How Do I Deal

Part Trois

Ok, so since I lost the bet, Jeff decided that I'm playing a game of strip bowling. Which seriously sucked since I'm bad at bowling. Of course it was all alcohol related now, mixed drinks were flowing which felt great. And I threatened to harm Pat if he filmed my losing my clothes and put it online. Of course the only one not feeling this was Seb but I mean come on, it's creepy for your cousin to see you like that. Anways after bowling we headed back to the bus, I was buzzed as we walked back to into the bus. I was busy singing "Shake ya Tailfeather" as I was on David's back.

"JD, you are hilarous when you're buzzed," Chuck shook his head.
"You should see her when she's drunk,"Pierre laughed,"well wasted anyways."
"Well everyone, it's bed time!"I threw my fist in the air while trying not to laugh.
"Yeah, you do need it,"Jeff laughed.
"Night guys,"I smiled as David sat me down and everyone went their own way.

Not long after my buzz died down and I was sitting on the front of the bus waiting for David to come out of the bathroom. When he finally he did, I walked up next to him with a smile.

"Hey, I needed to talk to you remember?"I asked,
"Of course,"He smiled then lead me to his bunk.

I climbed in followed by him which we kept everything quiet since pretty much everyone was almost asleep. We were in close range with each other which felt nice for a change.

"So, what'd you want to talk to me about?"whispered David.
"Well, that I like you,"I whispered back with a smile.
"Is that so?"
"Well, I like you too."
"No, I mean I like you like you."
"Ah, I see,"He nodded.
"Ditto,"he smiled.
"Look about me and Pierre, it means nothing with us, I mean come on, how long have I known you, you should know this by now."
"I do,"He sighed,"It's just that if we want anything to work between the two of us, you can't make out with him like you just did."
"I can do that."
"Because if you do, I don't know if I can handle it."
"I won't, promise,"I smiled.
"Ok,"He smiled at me.

I watched him fall asleep as I almost did too. But there was a secret that I haven't told anyone in the band yet. It's mine and Pierre's secret since he was the only one who knew about it too. And I had this feeling that I'd have to bring it up again but I was scared out of my mind of what would happen when I did. The thought was pushed aside as sleep took over my body with David's arms wrapped around me. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad
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sorry it's short and boring. I'm kinda having writers block on this one