Fun Room

I'll Tell Her

"Get lost!" Was the muffled giggle of a reply Laura gave Clairey when she asked if the young woman wanted to join them for dinner that evening, the girls were hitting yet another pub tonight.

"I'll take that as a no then..." Claire smirked to herself as a moan errupted from the other side of the door.

The woman snickered as she mentally envisaged what was going on on the other side of the door when Lottie appeared dragging a fidgeting Becky behind her.

Claire grinnned and high-fived her band mate.

Things were not going according to Becky's plan.

They five girls wandered down to a pub they had been directed to by their manager and upon walking in they noticed that they were not the only ones who had had the good sense to visit.

The men from every single other band on the tour was sat in the bar, the rowdiest of which was Pins and Needles, who seemed to be playing the loudest drinking game ever, and the attention of the whole pub was focussed on the four men.

"I'm leaving." Becky announced as soon as she saw the four men seated fairly close by.

"Oh no your not..." A voice announced from next to her and dragged the young woman tripping and stumbling over to where the most hated band on earth was sat.

"Hey Teddy." Two girls smiled simultaneously as they sat down on either side of the man who gave them a small smirk.

Lottie rolled her eyes at Clairey and Kate who were already in full flirting mode as she ordered everyone's favourite drinks, she smiled at the handsome Japanese boy who grinned back but then caught sight of the fidgeting nervous girl and his smile dropped slightly. He glanced momentarily at Alex and bit his lip as the taller man smirked and winked.

"Alex can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Yeah sure," The man sniggered as he stood up and followed his friend outside the pub, lighting a cigarette as soon as he was out. "What's up?"

"I don't like it." Ed murmured.

"Do you like anything?" The taller man grinned as he took a drag from his cigarette.

"I don't like you messing people around Lex, it's mean... did you see her?! She looked so..."

"I'll tell her tomorrow," Alex smiled, "I promise."

Ed glanced at his friend a moment before nodding.

"Before she goes on stage?"

"Of course! It's her last show and she'll want to know who she's playing it for." Alex smiled genuinely.

Ed nodded uncertainly.


"Yup." Alex smiled as his friend glanced back inside the warm pub. "Go right ahead I don't want to keep you out in the cold."

"Alright," Ed smiled, "You'd better tell her and... if you don't... I will."

"I will...." Alex smirked as a malevolent plan formed in his mind while his friend walked into the pub.

Oh yes, he would ruin everything for her...
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offft it has been a wee while...
heyy! check out our new story!
it's called 'sex school'