Tides of War

Chapter 3

Under great protest they lumped the heavy logs back down the Fell, Facey whined constantly down the mountainside that they had been beaten by a mere two seconds, until Kelly told him to shut it. Badger and Douglas where waiting at the bottom for them, joking merrily, mainly at third squads misfortune at having lost.
The jeering and joking lasted all the way back to camp, it was light hearted, but it seemed to strike a nerve with Facey, who seemed very tetchy about thirds squad’s near victory, something that was heavily capitalised on by his fellow soldiers.
The light heartened boasting though died off as they got back to camp, and interest soon turned to food. The kitchen had cooked up a half lunch, half dinner for the day, with the remains of the soup from the previous day, and sandwiches that where packed with spam, cheese and other assortments of meat which was quickly digested by the Hungry body of men.
After consuming a mammoth amount of food they all chatted happily. Discussions ranged from fishing techniques, which was avidly discussed by Cunningham and Sgt. Boore, to expectations on the war, as was discussed by Kelly and Facey.
“Nah, Hitler’s gonna’ loose, now that America’s decided to join in he’s going to loose” Facey stated.
“We don’t need America’s help, we’ve done the hard graft, Hitler can’t invade, the Raf’s made sure of that, so all he can do is sit in mainland Europe and simmer, America’s only coming in because she wants to, and probably because she’ll make money out of it one way or another” Kelly replied
“I don’t like the American’s anymore than you do, but they have the industrial capabilities that we need-” Kelly cut across him. “We don’t need them, we can do it on our own, it’ll just take longer I aspect, but we can do it”.
Facey laughed at Kelly’s apparent ignorance.
“I admire your patriotism but whatever you say, America is here to stay, or for as long as they want” he chuckled and took a swig of tea.
“I’ve heard the Americans are all too eager for war,” Crow said as he supped on the last dregs of his tea. “My brother is in the Parachute regiment, training the new recruits, and he’s had to take a load of Americans and train them for some of their jumps, he recons they don’t have the first clue about the war and just want to get stuck in, bloody maniacs half of ‘em” he spat the last phrase.
“They’re all just young kids looking for adventure” Kelly said staring at the reflection in his coffee, “but then again, we where a few years ago, we wanted adventure and to see war”.
“I’m sure Norway soon drove the dream world of war from your mind?” Hughes, one of the company medics’s said, as he stroked his bushy moustache.
“Too true, war isn’t the same after you’ve experienced it”
Edgar decided to enter the conversation.
“So how long do you reckon this whole thing will last?” he said, to no one in particular.
“Another two years at least” Kelly said “from when we decide to finally invade, rather than just sitting here and mellowing on our arses”
“Nah longer, till bout 1947 I reckon” Crow said “the Germans are certainly equipped with enough to keep us in check for awhile”.
Their conversation was cut short by the Major calling for silence across the hall.
“Good now that we all have quiet” he addressed as he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, “As you all know you had the log race today up Stanley force, well I have the final times here, even though we all know the winner” prompting a big cheer from Coopers squad. “In first place is obviously was forth squad commanded by Lt Cooper” Cooper stood up and gave a mocking bow “with 35 minutes and 1 second, in second place third squad with 35 minutes and 3 seconds” provoking a cheer from Edgar’s table. “And in third place…” he paused for a building up of suspense, “ first squad with 37 minutes and 43 seconds” their was a lot of jeering from all three tables towards Cunningham’s squad. “And of course, named and shamed is second squad with 39 minutes 12!” he called for silence but it was a good few minutes while everyone made sure second squads loss was felt. “Which means that the money bet this morning is all going to Cooper’s squad, minus beer fee’s of course for the celebratory drink tonight, but that still brings the total to” he turned to Captain Ross who quickly pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket “err, 47 pounds sir!”
“But of course you wont get the jar until after the pub, because we don’t want you all getting hammered out your minds, remember we still have to represent ourselves accordingly in front of the public. There was a bit of complaining from Cooper’s table at this note.
“And that’s about it gentlemen, you have the rest of the evening to yourselves!” he said before going a sitting back down at the head table.

