Like a Shattered Mirror

Pounce Like a Kitten!

At the end of the day Garrett still hadn't yelled at me, to my surprise. So maybe James didn't really feel the need to tell him. And I appreciated that. So I was walking with James to my locker, feeling on top of the world. Garrett looked over at us and shook his head, but walked off.

I was safe for today!

James was talking about something or another and he refused to shut up, so I listened as well as I could as I grabbed my stuff out of the thing. He smiled when I closed my locker and pulled out my phone.

"Hey dad, just calling to tell you I'm going to James' house for a little bit. I'll be home later, so don't think I got kidnapped. Love you, bye." I had got his voice mail, but I knew he wouldn't mind. James offered an arm and I took it as we walked outside.

And I was tackled to the ground. I looked up and saw Garrett, eyes wide as he stared at me.

"Ouch!" I complained, trying to get free.

"What were you thinking?!" he demanded, screaming at me. I was bewildered to say the least.

"What are you yelling about?" I asked him and I heard James laugh slightly. I guess he had told him. Thanks a lot, caring boyfriend.

"You think this is right? You think it'll do no harm? You made a terrible decision to date this lowlife!" He pointed at James who merely waved, an amused look plastered to his face.

"Why does it matter? He's done me no harm! You're idea of right is biased!" I told him, pushing him off and standing.

"He hasn't done anything yet, but just wait. I guarantee he will. You'll be the one left broken, not me." Garrett walked off and I glared at James who was laughing uncontrollably now.

"You jerk!" I yelled, poking his chest. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug.

"I love you, too, dear."

"You're terrible!" I told him as he pulled me down the street.

"As I've been told!" he laughed. He found life so fun right then, but for me it was Hell!!

And tomorrow...Oh no. A whole day of Garrett lectures. The horror of it all! And it was obvious I didn't have a man to protect me: it was his fault in the first place!