‹ Prequel: The Good Life
Sequel: Against All Odds

On and On

Chapter 1

“Mommy! Braden took my Goldfish and gave them to Milo!” I heard McKenna yell. I poked my head into the living room to see the two small boys eating out McKenna’s plastic Goldfish container, their Cheerio containers carelessly thrown to the side.

Yeah. That ‘one to come’ had turned into the ‘two to come’ when we went in for the first doctor’s appointment in the form of twin boys. Milo and Braden. They were a handful and now almost two years old. “Boys.” I warned. They both turned to me, the guilty smile they’d inherited from their father plastered on their faces. “Sowwy.” They chorused handing the container back to their sister. “Thank you babies.” I smiled walking back into the kitchen to finish dinner.

As I was draining the noodles McKenna wandered into the kitchen pulling herself onto a stool at the island. “Hi, mom.” I looked over my shoulder. “Hi Kenna.” I turned back to the noodles, dumping them back into the pot. I heard her let out a loud dramatic sigh. I laughed, “What is it McKenna?” She sighed again, “Mommy, where’s daddy?”

I turned to her and leaned on the counter ready to explain to her for the fortieth time where her dad was. “McKenna, I told you, he and Uncle Nick and Kevin are singing in New York.” She groaned, “Still?!” I nodded, “Yes pumpkin, still.” I sighed.

They’d been there for the past two weeks. They’d done every talk show based out of New York and performed a couple of times, it’s been a few years since they’d done anything all together and it was time for a reunion.

“Wellll.” She said folding her hands together. “Yes McKenna?” I asked turning back to our dinner, “Is he bringing me a present?” She asked batting her eyelashes at me when I looked at her over my shoulder. “McKenna Elizabeth.” I said laughing. She giggled, “What?” I shook my head, “You don’t want to see daddy? You just want a present?”

She set her elbows on the counter, setting her head in her hands. “I want you to see daddy.” I looked at her confused, “Why Kenna?” Her big eyes watched me, blinking a few times, “Because you’re sad without him.” I looked at her shocked wondering how my five year old daughter could ever manage to comprehend the face that I wasn’t the same without Joe.

I opened my mouth to say something but I heard the phone ringing. “Please get that honey.” I asked her. She jumped off the stool and ran to the phone while I stirred the smoking pots on the stove. I heard her pick up the phone, “Hello…Hi daddy!” She squealed. I smiled and looked at the clock, he was just on time. “Whatcha doooin’?” She drawled out. I shook my head and grinned. “I’m just watching mommy cook.” She was silent for a few seconds, “Yeah.” She sighed. “She does look pretty.” I grinned and turned to her motioning for her to give me the phone. “Mommy wants to talk to you iloveyoudaddybye.” She jumbled all her words into the receiver.

I held the phone to my ear hearing him chuckling. “Hi.” I could hear the smile in his voice, “Hi baby…What’re you doing.” I sighed, “Trying to entertain three children and cook them dinner.” I heard him huff, “I wish I was there.” I pulled plates from the cabinet, setting them on the counter. “Me too.” I sighed, spooning pasta into everyone’s bowls. “What have you three been up to?” I asked. “Ooh.” He got excited, “What?” I grinned. “Promise you won’t tell?” I nodded overly exaggerated, “Mmhmm.” His voice got really low, “Nick made us go to Tiffany’s with him today.” I squealed, “For Kam?” He laughed, “Yeah, duh.” I grinned, Nick had been doing his own singing thing for a while, song writing and producing for some other people, while Kam has been on back to back tours, not leaving much time for each other but it looked like Nick wanted to change that. “Oh this is great, I’ve been waiting—”

I was cut off by Milo running into the room holding the zipper of his pants, “Mommy! Mommy! I gotta go potty!” He yelled dancing around in front of me. I laughed, “Do you hear your son?” I laughed grabbing Milo’s hand and running with him down the hall to the bathroom. Joe’s laughter filled my ears, but it quickly died down “I miss them.” My face fell, “I know.” I whispered. I heard him breathing lightly. “Kay.” He breathed. I shut my eyes, willing myself not to cry, just the sound of his voice made me miss him so much.

“Done!” Milo yelled. My eyes snapped open and I helped him button his pants, “Can I have a popsicle now?” He asked tugging on my shirt. I ruffled his hair, “After dinner buddy.” He smiled then ran out the bathroom, “Bwaden!” He yelled running down the hall. “Are you bribing our children with popsicles?” He laughed. I made my way back to the kitchen, “Only if they make it to the potty on time.” My face furrowed when he didn’t answer and I could here someone in the background, “Joe are you coming back to the table?” My stomach dropped, it was a girl’s voice. I heard a rustling, and his muffled reply, “Ugh, give me just a minute.”