“And of course a toast to forth squad for their victory today” Badger said in the pub, raising his beer glass in a toast, everyone following suit.
“Don’t revel in it to much Cooper, when we get back we’ll have a rematch to see if it wasn’t a fluke” someone yelled, some cheered at the thought but most disapproved at the though of having to struggle up the Fell again. The hot atmosphere was too much for Edgar, he moved towards the doorway.
“Where you off too Crawford?” Facey said inquisitively.
“Just off to go and get some fresh air” Edgar replied a little too irritably, he opened the pub door and disappeared outside.

The cool night breeze calmly batted against his face, a welcome change from the hot stuffy atmosphere, which was in the pub. The night was surprisingly clear and the sunset was waning behind the Fells leaving a beautiful light blue tinge to the sky, the moon and stars now becoming dominant. There was a soft buzzing of crickets in the grass next to the pub, but otherwise all was quiet in the valley. Edgar took a sip of his bitter and set it down on a wooden table. He walked out into the deserted road, looking down the road that was all quiet, he looked the other way, again all quiet accept for the movement of a figure in the distance, heading towards the pub. Probably a late night jogger Edgar surmised, as he went back to his bitter and slumped onto the bench, staring at the stars that gazed lazily over the land.
After several peaceful minutes, Edgar could hear the jogger approaching, the sound of their boots hammering on the road as they jogged ever closer. What more cam as a surprise was when they appeared from behind the high slate wall, which edged the road. Even in the semi-darkness Edgar could tell she was a woman of stunning beauty. She stopped in the middle of the road and went down to tie up her bootlace, which had come undone, taking deep breaths as she did.
“Good evening miss” Edgar said, she seemed momentarily shocked to find someone outside.
“Oh good evening sir” she said standing up to greet him as he wandered over, noting that he quickly tried to make himself look smarter.
Edgar held out his hand and she took it, she had very soft hands, yet they where still very strong as she had a firm grip.
“I didn’t expect to find anyone outside, shouldn’t you be with your pals inside?” she said,
“Oh well yes, but I just came out for some fresh air and peace any quiet” Edgar said eyeing her pale complexion, apparent even in this semi-darkness, and her athletic, yet curvy body structure. She had long dark brown hair, but seemed to have a slight reddish tinge to its colour, but still seemed to shine in its pined back position.
“Oh I love the night, it’s so quiet and nice,” she said rubbing her sweaty brow.
“Yes I find it’s a nice change from everything else”
“Oh defiantly” she agreed, she had a soft voice, yet had the hint of an Irish accent in its soft nature.
She stared at him, with soft and seemingly sparkling eyes.
“Oi, Crawford, you coming in, we’ve got some arm wrestling going on?” Facey said as he popped his head out of the door. Edgar closed his eyes in a quiet anger; mentally seething that Facey had interrupted his conversation.
“Well it seems your friends want you,” she said looking a little sheepish.
“Yes I’m afraid,” Edgar, agreed, “I’ll be in, in a minute Facey” he said turning to face the private, who disappeared back behind the door.
“I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name?” Edgar said turning back to the young lady,
“Oh I’m sorry, I’m Stephanie Cohen, and you are?” she said countering the question.
“I’m Edgar Crawford,” he said.
“Edgar, what a wonderful name” she mused, making Edgar blush and shuffle his feet a little.
“Well it was nice to meet you Mr Crawford but I must be going”
“Yes I’m afraid me as well” Edgar said. Stephanie offered her hand, which Edgar took. Before she started off back down the road.
Edgar looked at her retreating back, feeling strangely warm inside, and making a mental note to give Facey a damn good thrashing next chance he had, as he turned back to the pub entrance.

The celebratory drinks didn’t last long, after nine at night men started to grow tired from the days activities, and where falling asleep on the armchairs, stools and tables that lined the pub. After driving back to the barracks no one was really in any mood to hang around and they quickly disappeared off to bed, heads spinning with alcohol and tiredness.
For what seemed like in a long time, the men of e squadron had a lie in, exploiting the rare opportunity many indeed stayed in their beds. Edgar though, being an early riser was not one how ever. A lay in for him was around half seven, and his body clock stuck to its promise. Being unable to sleep he roused himself from his bed, quickly changed into some kaki trousers and headed across the deserted parade ground to the mess hall and delved inside.

