Lying Is What I Do Best


Alright, so I've had the longest and worst writer's block ever this past like... 9 months and I'm still attempting to get over it.

I love this story way to much to abandon it, but I really don't like the direction it's going in. I just have no idea's what-so-ever for it any more.

Henceforth, I'm going to rewrite the entire thing and in about a week or so I'm going to delete this one and repost it as Little White Lies. I'll put another update on this one in a few days with a link to the new story page so you can subscribe again if you wish too.

For the most part the plot will stay the same, but there will be quite a few changes. Hopefully after I'm done rewriting it I'll be past this horrific writer's block and be able to continue on in this story because I feel it still has maybe twenty or so chapters to go before it's complete (this however will vary depending on the course it takes in the plot).

So yea, this story is far from dead, it's just been on a bit of a break...
