How Do I Deal

Part Deux

Pierre finally came out of the bathroom with a smile on his face. I couldn't help but laugh since I knew Seb was about to go off on him.

"Morning JD,"Pierre kissed me on the cheek even though I was leaning against David.
"Oh Sebastien,"I smiled which earned a confused look from Pierre.
That's when Seb gave Pierre an earful, haha it was great. The look of annoyance on Pierre's face was priceless. I couldn't stop laughing but tried not to show it.

"We're going bowling tonight,"David finally said inbetween laughs.
"Yes! Something besides this bus or a random bar and or resturant."I threw my arms in the air.
"Yeah, but we're still stuck here for a while,"Chuck sighed.
"So? We always find something to do."
"What, eat, sleep, talk, video games,"Jeff rambled,"JD and Pierre make out, so boring."
"Fine, I won't make out with him,"I crossed my arms at him.
"Is that a bet?"Jeff looked up at me with a smile.
"Maybe,"I smirked,"Only if I do happen to win then you can be my pet french guy."
"Deal,"He rolled his eyes,"and if I win, which I know I will, you bowl tonight according to our rules."
"D'accord,"I smiled and shook his hand. I settled back into David with a smug look on my face.
"Oh and Jo..."
"You've got to make it til we go bowling which isn't til 8 tonight,"Jeff smiled.

I gulped a little then nodded. A couple hours after breakfast, everyone went to play video games in the backroom. I was just watching David and Jeff play when Pierre sat down next to me with another Diet Coke and put his arm around my shoulder. He kissed the side of my head and I gave him a half smile.

"What's wrong?"He looked at me.
"I made a stupid bet with Jeff not to make out with you for basically the whole day,"I sighed looking at him.
"Ouch,"Pierre winced,"Doesn't mean we still can't though."
"Um yeah,"I glared at him.
"Wanna go work on some chord progressions?"smirked Pierre.
"Maybe a little,"I smirked back catching on. We both stood up which gained Jeff's attention.
"If you guys are going to make out, I'll know,"Jeff threatened.
"We're not,"I looked at him,"We're going to work on chord progressions."

Which wasn't a lie since I did know how to play guitar just didn't join a band yet. I currently am a dance instructor when I'm at home but I've got a ton of people to cover for me when I go on the road with these guys. Pierre lead me to the kitchen area making sure we both had guitars before we sat down. We both sat the guitars down gently before turning to face each other. We were making out when we heard the door open coming from where everyone else was and seperated quickly. I looked up to see Chuck coming to the refridgator.

"Did Jeff send you?"I asked.
"No,"He closed the door,"Ok so maybe he did but he was just making sure you weren't cheating."
"Of course not,"I smiled.

He left and me and Pierre went back to making out. Pierre pulled himself on top of me, his hands sliding underneath my shirt as mine pulled the bottom of his shirt up more. We got too into it, that we didn't even hear David come into the room til we cleared his throat. We quickly sat up and fixed ourselves. He just smiled a little and walked away. David went to sit back down with the rest of the guys with a sad look on his face.

"were they making out?"asked Jeff.
"Huh?"David wasn't even paying attention.
"I said 'we're they making out'?"
"Oh um, no,"David zoned out again and didn't even notice me and Pierre walk back in.

I sat down next to David and he just brushed me off. I slumped in my seat when the driver annouced that we were stopping for gas and a rest stop. Everyone got up and walked out of the bus. I was just walking towards the gas station when I felt someone pull me to the side. I turned to see Seb looking at me with this worried look he always gets.

"We need to talk now."
"Alright, just a second,"I sighed.
I went inside to get some cigarettes then met Sebastien outside at a pinic table by a tree. He was sitting on top of the table so I sat next to him.
"So?"I asked as I opened the pack of cigarettes. Seb lit the cigarette for me which I thanked him for.
"You like David right?"He rung his hands.
"Yeah,"I blew smoke out into the air away from him.
"You know he likes you too, right?"
"What are you getting at?"I looked at him.
"It's just everytime he sees you make out or kiss him, he gets jealous,"Seb looked at me.
"What am I supposed to do?I'm not with him,"i took another hit off my cigarette.
"Talk to him,"He sighed,"He was upset about earlier."
"What earlier?"I questioned.
"You and Pierre going too far,"Seb looked at my expression of shock,"I always know when you two go too far, you stop talking for a while."
"We do that don't we,"I laughed.
"Yeah,"He smiled,"And you're so going to kill yourself with those."
"Um, first new pack since two weeks ago, I've slowed down,"I smiled.

David walked towards us as Seb pushed me a little. He told Seb something and he went off. I was taking another hit off my cigarette as he stood in front of me.
"So sit, David,"I motioned,"We haven't talked since this morning."
David sat down next to me and I nudged him,"I don't bite I swear."
"I know."
"Look about earlier, I'm sorry,"I looked at him hoping to catch his eyes.
"Yeah, I've got to control that,"I tried to smile. David turned to look at me with a big smile on his face though.
"You so lost the bet,"he laughed.
"That I did but it doesn't matter,"I smirked,"We cool?"
"Yeah of course,"David pulled me into a side hug and I wiggled out of his grasp a bit.
"Hey tonight, I need to talk to you alone,"I looked at him seriously.
"Ok, my bunk?"David asked.
"C'mon they're probably waiting for us,"David helped me up and I put out my cigarette. I jumped on his back and he carried me to the bus. Now time to face the music and tell Jeff he won...I only hope what he has me do isn't too bad.