My Illegal Love Story

Never love a player coz he will never love you bac

*Part 13
I quickly jumped into the SUV with tears streaming down my face and a strong feeling nausea in my stomach.
“Oh My God...Christina what happened?” Brittney anxiously asked as she undid her seat belt and comforted me with her hand.
“He....was with his ex...THEY WERE FUCKING.” my sadness soon turned to absolute anger.
“WHAT.” Brittney screamed...and before I knew it she put the SUV into drive and screamed back to Billie’s house.
After nearly 20 minutes of complete silence (apart from my sobbing) we finally got to Billie’s house. Brittney quickly got out of the car and basically ran back into the car...I slowly but surely followed. As I followed her into the kitchen I saw Billie, 80(finally dressed) and Mike all sitting around the table talking. I slowly walked in and suddenly all the attention was focused on Brittney storming around and me sobbing.
“What happened?”80 yelled as she quickly got up from the chair she was sitting at.
“He fucking did it again.” Brittney yelled at the top of her voice. After those five words left her mouth...suddenly everyone got this look of absolute hate on his face.
“Who was it this time?” mike asked while getting up and putting his arm around my tear-filled shoulder. After about five minutes of comforting I suddenly realised that this was nothing new to Tre.
“He...has done this before?” I said while trying to wipe the snot from my nose.
“Look...Tre is a great guy...but Christina...never love a player coz he will never love you back.” 80 said in a comforting tone. For a while I just stood there, thinking about what had just happened...I had only been in America for five days...and already I was having relationship problems.
“Look...I’m just going to go to that ok?” I nicely asked.
“ can go to the master bed room...we have air conditioner and a can rest in there” Billie kindly invited.
“Just stay here tonight and ill stop by Tre’s house and get your clothes.” Mike suggested as I grabbed a tissue box on the counter. I just nodded and slowly made my way up the stairs to 80’s and Billies bed room. After 4 hours of watching endless re-runs of the Simpson’s and going through around 10 boxes of tissues I finally fell asleep at around 4 o’clock in the after noon...the day was over. I might as well of stayed asleep the whole week.
I woke up at 11 to the sound of crashing from down stairs...I quickly got up and made my way down stairs to see what the damage was.
“Just let me see her...I don’t want to lose her.” I heard a familiar voice say.
“Hell fucking no Tre...did you think of her when you were screwing Claudia...or did it just hit you when she caught you?” After a while of listening in I realised that it was mike ‘defending’ me against Tre...who was there for a reconcile. I hastily wiped of the running mascara and made myself in view of him. As soon as I walked in...Both Mike and Tre just became silence and turned there attention to me.
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?” I said while trying not to start to cry.
“I want to apologise...”before he could finish, I quickly interrupted.
“APOLOGISE...APOLOGISE, YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE WHEN I WALKED IN ON YOU...YOU HAD THE CHANCE WHEN U SCREAMED ‘SLUT’ TO MY FACE.” I yelled at the top of my voice...leaning in centimetres from his face.
He just stood there and looked down...he didn’t even look up.
“You could at lest look at me...Tre....TRE...look at Me.” he slowly raised his head to look me in the eye. Mike slowly walked away in disgust...however I stood there and gave it to him.
“I thought I had found the one...then you go and cheat on me with SEVEN girls...and I still haven’t got an answer to why.” I slowly settled down and controlled my answer so I could hear his pathetic excuse for why.
“I never meant to hurt you...I slept with those girls after you...I didn’t think I would see you again. But I realised after those girls that I was sick of waking up alone or with a strange women...I wanted someone who felt like home...someone to give my heart to and take theirs in return.” he quickly stopped and made his way closer to me as she saw me start to cry.
“then I remembered you...and I could see us together...travelling the world, getting married and even fighting about baby names...I wanted you...I STILL want you.”
“What about Claudia?” I sobbingly said while trying to control my snot again.
“Claudia meant nothing...I was hurt and she was there...She WAS my home, she DID have my heart...and I just wanted to fill the space I was missing.” he said while putting his arm around my shoulder and embracing me.
“I didn’t tell you...I know that hurt you and I’m sorry...I just wanted to save you the pain and hear I am hurting you more. I know you don’t want me back...but I love you so much and I want to wake up beside you for the rest of my life. The only thing that matters is you and I...NO one else.he slowly finished and looked me straight in the eyes...I could she the hurt.
“Just promise me you want do anything like that again.” I said while leaning over and kissing him on the cheek.
"No more lies...i promise."Tre said and quickly turned my peck into a full on...HEATED make out session. He picked me up and quickly ran me up the stairs and into the bedroom...even though it was 80’s and BILLIE’S bedroom...I didn’t care...the only thing I wanted was Tre. Like he one else mattered.