Sequel: Whispered Memories

Screaming Dreams

Chapter Eight.

"Amelia, are you listening to me?" My mother's voice snapped me out of my daydreams. It starred Edward, as usual. Ever since that night I thought of Edward and I old together, with children and grandchildren, I found it quite relaxing to act like that was the life that awaited me. And I would dream that Edward was waiting for me at the altar while I walked down the aisle swathed in white in a mere five months.

"Yes, mother."

"What did I just say?"

"That we are visiting Arthur today and we will be discussing the plans for my birthday party," I said lazily. I wasn't the least bit excited that I would be turning seventeen on the eighteenth of this month. It was already the ninth. I hated March.

My mother 'hmph'ed and continued talking to my father. I drifted away into my dream world again until we had to leave.

Arthur was gentlemen-like, as usual, and greeted me with a bow and a kiss on my hand. I had the feeling that he wouldn't force himself upon me if I didn't want him, even when I would become his wife. Something about him seemed good, and peaceful.

After Mother and Arthur chatted a little, we all headed into the large dining room to have dinner. The conversation drifted to my birthday and then to the wedding. I absentmindedly nodded and answered when spoken to. My mind was with Edward on a beach somewhere in California.

"Amelia?" Arthur asked.

I immediately returned to the ridiculously large room and looked at Arthur curiously. My mother's face was scorning me from across the table. Apparently, I had missed his question.


Arthur smiled at me endearingly. "I asked you if you would mind having a summer wedding. I was thinking sometime in late June would be nice. What do you think?"

"That'll be nice," I smiled back. Initially I was relieved. That meant the wedding was three months away and it would be over soon. Then, the panic set in. I wouldn't have much more time with Edward. I wouldn't have much time to be a normal teenager.

Arthur noticed the worried look on my face. "We could leave it in August, if you want."

"No, June is fine." I faked a smile.

"I was thinking the thirtieth, maybe. That gives us enough time to plan the wedding and send out the invitations." Arthur reached across the table and took my hand in his. It felt endearing.

This sent my mother into a frenzy of wedding ideas. She talked about the decorations, the dress, the bridesmaids. Those were hard because I had no real friends, besides Edward of course. My mother settled on asking my annoying cousins the bridesmaids; the elder of the two would be the maid of honor.

While my mother was still discussing the wedding, I was thinking about Edward and how he would react to the new date. His reaction to the ring was bad enough. How would he react when he found out that we had three months to be together before I was given away to Arthur?

I shuddered at the thought of Edward being mad at me again.

The rest of dinner passed quickly. My mother was blurting out random plans for the wedding while I nodded when she asked me a question. She wanted a big, lavish event. I wanted something that was small, peaceful, and calm. But, Arthur had the money and Mother would use that to her advantage to get her dream wedding, not mine. Though, in my dream wedding, the groom would be a slender boy with bronze-colored hair.

I slipped back into my daydreams after picturing Edward in a tuxedo waiting for me at the altar. I would walk down in the most beautiful, but still simple, dress holding onto my father's arm. Edward would take my hand and we would walk up to the reverend. We would say our vows, not daring to look away from one another's eyes. Then we would kiss. It would be the most perfect kiss in the history of time. After that, we would walk out, arm in arm, as Mr. and Mrs. Edward Masen.

The butterflies in my stomach went into overdrive and fluttered about furiously. I smiled at the feeling. Even they liked the idea of Edward and I together.