Straitjacket Feeling

Meet Her Best Friend: Mr. Blade.

She took the blade and laid it across the skin on her thigh and held her breath. The release would over shadow the pain that was sure to come but she didn't care. She applied pressure and slowly drug the cold piece of sharpened metal that was once part of her ladies shaver inward towards her inner thigh. She shut her eyes as it broke through. She could feel the warm blood dripping down her leg, collecting on the curve of her chair.

She pulled the blade away from her skin a few seconds later, and without opening her eyes she placed it on the table in front of her. She took a few breaths and then opened her green eyes. She tried to avoid looking at what she had done. She looked everywhere but at the damage she had just caused, but eventually she had to gaze down and admire her work.

It was a clean cut. Not too deep, but deep enough to give her the release she needed.

The door slammed shut downstairs and she jumped at the loud thud it created throughout the household. She listened as big, firm footsteps came up the stairs. She knew what was coming. The pending doom that approached every day around this time. She had hopped that maybe he had forgotten. She wasn't that lucky. Shes never that lucky.

He never goes away. He has no friends. He just goes to school, then comes home. He doesn't talk to people. She had never heard him utter a word to anyone outside of their family, even when they still went to the same school. He just pushed passed people in the hall, sometimes knocking them down without any apology. He had no compassion. That's why she dropped out. She already had to endure his torment at home, so she couldn't bare being at school with him and having no time to herself.

She used the hours while he was gone to collect herself. To have her desperately needed alone time. Her parents were so blind. Wasn't it obvious that something was going on? She hid away in her room all the time. Her social life was now non existent where as just last year it was blooming. She couldn't come out and tell them though. He would kill her. He told her he would literally kill her. So she had to rely on making things obvious to her parents. Her mother in particular. She was the only one in the house who she truly trusted.

Since her mom married the man who created the monster life has been a living hell. Only for her though. Everyone else was picture perfect. Even he had a good life inside these walls. He deserves to die in her book. Everything he had put her though this past year. The verbal, mental, physical, and even sexual abuse she has had to endure is enough to put that asshole away for life, but she couldn't tell a soul.

So for now she is stuck in her own little world where she hides until being sought out but Damien. What a name right? Its close enough to being Demon, which is what he was in her mind.


Her heart skipped a beat. Another day, another bruise. The door handle began to turn, and there she sat. There was no where to run, and definitely no where to hide. The door flew open. It only took seconds for him to grab her and throw her away from her desk and onto the floor. He looked at the bloody blade that lay on the black painted wood of the old rickety desk and smiled. He picked up the blade and walked toward where she laid on the floor. She learned not to cry. It would only make things worse. She just closed her eyes, and tried to remain calm. It would be over soon. It was nearing 7 o'clock. Her parents would be home within the hour.

One hour is nothing for her.
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This is the most dark story I have ever written. I'm scared about how it will come off to others. Comments are always welcome :)