‹ Prequel: The Good Life
Sequel: Against All Odds

On and On

Chapter 4

I heard tiny whispers surrounding me but I couldn’t force myself to open my eyes. “Because your baby brother or sister is in there.” I heard Joe’s deep whisper answer a question I didn’t hear. I felt a tiny jab in my side, causing me to squirm. “Don’t!” I heard McKenna’s frantic whisper, “You’ll wake her up!” I felt Joe’s much larger hand lay softly on my small three month old baby bump. His warm touch causing a flock of butterflies to erupt throughout my stomach.

“You have to be gentle boys.” He said rubbing his thumb in small circles. “You two need to be careful around mommy now. She has to keep the baby safe, and she needs you guys to help her and be nice, okay?” Joe whispered. I felt two small hands lay on the opposite side of my stomach. “There you go.” I heard Joe lightly chuckle and then Milo’s confused, not so quiet voice. “How come its in there?”

“Because that’s where it lives until its ready to come live with us.” I could practically see the confused looks on all my children’s faces as their questions all tumbled out at the same time, “Well how’d it get in there?” McKenna asked, raising her voice slightly above a whisper. “Yeah, dad.” Milo and Braden chimed in after their sister. “Uh—well—uh—it just—um—” I couldn’t help but laugh at Joe’s shaky voice trying to explain how I got pregnant. I opened one eye and saw all four staring at me, Joe’s face holding a panicked yet slightly amused look.

“Who wants breakfast?” I asked propping myself up on my elbows. All three kids looked at me with huge smiles on their faces, and nodding their heads. I smiled, “Well, why don’t you go make your beds and then meet me at the breakfast table?” They all scurried off the bed towards the door. “Uhmm.” I cleared my throat loudly and they all stopped dead in their tracks, turning back to me, “I think you’re forgetting something.” I said pointing at my cheeks. All three turned and ran back attacking my cheeks with kisses. I laughed, “Love you mommy.” They each said before running back out the room.

“Finally.” Joe breathed falling down next to me. “They’ve been up since 7.” He groaned. I turned and looked at the clock that read 8:33. “Aww. I’m sorry.” I said rolling over and cuddling into his side. “Why didn’t you wake me?” He shrugged. “We were having ‘daddy time.’ He grinned. I smiled up at him, “I liked your explanation.” He laughed, “That was awkward, let’s explain to the 4 and 2 year olds what sex is, that’s an easy thing to do.” I giggled into his neck and then abruptly stopped feeling the sickness creep up my throat.

“No.” I groaned. Confusion washed over his face, “What’s the matter?” I swallowed hard trying to force it back, sliding off the bed and jogging to the bathroom. I heard Joe clumping after me and I slinked to the floor hanging my head over the toilet and emptying my stomach. Joe scooted in behind me holding my hair back and rubbing my back. As I flushed the toilet Joe lightly picked me up and brought me over to the counter picking up a washcloth and running it under warm water. He stood between my legs and I closed my eyes as he dabbed it around my face. “And so it begins, huh?” He asked softly pressing the rag on my forehead. Up until this point I’d been able to avoid morning sickness, but it looked like I wasn’t so lucky anymore. I nodded, “I hate this.” I mumbled.

He pressed a soft kiss on my forehead and slipped my toothbrush in my hand, already adorned with toothpaste. “I’m going to start breakfast.” He said helping me off the counter so I could stand in front of the sink. I nodded, “Thanks honey.” I smiled at him weakly. He shot me a sympathetic grin, “It’ll be worth it.” He smiled running his fingers over my stomach. I smiled at his retreating figure and turned to brush my teeth.


I was laying on the couch flipping through the channels, finally deciding on The Food Network. The house was quiet, we had just settled the kids down for their naps. I heard Joe’s footsteps padding down the stairs and fought to keep my heavy eyelids open. He stood above me, a small smile present on his lips, “Need anything?” I nodded and tapped my finger to his lips. He grinned and leaned down, passing my lips and went for my neck, pressing small kisses across my collarbones and up my neck to my chin.

I wound my hands into the hair on the back of his neck. “Joe.” I breathed. He nuzzled his face into my neck and then pulled back, his eyes locking on mine. I bit my lip, and all the air left my body, I always turned to jell-o under his stare. He leaned forward and I licked my lips anticipating his full lips on mine, but he stopped just as our lips brushed, his forehead pressed to mine. “I love you.” He said softly against my lips, “I don’t think I’ve told you that today.” I smiled onto his lips, “Love you too.” I breathed.

