Even Heaven Is Hell Without You

Long Live the Car Crash Hearts

Sirens wailed and lights flashed as police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks made their way to the scene. The pile of rubbish that used to be our tour bus sat to the left of me, Billie Joe, with matted hair and tears in his eyes, to my right. He had suffered a bad burn to his upper arm and neck while I only had a sprained wrist. Tre had it worst off. Having been sitting up front when we crashed, he went straight through the windshield and when the bus jerked back, he went back through. He had a million little cuts all over his body, a broken arm, and worst of it all, he had a huge piece of glass pounded into the back of his head. The paramedics had already made it clear that he might not make it. Apparently it had cut something important up there in half and he now had blood leaking over the top of his brain. Billie Joe put his head on my shoulder, wincing from the pain in his neck, and started to cry harder. I was in too much shock to cry. Knowing that Tre Cool, the funniest man and best drummer in the history of punk rock might die. It was just too much to take in. Instead I wrapped an arm around Billie's waist, avoiding the burn as best as I could and comforted him. I told him everything would be alright and that Tre would make it. I was trying to convince myself the same thing. One of the paramedics came over from the ambulance Tre was in. He had a distraut look on his face. I knew immediatly that it was bad news.
"I'm sorry boys, we lost him. He just wasn't strong enough.", he said to us in a gruff voice.
Liar. Tre was plenty strong. It was just that stupid piece of glass that made him seem weak.
"C-can we see him?", I asked as tears started to build up in my eyes. The truth was starting to sink in and, man, it sucked.
"Of coarse. Follow me."
I pushed Billie Joe off of me carefully and got up with the one hand that wasn't throbbing with pain. Once I was up I turned around and offered Billie a hand. He grabbed it and, grunting with pain, pulled himself up right. We walked slowly towards the ambulance that held Tre's body. We climbed in the vehicle and sat on on the side where all the syringes and junk were kept. All the medics had left and were now helping out the other emergency officers. I pulled on the bright blue, plastic tarp that covered the man that was once my lover. I heard Billie Joe gasp beside me, shocked at the condition of his former best friend. His arm had been put in one of those velcro casts, similar to my own, the neck brace had been taken off, leaving his head to roll off to the side, and his cheeks had already started to turn a slight bluish tinge. One look at him and I collapsed upon his chest, sobbing.
"Oh Tre! Come back! Please come back! Please. Just let this all be a bad dream.", I cried into his black Nirvana T-shirt.
Billie Joe had moved to the other side of me so he could rub my back with his good arm and comfort me the same way I did him. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear.
"I'm going to leave you two alone for a bit."
I nodded and after he gave me a quick hug he opened the door and stepped out. I looked back at Tre. I stared at him until I couldn't take it anymore and I started crying into my hands. Sobs rattled my body and my shoulders shook. I couldn't stop. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I assumed it was Billie Joe, ready to leave the scene and catch some shut eye.
"Give me a few more minutes, BJ. Please.", I mumbled into my hands.
"M-mike?", a hoarse voice asked.
I knew that voice. I looked up increduasly only to find a pair of bright blue eyes staring back. A frown was upon the face of the man I loved.
"What's wrong, babe?"
"Tre!", I shouted and fell back on his chest, "I thought you were gone!"
He put his good hand up to my head and ran his fingers through my hair. With a small smile he said softly,
"I was. But even Heaven is Hell without you."
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I'm actually very proud of this story. It's very well written in my opinion.