Friends, Aliens and a Light



The only thing I’ve done lately, it almost makes me laugh as I think of the irony in this whole situation. It was only yesterday that I was sitting at home crying my eyes out over some boy who dumped me. Shane...the very guy who I was intrusting my life too. Gotta love the irony

It was stupid how my life had become so different in this last year, going from High school scholar to alien fighting sex bunny. I know quite a change. It was only last night when I gave myself to the very guy who caused all this madness, yep you guessed it…….Shane. I was just starting to get over him when BAM! He comes out and says he loves me, figures I would just start making out with him and end up lying in bed the next morning with my clothes lying all over the bed room at the cheapest motel in town. I was starting to hate him…….ok no I didn’t. I was madly, completely ooey gooey in love with Shane Lecroff.

Yep……my life basically sucked……

When I finally came to a stop my legs burned for the oxygen that was trying desperately to get into my lungs. The night air was cool against my sweat covered forehead; I pushed back my light brown bangs. Hearing someone come up behind me I swung my leg around in a roundhouse kick, unfortunately ineffective as it was caught in the next second and twisted a little.

I winced looking back at the silted gray eyes that bore deep into me.

“What are you doing” Shane hissed dropping, ok throwing my leg to the ground. “Were running for our lives and all your trying to do is knock me out.” I glared at him and gave him the finger.

“Why don’t you go and suck yourself” I told him before looking around. There was nothing open this time of night and for a good reason, most knew something happened at night. Weird lights, abductions, strange markings, whatever, they were all from real aliens but most thought it was just a bunch of Gang shit and preferred to avoid it.

“Why are you being so hostile with me? You weren’t like this last night, it seemed like you actually liked it.” His words came with a big smirk across his face. I didn’t turn to face it even though I knew it was there waiting for me to smack it away.

“Just shut up and get away from me, last night meant nothing. So just concentrate on your own ass.” I spat over my shoulder and started running again before he could say another word. In fact I could tell that he was saddened by my words as he ran along side of me, I could care less. He’d pulled me into all this crap after he’d told a bunch of aliens that I was the key to this war that was going on between the humans and some weird race from another planet.

But hey guess what, he was right I was this key, oh yeah the dumbass had guessed right. My parents never told me but when I was young this beautiful alien woman came to my house and told them that when I turned 15 that I would be the brightest aura on the planet, able to hide everyone else’s life signature. That was just the tip of the ice burg, when I did turn 15 I found out I was also able to take the life energy of plants and other things around me and use it as a weapon. That part was pretty cool, the whole…Aliens want to take me hostage and use me to destroy the rest of the world. Yeah that part not so cool.

“Stop” Called Shane from next to me as he spotted an abandoned 3 flat that would be a good resting spot for the night. Nodding I followed him into the house, he kicked down the door and I ran in. It was much easier to stay hidden now that I had learned how to hide my life signature so it was almost completely gone. It took the alien scum much longer to track it now.

Shane was talking but I wasn’t really paying attention, but when he came up with sleeping arrangements I turned it fully. “There’s only one bed and it’s a queen size so we can share for a few nights” He told me but I rolled my eyes.

“I’m taking the couch, you can have the bed” I said and started over into the next room to settle in for the night, or rather morning. It was probably already 2 or 3 am, I wasn’t too sure.

“Zoe, you can’t be serious……” He protested following me out into the living room. “After last night are you really that afraid of sleeping in the same bed as me?” He asked and I shook my head grabbing the pillows and putting them to one side.

“No I’m not scared of you. You got what you wanted from me, so that’s it” I told him knowing what he did with other girls after we’d broken up and probably before that too. “So just leave me alone, after this is all done you can go back to sleeping around and forget you even knew who I was.” His mouth dropped at that and he huffed.

“You are so stupid! Zoey bird-” I could have turned around and smacked him for using the name that he’d made up for me when we first starting dating and a bird had landed on my shoulder. “-you honestly think that’s all I want from you? I care about you more than anyone I’ve ever known. Damn you if you think I will forget about you as soon as this is over…….” He was practically yelling at me as he spoke. I kept my face hard as he stared at me and softened a little. “I’m going to find another way……I promised you that and I’m sticking to it”.