The mess hall was surprisingly deserted, only a few kitchen staff where on duty and they where working at a slow pace. Only four people where in the room at the time, all huddled around one table. Badger was sitting on a chair, with his leg crossed over the other, and had glasses on as he browsed the daily newspaper. Captain Ross was next to him head in one hand, humming to himself as he filled out the crossword.
On the other side of the table was Hughes, one of the two squadron medics and Christopher Mane, from first squad.
“Eight letters, starting with D, Mentally disturbed” Ross said as he filled out another line.
Hughes looked blank and took a swig from his hip flask. Mane looked puzzled for a second before answering.
“Dementia?” he said taking the offered hip flask and taking a quick swig before passing it back.
“Ah morning Crawford” Badger said looking up from his newspaper, “and what are you going to do with your spare time” he questioned.
“Haven’t a clue to be honest with you Badger”
“Well there’s a truck going to Eskdale Green if you want, its got a few things their so I thought we’d take the lads down their if they want, presumably to blow all their cash”
“I think I might take you up on that, I’ve got nothing better to do, its either that or I might do some Fell walking as that seems to be the main attraction around here”
“We’ll its entirely up to you” he said looking back down at his paper.
Edgar sat down and a cup of tea was brought over and sat steaming in front of him. The room remained quiet for another hour or so, with small conversation being exchanged but most stayed quiet and in their own minds. After an hour the room slowly started to fill, but only a few at a time, many of the lads still in their beds and refusing to move.
After awhile Badger became bored and left to ask them if any wanted to go down to Eskdale Green for the day. He returned after ten minutes with a handful of men.
“Most of the lazy bastards are staying in bed, half asleep n the other fucking half are either pretending to be or complaining about hangovers, load of fucking lightweights” he grumbled, “right if you want to go to Eskdale Green outside and on the back of the truck, there’s a nice little café their that does a full English so don’t worry about getting breakfast hear, foods a load of crap half the time”. He caught a dangerous look from one of the kitchen staff but ignored her and strolled outside, most people quickly in tow.

Eskdale Green was a small and peaceful village, they where scarcely and residents out and everyone quickly dived into the small café and ordered a fully English. Edgar wolfed down the breakfast. He barely listened to the conversation that was sporting the rest of the squadron. He was in a philosophical mood, and didn’t want to talk too much. Indeed it was only when the door opened and Stephanie Cohen wandered in through the door, that he was brought back to reality. He could see her better now in the light, she indeed have soft pale skin, with long pinned back, dark brown hair that had a reddish tinge to its colour, and an athletic body that was still shapely. She was clothed in a pair of rough trousers that where once blue, hiking boots and a green top that looked like it had seen better days. She looked around the small room, spotting Edgar with her sparkling eyes and gave a little nod of greeting, accompanied by a cheeky smile, Edgar feeling the familiar warmth rising in his chest again. He wasn’t the only one too notice. Several of the men around the room had seen her entrance and where checking her out, mumbling to their mates, who would slyly turn to see her for themselves.
“Hay, lieutenant isn’t that the girl you met last night?” Facey said, leaning across the table so he could keep his voice down.
“Yes, and your point is?” Edgar said naturally defensive.
“Just asking that’s all sir, she’s quite a good looking young lady isn’t she?”
“Can’t say I’ve noticed” Edgar lied as he swallowed a sausage and washed it down with some tea. Facey took the hint and dropped the subject. Stephanie purchased some sandwiches from the gentlemen that was behind the counter, bid him good day and exited.
“I’m going to get some fresh air,” Edgar said as he rose from the table.
“Last time you did you met her, is it going to be more of the same?” Facey said with a cheeky smile, Edgar ignored the jest and headed for the door.

