How Do I Deal

Part Un

"Dude, Seb is going to kill me,"I panted as I ran back to the bus with Pierre.
"No he's not,"he laughed.
"Easy for you to say, you're not his cousin,"I glared and ran faster

. We were terrorizing the town we were in but it was late. Pierre told me that we'd be back by 1 but it's 4 am, haha. As you can tell Seb is my cousin and I'm 24 so I'm probably the youngest on the bus right now. We both reached the door of the bus and Pierre put the code into the door and let me in. we crept into the bus as quietly as we could.

"See,"Pierre whispered and smiled.
I nodded but as soon as I thought I was in the clear, a light turned on and there stood Seb.
"Johanna Dominique--"
"Hi!"I smiled and cut him off before he could finish.

He was about to say my last name (well his too) which I watched as he took a deep breath. You see my dad's from Quebec while my mom is from Estonia. So I can speak French, Estonian, Finnish, and English.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?"He crossed his arms at me.
"No, dad what time is it?"I tried not to laugh.
"Are you wasted?"He looked at me and Pierre.
"He's not,"I laughed,"and I only had a couple drinks."
"Yeah me too,"Pierre smiled.
"Dude can we can just go to bed?"I asked.
"No!"Seb glared at me.
"Ok, look we're really sorry but we didn't do anything bad."I tried not to laugh,"Well not sexual activities bad."
"Uh huh,"Pierre nodded,"We danced."
"Nothing out of the ordinary there genius,"I smacked him.
"Ow,"He stuck his tongue out at me.
"Shut up!!Just let them go to bed!"yelled Jeff from his bunk.
Seb sighed,"Fine go."

We both walked toward the bunks and I climbed to the bunk which was mine, which happened to be the one underneath David's. He was talking in his sleep again which I found cute but at the same time annoying. I didn't bother changing just fell asleep in my clothes from the night which oddly enough smelt like Pierre. Oh well I guess that's what I get for dancing with him most the night and hanging with him. Next thing I knew, everyone was up making noise, well almost everyone. Jeff, Chuck, and Seb...payback is a bitch I swear. I groaned to look at my phone to see it was 9am. I stretched and slithered out of my bunk and into David's. He was tossing and turning now as I propped myself up on my elbow. I poked him in the shoulder a couple times and he turned to look at me. He jumped and rubbed his eyes.

"Jo, how the hell are you so awake with only 5 hours of sleep?"he yawned.
"I'm magical,"I smiled,"Plus if you couldn't hear a cousin of mine is paying me back."
He laughed,"I noticed but you were out for a long ass time and no call."
"Crikey, mom, want me to call you next time,"I rolled my eyes.
"That'd be nice,"he said seriously.
"fine, sorry,"I crawled out of his bunk.
"where are you going?"
"You need to get dressed, I'm waking up Pierre, and I need caffiene,"I smiled,"so hurry up slow ass."
I smiled as I walked over to Pierre's bunk and pulled back the curtain. I leaned in and whispered in his ear,"get up Pierre"
His lips reached up and caught mine. I returned the kiss and let his tongue enter my mouth a while both pushing him off playfully.
"what was that for?"I tried hold back my smile.
"Um, for being you?"He shrugged.
"Whatever, get dressed."

I walked off and towards a source of caffiene. The thing with Pierre and me was that we always kissed, it literally meant nothing. It's like if we had this urge to kiss or make out with someone we did. And it meant nothing, it didn't seem to bother anyone. That's what I thought at least. I guess I never noticed the side glares that David would shoot every now and then to the two of us. I walked over to the couch next to sit next to Chuck with my Diet coke.

"Bonjour Charles,"I smiled.
"Salut Dominique,"he smiled back.
"Comme ca va?"
"Ca va bien et toi?"
"eh, comme ci comme ca,"I shrugged,"Je suis fatiguee un petit peu."
"Desolee,"He smiled.
"It's because you came in late,"Seb glared.
"Aujourd hui, je desteste toi."I glared at him.
"You do not,"He smiled,"You cant for more than like 3 hours."
I stuck my tongue out at him then took a sip off my diet coke. David finally came out and sat next to me. He pulled me onto his lap which was quiet comfortable.
"Salut David,"I smiled.
"Salut,"He smiled back.
"Dude, seriously we all speak french,"Jeff shook his head.
"Well I would bitch about Seb in Estonia or Finnish but no one else speaks it." I looked at him.
Jeff sighed,"She's pissed because Seb woke her up."
"Hey she woke me up,"Seb glared at me.
"No you waited up for me, like my asshole father,"I was pissed at the mention of him. Don't get me wrong I love Seb's family, just my dad's a grade A qualified asshole.
"I was just looking out for you,"Seb looked down.
"And to be honest you both should've called,"Chuck added.
"I know my mistake,"I rested on David.
"Oh I'll chew out Pierre too,"Seb smiled.
"Ok, so now je t'aime,"I smiled.
"Wow, and that didn't even last more than 10 minutes."
"Shut up,"I flipped him off.

And that people, is how the second morning on tour with Simple Plan started off for me. It could only get more interesting from there.