your skin." She smiled and walked away. I grabbed said dress and headed upstairs to get ready.

An hour later, the three of us, plus Arthur, were sitting in his spacious living room by the large, crackling fire. The warmth felt great compared to outside's freezing temperatures. I silently scooted my chair closer to the fire, still chilly from the air outside.

"Amelia," Arthur's soothing voice called, "would you like to open your gift now?"

"Of course," I smiled at Arthur.

A butler came out with a small black box on a large silver platter. He walked over to me and held the tray out in front of me. I took the small box before the butler turned and walked away.

Arthur watched me with patient eyes as I lifted the lid and stared at the large diamond set on a thin silver band. I was literally breathless for a few moments.

"Is everything alright?" Arthur asked, worried about my blank expression and lack of breathing.

"Yes, yes. Everything is fine. It's just.." I was speechless. "Wow."

Arthur smiled. "Since we are to be wed, and you are technically engaged, I thought we should make it official. Do you like it?"

I lifted the gargantuan gem and placed the ring on the correct finger. "I love it." It was an understatement.

He smiled, showing a set of perfect, white teeth. I glanced at the over-sized rock placed on my finger and sighed. I should feel like the happiest girl in the world: I was to be married to a handsome, rich man; I had a set plan for my life, I didn’t need to figure out my life. Yet somehow, somewhere deep inside me, I felt extremely unhappy.