He stepped out into the warm morning air. Stephanie was standing next to a bench just outside the café. She was busy pushing the sandwiches she had just bought into a rucksack.
“Morning miss” Edgar said, Stephanie turned round, slightly startled.
“Oh good morning Edgar, I didn’t expect your out here, I thought you would be socialising with your fellow comrades” she joked smiling broadly at him.
“Nah their company can grow tiresome, I enjoy sometime to do my own thing away from others,” he said feeling himself starting to blush.
“Oh I totally agree,” she agreed as she hoisted the rucksack onto he back.
“So what are you planning today to do by yourself then?” she said hitching back a piece of loose hair that dangled loosely in front of her face.
“Too be totally honest I don’t have a clue” Edgar replied sheepishly
Stephanie smiled, “Well I was thinking, would you like to go for a walk up Muncaster Fell with me?” she looked a little shy but Edgar just beamed back.
“I’d love to, if that’s ok with you of course?”
“No I’d love for you to come, theirs always something refreshing about having a nice walk with another”. She turned and they started walking off down the road, Edgar catching a glimpse of everyone in the café smiling at him cheekily and Facey making a heart sign with his hands as they watched the obvious flirtation going on in front of them.

The hike up the small track that edged Muncaster Fell was harder than Edgar had anticipated, although he kept his thoughts to himself, as Stephanie seemed to not have any problems navigating the gradient.
“So how did you end up here?” Stephanie said as they started to flatten out as they neared the summit. “Well to put it shortly I grew up in Essex until I was fourteen then moved too Yorkshire, I joined the Yorkshire regiment at eighteen and then found it boring so I transferred to the regiment here” He replied, “what about yourself?”
“Oh I lived in Dublin with my parents until I was six, then we moved to Holland because my father owned an estate their, then in 1936 we moved to here because things where starting to get a bit dodgy with the Nazi’s” she described.
“Bit dodgy?” Edgar questioned
“Well my it was becoming clear that Hitler had something against Jews, and my father thought it would be better to get out the way, as he was clearly spoiling for a fight, something which my father was right when Hitler marched across Europe three years later”
“Your Jewish?” Edgar said slightly surprised
“Yes” she said bluntly, “anything wrong with that?”
“No of course not, I just didn’t…never mind” Edgar said as he defiantly did feel himself going red. Stephanie giggled at Edgar’s obvious embarrassment.
“So do you live with your parents?” Edgar said trying to change the subject.
“No they moved back to Ireland, but I prefer to live here, I love the Lake District too much to leave”
“Oh right so do you live by yourself then?”
“I do, do you usually ask so many questions of a lady when you meet them?” she said
“I’m sorry I’m just trying to make conversation,” Edgar said apologetically.
“That’s ok, I’m usually quite questioning of people,” she said as they made their way over a small mound and where confronted with the un-accosted view of the valley below, with the small view of Eskdale Green taking pride of place in the centre of the valley.
“This is why I love the Lake District,” Stephanie stated as she planted herself on a rock and unzipped her rucksack, “sandwich?”