That took me by surprise; I looked at the ground then back at him as his face was shadowed with guilt for letting all this happen. It wasn’t like him to say what he really felt to me. He was always very careful about what he said and what he did with me. But now it just didn’t matter anymore, he let himself be seen for what he really was. He and I both knew all too well what would happen when I was taken back to the mysterious woman who had visited me when I was so very young.

I would be put to my destiny as savior of the human race. I’d been dreaming about the day ever since I could remember but never knew what it was. Basically I would be put in this giant coffin thing and it would release all the light within me. Of course I would be killed in the process, something that no one, not even Shane told me.

When I finally snapped back to my thoughts Shane was looking at me with heavy eyes. I sighed; it was defiantly hard to stay mad at him.

“Shane go to sleep your dead tired, I’ll keep watch” My words came out mumbled and harsh. His face because more sad as he took a look behind me at the large window that was faced with tattered lace curtains and cardboard.

Shane’s eyes turned back to me as he tried to smile “Fine but I would feel better if you would stay in the same room with me. I’ll sleep on the floor and you can take the bed” Wow he was actually being a gentleman to me. Over the last few days (excluding last night) he’d been talking less and less to me as we came closer to my last day on earth. It was a better way of saying died, that just sounded so harsh.

I shrugged not caring at this point I was tired and about to pass out. Toddling into the next room I pulled off the jacket I was wearing and hung it on the doorknob. He was watching my every movement, probably analyzing how I could be the ‘light’ as he called it. This really wasn’t weird he’d often do this when he was on watch and I’d wake up from nightmares.

Glaring at him I turned and pulled off the long sleeved shirt I was wearing, under it was a green tank that I’d lifted from a second hand shop. I could hear the breath get caught in his throat as he saw the entwined tattoos I had running along my back and shoulders, something else that came with me gift. They were emerald green and sparkled if they hit the light just right.

I looked over my shoulder too see his eyes taking my form in, the sight almost made me go weak and give into him. But I couldn’t, not after the show I’d put on only 5 minutes ago. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about his almost sliver gray eyes staring me down. “It would be helpful if you didn’t keep staring at me when I was taking stuff off” I commented, he didn’t answer.

Looking over my shoulder again I didn’t see him sitting of the little sofa in the corner. I did feel two large hands wrap slide across my hips and down my leg a little. Gasping I jumped a little only to get pressed into Shane’s chest more. “S-Shane what are you doing?” I asked almost in a whisper. He grazed his lips over the side of my neck bringing instant shivers all over my body. “Stop Shane, you have to stop it”.

“Zoe…..” He breathed and started kissing down my neck and pulling the strap of my tank over my shoulder. “Please Zoe……let me hold you” My knees went weak at those words and I melted into his body.

His hands lifted up my shirt just a little as he wrapped his warm hands around to my stomach pulling me against him ever more. Kisses trailed down my neck and up to my ear where they trailed behind my ear, giving me the tingles. I was dazed, unable to think, unable to do what I knew I should.

Move away from him…tell him no…

My thoughts were lost as he pulled me back to what I could only know as the bed. Coming around to face me, he looked into my eyes and breathed heavy. I tried desperately to get my mind back from its mush state but I only failed and he leaned over to kiss me. I could see the bed out of the corner of my eye as he pulled back only enough to see my green-blue eyes again. “Zoe….I love you”

His words made me feel happy and giddy like a 4 year old would at a candy store. But I knew I had to stop, we were only days away from my last day and he wanted to have sex on a run down old bed. “Shane, stop, we can’t do this.” I told him and saw his face change from happy lustful to sad and lonely. Immediately I felt a pang of sadness along with him.

In truth I didn’t want to stop. I wanted for him to keep going until we both fell from exhaustion. But I knew this could only end badly when I was going to be taken away from the only guy I’ve ever loved, it would only be a few days now. Only now did I truly realize that he did love me.

Shane had never meant anything that he said in school about how he never knew what he wanted and that he never fell in love. He did, with me. At that moment he backed away and sat on the couch with his head in his hands.

“I’m sorry Zoe, I know you probably hate me, look at what I did to you. I made a bunch of aliens believe that you were the light, cheated on you because I didn’t want to hurt you. Look at where that got us” He said not daring to look up at my face knowing it wouldn’t be happy. “All I want if for you to stay with me and be happy. I can’t stand the fact of you not being in existence.”

I sat next to him and tried to comfort him in any way “But you really think that having sex with me will make the pain less?” He pondered those thoughts then nodded.