Then his lips were on mine, I hadn’t kissed him all day and the want for him had only grown with every minute. I pulled him on the couch next to me, straddling his hips. “Whoa.” He laughed a little, gripping my hips, an obvious lust in his eyes. “I like when you’re aggressive.” He said pulling me closer to him, slipping his hands under my black v-neck and resting them on the small of my back. I leaned my head back to let out a soft moan, his lips making a trail to where the v-neck ended at the top of my cleavage. His hands traveled up my back, pulling my shirt over my head. I leaned down reattaching our lips.

He quickly flipped me over so I was laying on the couch, he positioned himself carefully over me so there wasn’t too much pressure on my lower half. I reached down, tugging on his sweatpants, causing a moan to rumble in his throat. His lips moved down my jaw, sucking lightly on the skin below my ear lobe. I arched my back into him, “Joe.” I softly moaned out into his ear. I heard him softly chuckle into my ear knowing he had found my weak spot. I had almost successfully got his sweatpants pulled off when I heard a small voice echo from the stairs. “Mommy?” We both froze. “Yeah baby?” I called out. “Mommy—can I um—have um—some drink?” I clamped my eyes shut and heard Joe let out a frustrated groan. “Milo.” I said in a warning tone. He hated nap time and made up any excuse possible to get up multiple times. “Please mommy?” His voice echoed around me. I sighed. “I’m coming, son.”

Joe sat up and I pulled my shirt from the back of the couch and slipped it on, standing up and smoothing out and readjusting my clothes. I walked to the staircase and saw him standing at the top of the stairs, waiting for my permission to come down. “Come on.” I said holding my arms out to him. He grinned and climbed down the steps ad fast as he could, gripping the railing the whole way down. He held his arms up to me wiggling his fingers, wanting to be held. I gave into his pleading eyes and I picked him up, setting him on my hip. He laid his head on my shoulder, one hand to his mouth so he could suck his thumb and the other running his small hand through my hair.

I smiled down at him, unable to stay aggravated at him because of his napping antics. Joe walked into the kitchen while I was filling a sippy cup with apple juice from the refrigerator. I met his eyes and watched them soften as he observed Milo and I, an adorable side grin lifting onto his face. “I’m going to check on Braden.” He whispered, turning and walking out the room when I nodded.

I brought Milo into the living room, settling into the recliner, letting him curl into my lap, gently rocking the chair back and forth. I watched as he finished the sippy cup and he stared up at me his eyes staying closed longer and longer as he blinked. After his eyes had stayed closed for well over ten minutes I got up slowly, careful not to wake him and brought him upstairs. When I stepped into their room I had to refrain myself from aww-ing out loud. Joe was sprawled out on Braden’s bed. Braden’s head rested on Joe’s stomach, his legs stretched out on his pillow next to Joe’s head.

I grinned at the two of them and set Milo in his bed, pulling the covers up around him. I quietly walked into the hall and heard the faint sound of someone’s phone ringing from our room. I hurried down the hall and found my phone on the nightstand. “Hi, dad.” I answered seeing his name flashing on the screen. “Hey Kay. What’re you up to?” I sighed laying back on my bed, “The kids are napping, Joe’s napping with them, and I’m starving.” I groaned when my stomach growled. I heard him laugh. “Good. Come to a late lunch with me?” I pulled the phone from my ear seeing that it was going on 2 o’clock. I smiled, “Yeah dad, I’d love that.” I could hear his smile, “Alright, I’ll pick you up in ten.” I nodded, “Ok bye dad, love you.”


I laughed at my dad as he was telling me stories of our kids when he kept them last week while Joe and I went to the doctor. My phone started to vibrate on the table and I picked it up still laughing, “Kayden? Where are you?” I heard Joe’s frantic voice flowing through the speaker. “Are you okay?” I slapped a hand to my forehead. “Yeah babe, I’m fine. I’m sorry, I came to eat lunch with dad, and you were all sleeping, I forgot to leave a note.” I heard him sigh, “It’s okay, I was worried, your car was here but you weren’t and I just got nervous.” I smiled, he was always so protective. “Thanks honey, I’ll be home soon, okay?” I set a hand on my stomach rubbing small circles, “Alright.” He answered, “I love you.” I grinned, “Love you too.”