They spent the best part of the afternoon on the ridge overlooking the valley, having in-depth conversations about anything that came to light, conversation flowing easily from their lips. Sadly though it was all too soon to start the trek back to the village. The decent was much easier than the ascent, mostly because he didn’t have to fight the gradient. They spent the better part of two hours making there way slowly back to the village.
“So did enjoy yourself lieutenant?” Stephanie said as they arrived back to where they’d left off.
“I did thank you very much, I hope you enjoyed my company?”
“Of course, maybe sometime we should meet up again sometime”
“I would like that very much” Edgar said.
“So would I” Stephanie said, and to Edgar’s surprise she embraced him. He returned the hug, noting how warm and smooth she was to hold. What surprised him even more is that she gave him a quick kiss, before she suddenly came to her senses.
“Oh…I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that,” she said looking stunned at her own daring.
“No I quite like surprises” Edgar said his heart now screaming at him. Stephanie stared at him, “really?”
“Yes, especially from someone as beautiful as you” he said. It was Stephanie’s turn to blush.
“Now you’re flirting with me,” she said smiling once again.
“I might be” Edgar teased, Stephanie let out a small giggle
“Are you still wanting to meet up sometime?” Edgar said trying to change the conversation.
“Would that be an date then?” she said blushing slightly but still managing to smile, Edgar paused for a moment. “I suppose it would be a date,” he answered trying to gauge her reaction.
“Then I’d love to come” Stephanie said “It’s a date then?”
“It’s a date then” Edgar replied. She hugged him again staring into his dark eyes with hers, that seem to magnify in sparkle as she did, but the moment was suddenly broken by a shrill wolf whistle.
“Go for the kill sir!” someone said. Looking quickly embarrassed they broke apart to see some of the squadron standing at the end of the road, and had probably been watching the whole scene when the two of them arrived back. Stephanie’s smile seemed to increase in size, revealing brilliant white teeth.
“I think your friends are waiting for you” she said, “I suppose I’ll catch up with you sometime, you’ve got my address so just write to me or something” she continued
“I will” Edgar said, “Sometimes I hate that lot” he said indicating the bundle of men that where still watching.
“Well why don’t you give them something too look at?” Stephanie said
“Like what?” Edgar said, but already guessing the answer.
Stephanie leaned in and planted her lips on his, wrapping her arms around him, he quickly followed suit as they embraced tightly in one another’s arms. It had the effect, receiving a hailstorm of wolf whistles and jeering from the gathered group of men. They broke part after several long seconds,
“See you later” Stephanie said, she turned and started off down the street, which was basked in the light of the waning sun, turning to wave cheekily as she did.
“See you later” Edgar said waving back, before turning to face the hailstorm that awaited him.

The trip back to the barracks took just under forty minutes, and during that time Edgar spent a good part of it worming around questions that where being directed at him from every direction. He was glad when they reached the parade ground, h quickly disappeared into his room to “freshen up”, although the real reason was to just get away from everyone badgering him about he new found love.

Edgar strolled into the dinning hall half an hour later, instantly wishing he had stayed in his room. In the half an hour that had gone the lads that had been down to Eskdale Green had had plenty of time to spread the story and it was now the new hot news of the squadron. As soon as he stepped over the threshold he was hit by a torrent of cheering and wolf whistling as everyone turned to either congratulate him or to make some sly remark about how it will never last. The Major, Captain Ross and captain Douglas where buried in conversation and didn’t seem to take any notice.
“So who’s the lucky girl then sir” Jones said as Edgar sat down, twiddling a pen through his fingers as he did.
“Her names Stephanie Cohen” Edgar replied through gritted teeth.
“So…” Kelly said leaning in so he could hear over the noise.
“So what?”
“How far did you go with her?”
“None of your fucking business” Edgar said aggressively
“Leave the poor guy alone” Nicholls said, “Love is a delicate mater without you lot prying in on him”
“Thanks Nicholls” Edgar said giving a nod of appreciation, he returned the nod and focused on his index fingernail.
“Can I be your best man at the wedding?!” Fletcher yelled from the other side of the room
“No you bloody well can’t” Edgar yelled back
“Oh come on, why not eh?”
“Because I’m not getting married to her yet!” Edgar retorted
“Yet?!” Fletcher picked out the single word from the phrase “well give me a bell when you do eventually” he raised his beer bottle in a small toast and took a massive swig from it before disappearing back into the conversation on his own table.
The monotony began to slowly die down after ten minutes as everyone realised they weren’t going to get much from the lowly lieutenant. Dinner was soon served and they quickly divulged the sausages and potatoes that were served. After a quick brief from the Major about what would be happening the next day they all where ordered to their beds.