“Your right, but I can’t help it. I want to be with you so bad it hurts at times.” he sighed then continued “I just don’t want to have left you with never knowing all the love you contain, never showing you how I really felt about you”

I could tell his words were true by the look he gave me when his eyes met mine, it hurt because I wanted to show him also but the fact was that he’d hurt me before and now I was going to leave him. God destiny sucked.

“I finally realized how you feel about me and that all you did was just protection” He smiled at me and I to him as I continued “But that still doesn’t change what you did, by lying to the aliens about me being the light when you didn’t know. What if they would have caught me and found out that I was the light?” I inquired

“I don’t know, but I wouldn’t have let you die. I would kill myself before I would let that happen.” He assured me and I sighed, it was getting harder and harder not to give into his word. At this moment all I wanted to do what throw myself into his arms and cry. I didn’t want to die; I wanted to live out my life with Shane, pretending this never happened.

Those hopes seemed so far away as Shane and I sat there not touching each other. After a few minutes I turned to him to say something but he was too quick, his lips were against mine once again. I didn’t push him away this time instead wrapped my arms around him and deepened the kiss.

He pulled away first, staring at me dumb founded that I’d kissed him back. We stared at each other for a longtime before I moved into his lap curling up. Shane cradled him kissing my hair ever so often and telling me he was going to find some way out of this whole thing.

The truth was that he was supposed to hand me over to that alien woman. He was trained to look for me and to save the planet. . . .Well so was I. After being put into the Earth Protection Agency otherwise known at the E.P.A, it was basically a boarding school where kids were trained to defend the planet against all types of alien races. I was basically pulled into it after I’d killed some crazy monster and seem some things I shouldn’t had.

After that I was put into the school that was more like a jail, being put through numerous classes and training courses. I learned how to tell the differences between alien species and how to load a plasma gun in 13 seconds. It wasn’t too bad but still no one there knew at that time that I was the light. Now we were running from my classmates, an alien race bound on total earth destruction and that woman’s goons.

This last time we’d just barely out did them and got away safely, ever time they got closer and closer to attacking us. Now we were hiding for our lives in some run down old 3 flat.

I sighed getting out of my mind and looking back at Shane who looked tired and heavy eyed. “Shane get some sleep, I’ll keep watch” I told him and stood up going back to where I was changing and pulled off my shoes and socks. I slide into the bed and was sitting up. Glancing at him I patted the bed next to me.

It didn’t take much convincing to get him to follow my lead, pulling off his shirt revealing his bare chest and kicking off his shoes. He slide into the bed gracefully and came next to me pulling me against his chest, he wrapped his arm loosely around my waist. I moved with him as he snuggled down into the blankets.

“Zoe, if we make it though this……you think we could start dating again?” Shane questioned and tried to smiled at me even thought he knew I could easily say no after all that he has done to me.

It was hard for me to think about not being with him after all this because I knew I would have to die in the end. “I’m not sure Shane; I have to fulfill my destiny”. Pain surged through me and bore into my heart as I buried my face against his chest. Feeling his breathing calm slightly I knew he was in thought.

“We have to go” He told me sitting up and grabbing his shoes off the ground pulling them on in haste. I didn’t argue and jumped out of the bed grabbing my shirts and pushing on my boots. Shane grabbed my wrist and pulled me out a window that leads onto the fire escape. It wasn’t exactly the stealthiest way to get away but it didn’t mater within seconds we heard an alarming crash that came from the room we were just in. Aliens popped out of everywhere and came rushing down after us.

I sucked in a breath as I saw the very large plasma rays that could easily kill us if wielded correctly. Lucky for us this race of Aliens weren’t too smart and relied mostly on brute strength and war tactics. That was created by their king and ruler Xihuitl, the most ruthless and blood thirsty king ever. At least so I’ve heard.

As we ran I started to see that more and more humans had left the city. After a wide spread panic crossed over the whole nation about the invasion and were ordered to evacuate or hide under ground. Most of the suburbs had made it but the larger cities had been burned to the ground or evaporated and moved. People couldn’t stand this type of molecular change and came out with their insides on the outside.
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ugh this is all i have written and i've been donig this story for like a week now.

I might not continue this one like i want TailChasers if you want me to keep going PLEASE tell me. i'll probally post one more chapter to say that this isn't gonig to be continued if no one tells me.