Like a Shattered Mirror

Movie Marathons

When we walked home I was keeping the conversation alive with James. Anything that popped into my head came out of my mouth. He would smile and reply with what my topic called for. He wasn't much of a talker, but he at least left room for more on the talk with his replies. Not just one word responses. If he had done that, I would have gone insane or something. Maybe start foaming at the mouth. Could you get rabies from going crazy? Oh well, I didn't have to worry about that.

"So my dad doesn't come home for a little bit; not until around six or so. He usually brings dinner home with him, so I'll call him up and tell him to bring extra for you, if you want to stay for dinner," I offered.

"Sure. I've got nothing else on the agenda. So what do you want to do until then?" he asked, looking around my home. It didn't really have to cozy feel, but it was spacey at least.

"Well, it's customary to show a guest around one's home, correct?" I asked him, adding an old fashion accent to my voice.

"Certainly. After you, Miss." James followed my joke and bowed. I laughed and curtsied.

"Thank you kindly, good sir." He smirked and I showed him around the place, but we decided to stay in the living room so my dad wouldn't freak from me having a guy in my room when he wasn't there. He always assumed the worst thing a dad--or parent, really--could assume when it came to that: relations. He was always an old fashioned kind of guy.

"Well, as fun as it is talking and giggling," James muttered dryly. "Really, maybe we could actually do something you and your girlfriends don't do for hours! Honestly, an hour is long enough for me."

"Sorry," I laughed. "Well, what do you want to do?" I asked him. Honestly, I had no idea what you did to entertain guys!

"Got any movies?" he asked me and I nodded pointing to the left corner where a bookshelf full of dvds stood. He got up and I watched him as he ran his finger along the binding of the cases. He'd occasionally pull out a movie. After he had gone through every dvd my father had bought me, he came back and sat next to me.

I called my dad after the first hour of our first movie and told him to pick up more food. He didn't question me, but said he had to go only two minutes later. After that, we watched movies for a few hours until the door opened and my dad walked in.

"Amy! I'm home and I've got--"

"Dinner!" I exclaimed, laughing. He laughed lightly, but looked at James.

"Is that Garrett?" His voice held a snarl that I didn't understand.

"No, it's his brother. This is James-Garrett Black."

"Oh, okay. Well, I'm Amy's father." He shook his hand and pulled out a bag from behind his back. "I hope you like Mexican food!"

"Yes, sir. I'll eat anything," he joked. We ate dinner on the couch and my dad ate his in his room, trying to give us privacy, I guess. We continued our movie marathon after eating.

It was soon seven o' clock and the last movie's credits were playing. I watched them carefully, looking for any funny names or names I would recognize. Maybe it would jog my memory or something. James eyes stayed on me the whole time. When they finished rolling down the screen, I got up and put the movies away.

"You should probably get home. Where do you live anyway?" I asked, sitting back down beside him.

"I live with my mom. She and my dad divorced and I went with her while Garrett stayed with dad."

"Oh, that explains it. Well, maybe I'll see you after school another time, too?" I smiled at him, but his face remained the same: blank. "James?"

Suddenly, out of nowhere really, James practically pounced on me, knocking me backwards on the couch, and pressed his lips to mine. And just like that I was in my first relationship--well, the first one I knew about anyway.

And it was really nice...