I dug my teeth into my bottom lip. “Hey.” He said, “Sorry, I um—” I shook my head, “Who was that?” I asked. “Well today we were at The Today Show and we met the other people performing so we’ve been hanging out all day.” I nodded, “Ok, well I need to go feed the kids, have fun.” I said before ending the call. I pressed my hand on my forehead and sighed grabbing Braden and Milo as they ran through the kitchen. “Boys! Please!” I yelled holding one under each of my arms and setting them each in a chair.

I wasn’t mad. I trusted Joe, I just wanted to be with him and at the moment someone else got to be and I didn’t like it. I set plates in front of all my children and gave them all a glass of milk, and then sitting down next to McKenna. When we were eating the phone rang again but I let the machine pick it up.

Moments later I heard Joe’s voice echoing through the kitchen, “Hey babies, it’s daddy.” All three of their heads perked up and they listened intently. “I have all of you surprises when I get home in a few days.” A chorus of ‘Yesss’s’ filled the kitchen and I smirked at all of them, knowing what was coming next, “You better all be acting extra good for mommy and listening to everything she says.” I raised my eyebrows and nodded at all three of them and heard him clear his throat. “Babe?” He said softly, “You are my love, You are my life, My heart and soul, The truest friend I've ever known, You are my world, All of my dreams, My fantasy, my reality, I love everything you are.” Of course he would sing our song over our answering machine, do the one thing that made me melt into a puddle on the ground, “I love you.” He whispered, “I can’t wait to be with you again.” He spoke, his voice noticeably lower. “I love you all, see you in a few days.” I couldn’t wipe the grin off of my face after that, he just took the cake on sweetest thing he’s ever done…Well, it made top five.


I rolled over in my bed that currently consisted of McKenna on my right, Milo and Braden cuddled together on my left, and Kipp laid out at the end of our king size bed. My phone was buzzing on the table next to McKenna’s sleeping form and I reached over, picking it up, “Hello?” I asked groggily watching the clock change from 7:38 to 7:39. I heard a loud wailing, and Mack’s frantic voice, “Kayden!” I bolted up, “What? What’s wrong?” I heard her sigh, “No, no. I just—What’d you use when the kids were teething?” I rubbed my temples, and heard her softly cooing, “Ry baby, it’s okay, shhh.” Ryson, he was our little miracle. Mack had miscarried their first child, it was a tough time for all of us, the doctors said she probably wouldn’t be able to have any children after that, but then she got pregnant again. Kevin kept her under close watch and last year, Ryson Gage Jonas was born.

“Umm, let him suck on a popsicle, anything cold and give him half a teaspoon of children’s Motrin.” She sighed in relief, “Thanks Kayden. Sorry to wake you.” I smiled, listening to her try to quiet Ryson, “Guess who comes home tomorrow, baby? Daddy, yes he does.” I laughed, only a baby could turn Mack into such a softy. “No way, it’s fine Mack, call me if you need anything else.” I fell back on my bed, sinking into the pillows, “Thanks again Kay, talk to you later.” I smiled, “Bye Mack.”

I fell back asleep until I heard Braden whispering into my ear, “Mommm.” He whispered, “Mommy.” He said louder nudging me. I let my eyes flutter open, “Yes Braden?” He hugged my neck, “I pee peed in the potty, can I have a popsicle.” I laughed, I knew this bribe thing was a bad idea, “Come on.” He and Milo jumped off the bed and followed me to the kitchen, I heard McKenna in the living room watching something on TV, she was usually up before everyone anyway. “McKenna…You want breakfast?” I called. I heard her footsteps padding to the kitchen, “Yeaaah!” She screamed. I winced at the loudness of her voice, “Come on Ken. Inside voice.” I groaned.

After the three ate their breakfast I sat them on the couch in the living room, “Okay guys, can you stay in here and be good for me, I need to get some cleaning done.” All three groaned in front of me, “If you stay quiet, you don’t have to help me.” They all smiled and I turned on the TV before heading upstairs. I put on an old t shirt and some soffe shorts, tied a bandana around my forehead and went to work.

After I’d cleaned most the house, fed the kids lunch, finished cleaning, washed clothes, cleaned the pool, and made dinner, it was going on eight o’clock. We all ate together Milo and Braden fighting to tell their story of the new adventures of Milo, Braden, and Kipp: Invading the Backyard. I laughed at my sons, the two little balls of energy that never stopped, both looking exactly like Joe, Braden inheriting only half my features in that one of his eyes was a dark green, matching mine, the other brown like Joe’s, the only feature that helped distinguish between the two.

