Slip Into This Tragedy

My Paradise

Chapter 14
Frank’s POV

Our first stop was Starbucks.

“So that none of us fall asleep,” Gerard explained as he pulled into the parking lot.

“Not that we would anyways, with what we have planned for today,” Sam said smirking.

“But Starbucks is YUMMY! That’s the real reason were here,” Mikey added cheerfully. We’re all such little kids I thought as I got out of the car. Mikey frolicked across the parking lot with Sam, both singing something that sounded like “Coffee, coffee, coffee. Yummy, yummy, yummy.” Oh God, if this is what they’re like when they’re sober today, I’m worried about what will happen when alcohol comes into play.

After we drank tons of Starbucks we went to the park that Sam and I used to play at when we were little. We had tons of childhood memories that flooded back to me when I saw it. I remember the time when Sam beat me in a race and I pushed her and she fell down a small hill and her knee got cut. She started crying and I got in trouble. Several other memories like that one ran through my mind.

While I was reminiscing, Gerard set a blanket on the grass then took out a few beers for us. We drank them and relaxed, enjoying each others company. Then Sam walked over to the car and returned with a gift bag.

“Happy Birthday Frank!” she said as she handed it to me. I opened to bag and my mouth fell open in shock. I pulled the contents out of the bag. It was big white letters spelling out PANSY. They were such beautiful letters and I knew they will look ABSOLUTELY PERFECT on my guitar. I signed as the girly side of me showed and tears glistened in my eyes.

“Thanks,” I whispered, fighting back the tears.

“Aw Frankie,” Sam said when she saw my tear brimmed eyes. “We love you,” She said, embracing me. I soon felt 2 pairs of arms join us. We hugged for a few seconds until Mikey yanked on my shoulder, which caused me to fall on top of Gerard. Since Sam was holding on to me, she fell on top of me. Mikey sat next to us, laughing as he watched us try to untangle our limbs.

“he he!” Mikey girlishly laughed and jumped on top.

The rest of the day preceded in the same manner. For lunch we went to Wendy’s. We spent all day goofing off and acting like little kids. It was the most fun I’d had in so long. Around 7, we went to Gerard and Mikey’s house. When we pulled up into their driveway, I was surprised to see cars lining the street. Gerard smiled and led me into their house.

The house was full of people. Some were in the living room, dancing to the loud music, while others were in groups, talking with beers in their hands.

“Thanks Gee!” I whispered and pulled him close to me. We got swept away in the party. We all drank and danced and had an amazing time. Around 11, Gerard yelled loudly, getting everyone’s attention.

“I have a special present for the birthday boy!” Gerard announced. I watched curiously as Gerard sat down and Mikey handed him an acoustic guitar.

“I love you Frank,” he said, looking directly into my eyes. The look of passion in them made me smile at the fact that he was mine. Then he started playing. Each string that was plucked sounded heavenly under his fingers. Then he began singing. His voice was so beautiful as it wound through complex melodies that angels would weep because they could never sound as beautiful as he did.

“I’ll be your sunshine, that will light up the sky. I’ll be your baby, who will stay by your side,” He sang, and then the beautiful sound slowed to a stop as he strummed the last chord. I stared at him in shock. I’d heard him play guitar, but not like that. Everything about that song was perfect. People started clapping and cheering for Gerard, but then turned their attention elsewhere again. I just kept staring at him.

“Did you like it?” he asked in a soft sweet voice.

“Gee, the was the most incredible thing I’ve ever heard,” I whispered. A smile lit up his face as he set the guitar on the ground and pulled me onto his lap.

“I love you Frankie, more then life itself,” He whispered in my ear. In response, I kissed him as passionately as I could. I caressed his lips with mine, and poured my heart into it.

“I love you to Gerard. You really are perfect,” I whispered, kissing him between every word.
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I'm sorry its been so long since I updated! This chapter took HOURS for me to write. I'm not sure why but it was really hard for me to write.

anyways, hoped you liked it. comment pleeasse!