Teen Again (Autumn 2009)

Part one

Tré walked home from a big party at Ricky’s house. The cops were involved, and that's why he decided to go home.

A sound of someone breathing came closer, and closer.

"Tock, Tock, Tock!" Someone was walking behind him.

Tré walked a bit faster. Was someone following him, or did he hear things 'cause of the alcohol?

Tré fell over, and passed out.

"Humm humm" an un-known man where standing over Tré laughing.
"Let's see how you will react on this stuff!" the man took a pill out of his pocket.
He filled a sample-tube with water and added the pill. He forced Tré to drink it and ran away.

Tré Cool's POV

Half an hour later I woke up feeling pain in my muscles. It felt like someone twisted my arms and legs.
I limped home to Claudia and Frankito. I laid down in my bed and tried to sleep, when the lights suddenly switched on.

"Where have you been, you were suppose to take Frankito to the show!" Claudia was standing in the door and she didn't look happy.

"Oh, shit I forgot all about it. Sorry." I was standing in the front of Claudia.

"Who the hell are you?" Claudia screamed in my face.

"Don't be silly babe. It's me, Tré." I saw on the expression she had on her face that something was wrong but what?

"Get the hell out of here kid!" Claudia said, and dragged me out of the house. She walked inside and locked the door.

"What the fuck? Alright, but I’ve still got Mike’s place to crash on,” I screamed after her.

I walked down the street, through the city to get to Mike's place.

"What's up with Claudia? She got so mad 'cause I didn't go to that show with Frankito that she throw’s me out!"

I walked beside some warehouse windows and looked at myself in the reflection at the windows.
I saw a young face, very young. That was not me.

"WHAT?" I screamed, staring at the reflection.

"FUCK!" I wanted to wet my pants I was so surprised of the reflection.
A young boy in the age of 12-15 reflected me!
I ran as fast that I could to Mike's place.

"MIKE!" I shouted when I was standing in the living room. It was silent in the whole house.

Both of them were here, Mike and Billie. Billie's cigarette was lightened in the ashtray, which meant they were in the house.

"BILLIE, MIKE. Where the hell are you guys?" I shouted out loud so they couldn't miss it!

I walked upstairs to look after them.

"Billie are you here?" I was a bit scared after I saw the reflection of myself in the warehouse window.

"Mike, please come out from your hiding place. I'm so afraid," I was nearly crying when Billie came out from under the bed.

"Who the hell are you?" Billie was standing up. Something was wrong, he seemed taller than before.

Mike came out from the closet saying; "tell us who you are, kid."

"I'm Tré. I need help, I can't understand how I became like a little kid again!" A tear rolled down my left cheek, and hit the floor.
"Tré, yeah right! Right now Tré are located at a... What's it’s name? Yeah, a kind of movie festival for kids, with Frankito," Billie laughed.

"But you have to help me," I cried like a child. Thinking again, I was a child.

"Ok... ok, what’s your name, and where do you live?" Mike held out a hand for me with a smile on his face
"My...my name is Frank Edwin Wrigth the third. I live with my ex-wife and my son, you know this,” I looked up at Billie and said “Please you guys have to believe me.” I was so desperate.

Mike walked over to the window.

“I’ll let you stay over for the night. It’s dark outside, and we can’t let you wander the streets.”