I tucked all three into their beds around 9:30 and drug myself to my room and into the bathroom, stripping off my clothes on the way. I turned the water on letting the steam fill the room. I stepped in, the water beating the tension out of my back. I was washing shampoo out of my hair when I felt a cool breeze I turned, trying to cover myself up, thinking it was one of the kids. “Don’t—” A grin spread across my face and I jumped into his arms, soaking his clothes. “Whoa, welcome home to me.” He laughed squeezing my body to his.

I pulled back and held his face in between my hands, “I thought you wouldn’t be home until tomorrow?” I asked. He shrugged, “I’m early.” I smiled and dug my head into the crook of his neck, “I missed you.” I breathed in his ear. I pulled back to look at him and he grinned, letting his eyes wander over my body, an obvious lust shining through. “Mm, I missed you too.” He said leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine. I pressed myself further into him, sighing in contentment, I finally had him back. I pressed kisses down his jaw and too his ear blowing slightly. He shivered and I pressed a kiss to his ear, “The kids missed you too.” I whispered knowing they would be livid if they knew he got home and didn’t come tell them he was back.

He set me down, “Be right back.” He said kissing my lips once more before running out the bathroom. I grabbed a towel and dried off, blow-dried most of my hair and pulled on one of his t-shirts and some underwear.

Joe’s P.O.V.

I walked into McKenna’s room, I could hear her soft breathing coming from her pink princess bed. I sat on the edge of her bed and pressed a kiss on her forehead, “Hi McKenna.” I whispered. Her eyes fluttered open and then went wide, a toothy grin settling on her face, “Daddy!” She jumped up and climbed into my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. “How’s my girl?” I asked. She looked up at me, “Good. Daddy?” I looked down at her tired eyes, “Hmm?” I asked her, “I love you, Daddy.” I grinned, the words making my heart swell. I hugged her tighter, “I love you, too Kenna.” She kept her eyes closed and smiled. I tucked her back into her bed and quietly walked out the room and down the hall to the boy’s room.

I got to Braden’s bed first, turning on the small lamp that set on his nightstand. “Braden.” I said wiggling my fingers under his chin, tickling the skin there. A small smile tugged at his lips and he slowly opened his eyes. “Daddy!” He bellowed out. I grinned and he jumped up and started jumping on his bed. He attacked me in a hug causing me to fall back on the bed. He was on his little feet in a few seconds and started moving his arms around, punching the air, “Hiii yaaah!” He yelled before his arm landed on my stomach.

My hands flew to my stomach, “Ah you got me.” He flung his body onto mine, karate chopping everything he could. I laughed and then heard “COWABUNGAAA!” I turned to see Milo on his bed ready to pounce. In three seconds he was airborne and his small body landed on top of mine, I flinched before I started fighting back, tickling the both of them. They fell back on the bed giggling and I leaned back resting on my heels. “Okay boys, bed time, I have to go see mommy.” I smiled. I kissed both of their foreheads, their arms wrapping around my neck. “Wuv you daddy.” Milo said when I picked him up to put him in his bed, “Love you Milo.” I went to turn off the lamp next to Braden’s bed. “I wuv you daddy.” I smiled and ruffled his hair, “Love you too Braden.” He smiled and his eyes drifted closed and I walked quietly out of the room and down to our bedroom.

I quietly opened the door and smiled when I saw her. Her leg cocked up on the dresser, rubbing her Victoria’s Secret lotion on her long legs, wearing one of my t-shirts and a tiny pair of underwear that weren’t doing a very good job of covering anything. I walked behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist and running the other up and down her thigh. “Hey baby.” I grinned kissing the side of her neck. I saw her smirk in the mirror and she turned in my arms.

Kayden’s P.O.V.

“Hi.” I breathed watching his eyes. He placed his lips on mine in a mind blowing kiss, pulling me close to his body, grabbing at my hips. Our kisses became hungry in a want for the other and I pulled him backwards until we fell onto the bed, never breaking our kiss. His hands traveled up my shirt and he broke the kiss to pull it off my head, “I love you.” He whispered; his lips on mine. “Only you.” He breathed. I opened my eyes and met his, smiling at his words, “I love you too.”

I pulled the shirt over his head leaning down and pressing my lips on his chest. He groaned and reached down slipping my underwear off. I managed to shimmy his off and he pulled back, watching me. “You’re so beautiful.” He said, his voice soft and running a hand down my cheek. I smiled, “You always know how to get to me, Joe Jonas.” I reached up, tracing his lips and he shut his eyes. “Joe.” I breathed.

His eyes opened and locked onto mine. From that moment on, all the love that was missed, all the things unsaid, everything that was missed, was fulfilled. It was just him and I, expressing our love for each other. It was perfect and exactly how it was supposed to be...the two of us together.