Footprints in the Snow

Chapter 3 - 1051 Shettleston Road

Markus Lennon, Detective Chief Inspector Markus Lennon, head of Glasgow CID and Miles' immediate boss. You see his tail before you see the rest of his body, double white stripes along the length of his jet black fur, 6 foot 2 inches tall, dark purple eyes and a constant glower on his face.
“Hey skunk-man.” was heard as a junior PC walked past his office door. He was about to turn round and shout back when his BlackBerry beeped at him, cursing the timing he picked it up and glanced at it. A message from Miles, his favourite DI.
Subj: Case 1342-DIW
Some evidence has come to light for this old case and we need a MIS set up now.”
That is what Lennon liked about Miles, always so blunt, even towards superiors. Lennon turned to his computer and checked the case number what he saw made his blood run cold. 1342-DIW, more commonly referred to as “The Snow Twins Case”, back then, he had been the leading investigator until he declared it a cold-case. Now new evidence, after 20 years... He blinked again and then pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. After a minute or so he responded to Miles.
Subj: RE: Case 1342-DIW
MIS #2 is free, get a name for the case from the computer and get cracking.”
Lennon put his BlackBerry back on his desk and returned to his computer.
The Snow Twins. Back then, the only evidence they had was footprints in the snow.
Miles swiped his card on the access gate for the parking-lot, a guard then checked his ID and then he was free to try and find an empty spot. Not hard today, Miles got one right by the door. Ignoring all the friendly welcomes by the staff in the lower offices, Miles headed straight for the third floor where the Major Incident Suites were housed. Although there were five and they were all numbered, they were just one big open plan office.
“Third floor, Major Incident Suite.” the lift chimed as it shuddered to a halt and the doors slid soundlessly open. Miles walked straight up to a computer and put in his ID code.
“Operation Cleon in MIS is now active.” glowed on the screen. Miles then had the task of calling in a team of people he thought suitable for the job. He decided on; DI Mary Nika, a cheerful young cat originally from the highlands. Kenny Dermid, a forensics expert from the Central Belt. Howie Travers, a street-wise dog on “loan” from Manchester PD. Aya Yukiko, an expert in the field of footprints and shoe-treads. Elizabeth Zelpha, a forensic psychologist. Finally, Donald Lachlan, nobody really knew what he did, but whatever it was, he did it well. Miles summoned them with phonecalls, emails and text messages, once he got a response he sat down and flicked one of the glass covered monitors out of MIS 2's operations table, pulled a keyboard out of it and started sifting through the 1342-DIW files, finding out which ones were hard-copied and which ones electronic. Operation Cleon was ready.