My Illegal Love Story

Like father,like son

*Part 16
I awoke to the sound of a giggling first I thought it was Tre watching porn downstairs, however the noise was closely followed by a “DAD...Stop it.”
After quite a while I finally realised what the noise was coming from...Frankito. I quickly got up and began to put make up on...even if he was only 6...I still wanted to make a good impression. I through on my best dress, quickly combed my hair and made my way down the stairs to meet Tre junior. To my surprise however, Claudia was there as well....GREAT.
“Hey babe.” said yelled as he got up and gave me a kiss. It was picture perfect, Frankito and Tre were watching cartoons and CLAUDIA was in the kitchen making all good WIVES do.
“Who’s that daddy?” Frankito said in his cute little voice. The fair haired boy just sat there and looked up at me with his big Tre like eyes.
“This is new girlfriend.”
“Hello Frankito.” I sweetly said as I leant over and shook his little hand. As I pulled away I saw Claudia in the corner of my eye. I decided to be the bigger person and apologise.
“Hey Claudia...Hows it going?” I pleasantly asked as I made my way over to where she was standing.
“Fine.” she snapped back. I could tell she wasn’t exactly pleased with me...,So with my safety in mind I backed up and went over by Tre.
“What are you guys watching?” I asked as I took a seat next to Frankito on the floor,
“Pokemon.” Frankito exclaimed as he eyes stayed glued to the TV screen.
“Pokemon! Wow, I used to watch that when I was your age...who’s your favourite?” I asked as I gazed over to Tre and quickly gave him a smile.
“Um...Ash, because he’s th master of all of them, I have all his cards. ”Frankito answered in a knowing tone.
“What’s yours?” he gazed over to me
“Well, I’m pretty boring...because I like Pitachu.” I cutely answered.
“I have his cards as well.” he replied back to me.
Seeing as there was a Pokemon marathon on the cartoon channel...Tre, Frankito and I sat and watch nearly 2 hours of pure Pokemon. After a while we all started to get annoyed of the animals repeating its we decided to go out to lunch. By then Claudio had left, finally it was just the 3 of us.
“So buddy...what do you want for lunch?” Tre asked as he picked up all the lose toys that were lying on the floor.
“I don’t know...What do you want Christina?”Frankito sweetly asked me.
“Well...I’m in the mood for a Happy Meal...what about you?”
“YEAH, YEAH, YEAH.” Frankito and Tre both chanted in my ear.
“Ok...let’s go then.” I said and quickly grabbed my bag while made my way to the door. As per usual Tre helped Frankito into the SUV then got into the drivers seat. Seeing as I was trying to impress little Frank...I quickly jumped into the back seat and sat beside him.
“Alright kids...let’s motor.” Tre giggled from the front seat and put the car into drive,
“How old are you Christina?” Frankito asked. not only was it bad enough lying to adults but I also had to lie to a minor...I was becoming pathetic.
“I’m 19 sweetie.”
“Wow, your only 11 years older then me.” Frank stated as he tried to do the math in his head.
“Wow, your 8...I thought you were 10, you’re very grown up for you age, aren’t you?” I dumbly asked as I was fully aware of his age.
“Yeah...I am.” Tre and I both giggled at Frankito’s not so modest comment.
Finally we got to McDonalds and made our way into the restaurant. Frankito and I went and found a booth while Tre went and joined the que at the register.
“Do you like daddy?”Frankito shyly asked.
“Offcourse I do...why?” I suspiciously questioned.
“No reason.” Frankito was quickly interrupted by a sudden glare from his father...was there something I was missing?
Apart from the constant autograph signing and the star struck looks, our meal was quite enjoyable .Tre purposely made sure that my happy meal had a fish burger as well as making sure that there was different toy in each of our boxes...he hated having doubles.
“Can I play on the play ground dad?” Frankito asked with his mouth ful of food.
“What have I told you about eating with your mouth full?” Tre sternly asked.
“Um...not to.” He giggled back
“So...finish your food...then ask me again.” Tre was really starting to show his father figure...I think is was because I was there.
Frank quickly finished his mouth full and cleared his throat before attempting to ask again.
“Dad and Christina...can I please go and play on the Play ground?” I completely touch...he actually asked ME as well.
“Awww, offcourse you can, be careful.”I sweetly said, while trying not to sound too motherly. As soon as I finished...BOTH Tre and Frankito jumped up and ran off to the play ground.
I quickly cleared the table where we had been sitting, collected the array of toys and then made my way to the play ground...whilst tyring to focus my attention to the constant chanting of my name
“Christina....Look at me.” From Tre who flung upside down from the monkey bars,
“Look, look at me Christina.” I then heard Frankito yell as he screamed down the slide...BACKWARDS, unfortunately landing head first. I hurriedly ran over to the play ground to make sure that he hadn’t gotten some sort of brain damage. Instead of sitting up and crying like most 8 year olds...he started laughing then screamed,
“That’s was awesome dude.” Tre yelled back and we just laughed as we got up and made our way to the car.
At 4 o’clock Claudia arrived to collect Frankito, to her disgust I was still there.
“Oh...your still here.” She snarled as I opened the door for her.
“MUM.” Frankito squealed as he ran down the stairs to greet his witch of a mother.
“Hey ready to go?”
“Yeh...ill just get my coat.” With Frankito leaving the scene it was only Claudia and I standing in a room...ALONE.
“Why do you hate me?” I asked while tyring not to sound abusive.
“I don’t.” she mumbled back.
“Bull shit. Every time I talk to you or even try to be mumble something mean back.”
“Look, it’s nothing personal.” She added
“It’s just...For the first time, Tre came to me...when you two had a fight I thought it was the start of something...but I slowly realised that I was just the rebound.” She sadly answered, to tell you the truth I felt sorry for her.
Before I could say anything more, Frankito came into the room on top of Tre’s shoulders.
“Say goodbye to Christina.” Tre said as he helped Frankito down.
“Bye Christina...Your lots of fun.” He giggled to me as he pulled me down to hug.
“Bye dad.” He sweetly said while running over and embracing Tre.
“I’ll see you next week.” Tre said back to him while returning the big bear hug, I could tell that this was the hardest part for him...saying good bye.
As the two of them jumped into their car, I could see the sadness in Tre’s eyes.
“What ya wanna do?” he asked while quickly shutting the door.
“I don’t mind.”I pleasantly answered while fixing the throw rug on the couch.
“Billie’s having a BBQ, I mean I have to go over there to organise some if you want to come, the girls will be there” Tre sweetly suggested.
“That sound great, ill just go have a quick shower.” I said with a seedy little wink, and before I knew it Tre and I were chasing each other to see who could get in the shower you could imagine, we were a little late to billies house.