Unpleasantly they where all roused from there beds early and told to pack for three days. They where then crowded onto the trucks with their rucksacks and started driving south. There was only one conciliation with being rousted from their beds so early, no on was in the mood to pester Edgar about his new found girlfriend. Most where either too tired to care or where asleep, heads rolling as they navigated the twisted roads of the Lake District. The journey last around four hours, until just before lunch they arrived at a parachute training school, a large board near the front gate had “RAF Folkingham” stamped on its front. It was clear that it was an American run base. They where glad to exit the trucks and made a big song and dance about stretching and yawning. A few American personnel where mingling around, eying the new arrivals with apprehension or even distrust.
“Nice too know they’re our close allies isn’t it?” Mane said, after a particularly dirty look from a large brooding man with a fine moustache.
The major quickly disappeared into the main guardhouse and reappeared ten minutes later.
“Ok lads I’ll show you to your rooms, then your going for parachute classes for today” he said briskly before frog marching towards some buildings that looked clean and unused. They where quickly divided into groups and shown to their rooms, half the men in A building and the other half in B building that was some two hundred meters away, before quickly being frog marched across the base to an assault course style area and told to sit and wait for an instructor. He wasn’t long and was in a foul mood
“Oh great a load of fucking limeys!” Captain Bermont said after being introduced to them.
“Right I’m here to give you a quick crash course on parachute jumping, hopefully without the crash bit, but then again no one can tell with you Brit’s” the humour wasn’t going down well. He quickly shrugged off the lack of laughter and set about instructing the squadron on how to fall properly. After an hour of boring briefing he picked on people to try and demonstrate how to lad properly. After that he took them over to a small tower, only about ten feet high and told everyone too, one by one jump off, to try and simulate landing from a parachute drop. After fifteen terrible landing practices he lost his rag
“Your jumping from a plane a couple of hundred feet in the air, not a fucking brothel window, if you don’t land properly then you’ll all gonna’ break your fucking feet and you wont be any good to man nor beast. After a few more painful landings everyone was managing to get it. The day ended around five with everyone tired, annoyed and hungry but in impetuous moods about the next day.

Dinner was a bit more flash than at their barracks dinnertime. The tables had cloths on them and the kitchen where at least three times the size, pouring food out as the American parachute personnel filed in for dinner. They didn’t seem to like sharing their mess quarters with the Brits and dark looks or even some abuse was directed their way.
After dinner they mingled around the base, but without much to do they quickly returned to their quarters. Edgar found that he was billeted with Kelly, Arty, Jones and Nicholls from his squad, but also had Heppel from Coopers squad. Also Mane and Hyde from Fletchers squad. Mane was built like a prizefighter, with average built legs, but a huge bull style torso that screamed raw muscle power. Hyde was not to far from the same, although he wasn’t as visibly built muscle wise he was very brainy, and did fencing as a hobby, something that he bragged about a lot, stating that he was probably one of the top twenty in the country.
Hyde was on the floor, heaving as he completed press-ups; Mane was lying on his bed having a skirmish with his fingernail,
“Bloody splinter” he moaned as he tugged at it delicately, “Typical American run base, all front but a load of bullshit underneath”
“Now, now you shouldn’t be so quick to judge our allies” Edgar said smiling disdainfully at the look Mane pulled at the jibe.
“I don’t care who or what they think they are, they shouldn’t be hear” Hyde said as he stood up, flexing his muscles as he reached for a top, “sooner they bugger back off to their own country the better, we don’t need them”
“Here here!” Nicholls said as he returned from the bathroom, “you lost something Jones?” he said looking a Jones frantically looking under his bunk bed.
“Yeah can’t seem to find my bloody smock” he said standing up an looking around the room, “oh shit, think I left it in the mess hall, anyone want to come with me to get it?”
“Yeah why not, I’m bored here anyway,” Edgar said leaping from his bunk.
“I might as well, haven’t got anything better to do” mane said discarding the knife he’d being using on his fingernail. They headed for the corridor and out into the night air.

