My Illegal Love Story

They call people like me pathological liars

*Part 26
The flight was long, tiring and extremely depressing in my view. As always I was stuck beside something that prevented me from sleeping (a snorer).Not that I would of slept anyway, I couldn’t imagine anything far as I was concerned I was living a nightmare.
‘Please fasten your seat belts, we are about land’
I was quickly awoken by the sound of the speaker in my ear. I promptly sat up, rubbed my sleepy eyes and realised...this wasn’t a bad dream.
As soon as the plane had hit the ground I was up and ready to get home, finally this 14 hour nightmare was over.
“Thank you for flying with Virgin Airlines.” The attractive flight attended said as I grabbed my bag and made me way down the plane tunnel.
I didn’t feel happy or sad and I didn’t feeling empty or complete, I just felt...numb. I know I should have been depressed or on the brink of crying...but to tell you the truth, being back home was like coming back into reality...I felt in control.
I quickly made my way to the luggage convey belt to get my bag, suddenly my phone started to ring. I quickly dropped my luggage and dove into my purse in search of it; I didn’t even have time to see who the caller was,
“Hello.” I said, hoping it was Tre and praying it wasn’t Billie, I just don’t think I could deal with his undecided shit right now.
“Hey, I’m quick,” my sister’s voice came through the phone…… relief and disappoint came quickly but left just as quickly….and before I could say anything more, my sister hung up the phone...she always had a way with words.
I rapidly picked up my bag and began to make the short trip to the car park where my sister was waiting in her beat up old falcon,
“CHRISTINA.” I heard my sister yell as I looked around the car park in search of her,
“OVER HERE.” all I could see in the distance was a petite figure waving around trying to get my attention.
“COMING.” I yelled back as I gradually dragged my luggage in the direction of her voice. As I got closer and closer I began to feel lower and lower. Not only was I about to get abuse from my sister but I was also walking away from my fairy tale.
“How did you know I was here.” I asked as I finally got in arms length of her.
“I called the airline...and told them your name; apparently you were flying first of the boyfriend I suppose.” She spitefully said as she jumped into the front seat as I chucked my luggage in the back.
“Hows mum?” I asked while joining her in the front.
“She’s getting there...hopefully she’ll wake up soon.” I just nodded in agreement as she put the car in drive and speed off onto the high way.
“What’s your man think of all this?” Natalie enquired as she took a hard left to the hospital.
“He doesn’t know about it.” I nervously said, hoping she would just shut up and drive, but seeing this was my sister...quite the opposite happened.
“What do you mean?”
“Well...he really loves me, and he respects my wish for him not to know anything about my past...” I couldn’t say anything more without Nat going off her head.
“LOVE, WHAT DO TWO 17 YR OLDS KNOW ABOUT LOVE?” she screamed as she pulled the car over to the side of the road.
“Nat, he’s not 17.” I nervously said
“Last time I checked Adam was 17 Christina.”
It took me while to realise what had happened, but I quickly put 2 and 2 together. My sister thought I had left Australia with my old boyfriend Adam, which would explain her getting Tre’s mobile number. I gave it to jasmine in case of emergencies and I’m guessing she manipulated it from her.
“Ummm, I’m...sorry, it’s been a hectic day, offcourse Adam is 17.” I nervously answered; I think they call people like me pathological liars.
“Look, I know you made a mistake...and I’m guessing that your going to say here now, so...lets just forget about this...ok?” this was the best bit about my sister; there is no such thing as grudges in her book.
“I rang subway yesterday” she calmly said while driving into the emergency ward of the Brisbane hospital.
“And, they said you can start work when you’re ready. I told your school and your work that you came down with an unfortunate case of food poisoning and that you would be out for three’s only been two, so you have a week off school.”
I didn’t know what to say...because I actually had planned to go back to least I did until now.