My dad was smiling at me from across the table, “So, another Jonas.” He said watching my hand I smiled, “Yeah, another one.” He shook his head a little, he’d known for a month and a half now, you’d think he’d be used to the idea. “You two are going to have enough for a Little League team soon.” I chuckled, “I think this’ll be the last one. I don’t think I could go through this again.” He took a bite of his hamburger, “So…boy or girl?” He asked. I shrugged, “I kind of want another girl for McKenna, but she loves the boys, I wouldn’t mind if it was a boy, actually.” He nodded, “Getting a mini-van any time soon.” I scoffed and scrunched my nose causing my dad to burst into laughter, I smiled watching his laugh lines wrinkle around his eyes and the sun gleaming off his slightly graying hair. He made getting older look good.

“I will NOT drive a mini-van.” I assured him. He shrugged, “I don’t think the Wagon can fit another baby.” He said matter of factly. I shook my head, “Joe’s has a third row.” I argued. “I’m keeping the G-Wagon. I’m actually thinking about upgrading…she’s getting old.” He chuckled and set the check down, “You ready?” I nodded and pulled myself up.

“You should bring the kids over a one day this week, and let ‘em spend the night.” I smiled over at him. “I think they’d like that.” He cut his eyes at me, “More like you and Joe would like that.” He said raising his eyebrows. My eyes went wide and I felt my face burning, “Dad!” I squeaked, squirming in my seat. He laughed, slapping his hands on the steering wheel, “What? I know how babies are made.” My jaw dropped, “DAD!” I said half-laughing. He laughed again, pulling into the drive way. I climbed out, walking to his side, “Thanks dad.” I said hugging him through the open door. “I love you.” He kissed my forehead, “Love you too. Take it easy, okay?” I nodded. “I’ll call you about the kids.” He shut his door, “Good deal. Bye pumpkin.” I grinned and waved as he backed down the drive way.

I walked into the house to see Joe and the kids sprawled on the living room floor playing the Matching Game. “That’s cheating, Milo.” Joe said in a monotone voice. I snickered and Braden looked over at me, a huge smile growing on his face, “Mommy.” He said relieved, wrapping his arms around my legs. Braden had his wild side but he was laid back most of the time like me. He kept to himself and was quieter than his brother. Milo, was a handful, he was the crazy one, obviously taking after Joe, he couldn’t sit still and questioned everything. McKenna was a pretty good mix, but she knew when to calm down and when she could be silly but she was sassy and bossy and she knew how to hold her own. Braden cuddled in next to me on the couch and we watched them finish the game.

After the kids were in bed, Joe and I shuffled into our bedroom, settling into the oh-so-comfortable tempurpedic mattress. “Don’t forget we have that thing tomorrow night.” He said pulling me to him. “What thing?” I asked racking my brain trying to figure out what he was talking about. “Me, Nick and Kevin, we have to go to that premiere, you can come if you want, but I don’t think Mack or Kam are going.” I shook my head, “Those things are boring. I have enough entertainment here.” His fingers trickled down my arm, “I have to go get fitted for my suit at 2, can you wash my white shirt and my socks?” I scoffed, “Why do you insist on wearing those socks to everything?”

He shrugged, “I like them, leave me alone.” He whined. I shook my head, “Okay, okay, I’ll do it.” His lips found mine and I felt him smiling, “Thank you.” He whispered. I wove my arms around him, “Your lucky I love you so much.” He pecked my lips, “I know.”


I blew out a sigh, staring at the ceiling, Joe had been gone since 1:30 to get his suit fitted, and Denise called not long after that saying she was taking Frankie to Ripley’s Believe It or Not and wanted to bring McKenna, Braden, and Milo. So…here I sit all alone, with nothing to do. Joe would be back soon and I could help him get ready. I remembered Joe’s shirt and socks sitting on the kitchen counter, waiting to be washed, but I had plenty of time for that later, plus, I didn’t feel like getting up.

So I laid on my bed listening to silence run through the house. At some point, my phone began loudly ringing by my ear. I nearly jumped out of my skin, but reached back to get it. I frowned when I didn’t recognize the number but answered anyway. “Hello?” I asked. “Mrs. Jonas?” I nodded gulping down the lump in my throat, the authoritative gleam in her voice set me on the edge. “I have some news concerning you.”

Oh no. My breathing quickened along with my heart rate, those words were never good.