It was about 10:15 and the sun was sufficiently gone to let darkness get a strong foothold on the land. They wandered over to the mess hall, which was only about a hundred meters away, but still was lit from the inside. Only the cleaners where at work, cleaning tables and putting stuff away ready for the next day. Except for a couple of Americans that where sitting on a table, one was the man that had given them dirty looks when they arrived, the tashman. The other had a short crew cut and was blond. Tashman was holding Jones’ smock.
“I suppose one of you is Jones?” he said in a deep American accent, indicating the nametag in the jacket.
“That’s cute, writing your name in your clothes like a little kid,” he taunted.
“Just give me my jacket” Jones said un-phased by the obvious look on tashman that he wasn’t going to give it up easily. Suddenly all the kitchen staff had made themselves scarce.
“Why should I, you’ll only loose it again Jones’y, maybe we should put it somewhere that you’ll remember?” he taunted again, Jones stepped closer, as Blondie next to Tashman started to smirk. He stood up off the table,
“If you want it, you’ll have to come and get it” he said turning and made for the door. Sensing trouble Edgar stuck to Jones’ tail, Mane was hot on his heels. Jones waited till they’d both turned away before sprinting after them. Tashman turned quickly, but not quickly enough before Jones jumped and brought his elbow down onto Tashman’s face, he toppled backwards, tripping over the step as he went, crumpling onto the hard concrete. Blondie made for Jones, swinging a right hook, Jones ducked. Blondie made for another hook, but was hit side on by Mane’s ferocious Rugby tackle, which sent him sprawling, Edgar quickly followed up. Tashman was up on his feet, discarding Jones’ smock and raising his fists in defence. Edgar ignored the fists and brought his leg up, hitting him square In the groin, Tashman doubled over in agony before Edgar grabbed his collar and swung him face first into the wall the sound of his nose breaking accompanying the heavy thud of flesh on brick. He roared with pain, he turned blinded with rage, Jones swung his fist, upper cutting Tashman, and he fell over backwards, sliding back down the wall. Edgar quickly turned to check on Mane and Blondie; Blondie was pinned to the floor by Mane’s massive bulk, Mane raining punches to the face and upper torso. Edgar dragged Mane off him
“Time to leave I think, we don’t want you killing the fucking bastard”. Jones was calmly picking up his smock and dusting it off, ignoring Tashman who was crumpled on the floor, and Blondie who was trying to stop his head spinning.
“Your gonna’ fucking pay for this you fucking Brits” Tashman said as he tried to stand up, “Fucking try it” Mane said as they turned and made their way back towards their billets.

Arty let out a scoffing cackle when he heard the news.
“Serves ‘em fucking right!” he said as he jumped down from his bunk.
They enthusiastically told their tale of how they’d given the Americans a good hiding.
Jones was inspecting his smock, “and would you believe it, not a single scratch on the thing!” he said gleefully. Hyde couldn’t help giggling as he listened.
“Well someone better keep watch tonight, they don’t forget an injury, I wouldn’t be surprised if they came back with more guys looking for trouble”. Several of the men in the other rooms wandered in to hear the story, and after half an hour of repeating the story Edgar was getting sick of it, the tale soon started becoming legend though, and soon everyone was elaborating it to one another and surmising what they would of done if they’d been in the same position.
Indeed they decided to keep a watching guard thought the night, with Hyde taking first watch till midnight. It was better to be safe than sorry, but the night was all quiet and still.

They roused at 6:30, and quickly disappeared to breakfast, making sure to keep in a tight group, to avoid being ambushed.
“Call it paranoia if you like Mane” Hyde said as Mane questioned the need for such a big group, “but they will want revenge”. And indeed they did, or at least seemed to. Blondie and Tashman where in the dining hall and seemed to of not forgotten last nights antics. The bruises and gashes to their faces where enough to draw looks, Blondie had a bent nose, and a gash down the right side of his face, Tashman’s face had swollen slightly and was black in placed the bruises where so bad, the light patches of his face showed cuts from where he’d hit the brick wall. As if to add salt to the wounds, the victorious mane smiled at them and even wolf whistled at them. Something, which made them crack their teeth. Blondie drew a line across his throat with a finger, to signal that Mane was going to get it. Mane merely replied by making the “wanker” sign with his free hand and winking.
They quickly finished breakfast so they could cross the base, they where then hustle into a classroom where another captain was waiting for them. He quickly gave a brief about who he was and what would be happening that day.
“Right” he said matter-a-factly “you all did your practice jumping yesterday, apparently we don’t have time for you all to be fully trained so your on a shorter course, so you’ll be jumping this afternoon with some of the Americans, that’s twice today and three times tomorrow, and then you’ll all be qualified ‘chutists” he said reading from a ream of notes.
“Well at least that means we don’t have to fucking hang around then” Hyde whispered as he leant against a wall playing with his fingernail.