Worlds Keep Spinning Round

Love Is In The Air

“Natalie, may I please speak with you?” I was standing behind the merchandise table and the lines were starting to form. Many girls wanted to get photographs before the Meet & Greet started. I looked up and saw Josh standing in front of me. His face was expressionless so I had no idea what this was going to be about. But it was the first time I was going to speak to him since the whole face-off between him and Joe, so I would be lying if I said I wasn't the least bit nervous.

“Yea, sure,” I said. I followed him to the boy’s dressing room. As we got there, they were coming out. Both Kevin and Nick shot me sympathetic smiles when they saw me walking with Josh. Joe, however, gave me a full out smile, which made my nervousness ease up a bit (unfortunately...not enough). I followed Josh into the room and closed the door after the other three guys were kicked out. Josh motioned me to sit across from him on the couch.

“What can I do for you?” I asked as professionally as possible, though every nerve in my body was on edge. I had a feeling I knew what this was going to be about, and I wasn't exactly looking forward to it.

He let out a sigh and said, “I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you before.”

Mean boss say what?! I was completely taken aback. I thought he was going to forbid me to date Joe, but he was apologizing? My surprise was clearly evident on my face.

“Joseph and I had a very long discussion this morning. You see, the reason I didn’t want you to get involved with him was because I thought you would be a bad influence. And this was all an assumption based on the fact that your uncle told me his sister had shipped you off to keep you from trouble. I thought that you were a troublemaker and didn’t want Joseph to get involved with you. But he sat me down and explained to me what happened for you to be shipped off to your uncle.”

If you thought I was surprised before, you obviously hadn't just seen my face right now. That comment sent me reeling. The only people I had ever talked to about that event were Sarah and Kevin. How did Joe know about what happened in LA? Then it clicked, Kevin. I was brought back from my thoughts when Josh continued to speak. “I didn’t have a problem with you two being friends at first because it didn’t seem as if anything bad was happening, but then the feelings you two had for each other seemed to get stronger, more serious. Joseph told me that he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend. By the looks of it, he has, and you’ve said yes.” Oh God, this is it. He’s going to do it. “I must say that was the best performance I’ve ever seen Joseph do. It’s pretty clear he cares a lot about you, and it looks like so do you. And I was wrong. It looks like you are a great influence on him. And I just want you to know that I‘m ok with you two dating and that I‘m sorry for the way I have behaved.”

He looked at me, finished with his speech. At first I was at a complete loss of words as I sat there and tried to take in everything Josh had said, but then I saw that he expected me to say something. “I guess its ok. I can understand where you’re coming from. I wouldn’t want to be a bad influence on Joseph anymore than you would. And I’m glad that you’re ok with it because you are our adult supervision and it would have been very hard to keep it a secret from you,” I managed to say once I composed myself. He nodded at my response, got up and left the room. I sat in silence taking in what had just happened. I am dating Joseph Adam Jonas and there is no one that has a problem with that! Once I was done taking it in, I got up and went back to work.


“I wonder what Uncle Josh wanted to talk to Nat about?” Joe thought out loud as him and his brothers walked over to the Meet & Greet area.

“Let’s hope he doesn’t forbid her to date you,” Kevin said. “I really don’t want to have to listen to your whining about that,” he added jokingly.

Joe rolled his eyes at his brother. “No, he won’t do that. We had a really long talk this morning, which I’m gonna have to tell you about later,” he said as they approached a long line of screaming girls. The meet & greet was like any other. Girls screaming, telling him they love him, marriage proposals and many, many hugs. After a few minutes, he saw Natalie walk back to the merchandise table and resume her post. She didn’t look like anything was wrong and was avoiding eye contact. “She has to know I’m looking at her,” Joe thought to himself as he blindly signed an autograph, right over Kevin's signature.

The night went on and finally the last fan had left. The guys were headed back to the dressing room to wait for Natalie, who was packing the merchandise, when Nick saw the face that had been plaguing his mind since yesterday. “Camille?”

She turned around surprised at the sound of his voice. “Nick? What are you doing here?” she asked.

He gave her a funny look. “Um, I’m in the band,” he said. “Didn’t you see me up on stage?”
She looked a built guilty. “Oh, I didn’t see the show. I came to pick up my little sister and her friends but I can’t find them anywhere,” she said exasperated.

“Oh,” Nick said a bit hurt. So he was right, she didn’t have any idea who he was. “It seems she does that a lot,” he said, walking closer to her.

“Yea,” she said, not really paying attention to him but looking around for her sister, who clearly wasn’t there. Then, as if it suddenly hit her, she turned to him. “Wait a minute, you’re in this band? You’re a Jonas Brother?” she asked.

“Uh yea, about that,” he said, scratching the back of his head nervously.

“I knew you looked familiar when I saw you take off your glasses at the park the other day... and all that talk about Disney Channel...that should have tipped me off. My sister and her friends do nothing but talk about you and your brothers. I should have recognized you, I mean she has posters of you all over her side of the room,” she trailed off, sounding as if she was trying to figure out how she didn’t see it at first. “Man, she’s gonna flip when she finds out. I wonder where the hell she went.” She turned in a 360 degree circle and looked around before planting her hands on her hips.

“Well, I can help you look for them if you’d like,” he said a bit hopeful. According to Joe, you had to wait two days before calling the girl. It took all Nick’s will power not to call her the next morning, but he had refrained himself. He had decided he was going to call her after tonight’s concert. Now, here she was, standing right before him, and the perfect opportunity had presented itself for him to spend some time with her.

“Oh, that would be great,” she said as her phone rang. “Hold on a sec.” She answered her phone. “Hello. Jenny where are you? Well then why didn’t you tell me? Yea ok does mom know? Really? Ok fine, bye.”

“Was that your sister?” Nick asked.

“Yea, apparently one of her friends was supposed to give her a ride home. She said both she and my mom told me that, but I usually tend to tune them out.”

“Oh,” Nick said.

“Well, I guess I should probably head on back home,” she said turning to leave.
Nick panicked. He needed to spend some time with her before they left for New Jersey. Right as she turned, he grabbed onto her arm as if on impulse. “Wait.” She turned back towards him, surprise etched into every feature on her pretty face. He let go of her arm and said, “We were gonna hang out and watch movies in our hotel room. Wanna come?”

She looked even more surprised at his forwardness (he was too) but asked, “Who’s we?”
Nick was very happy she didn’t question his forwardness or say no right away so he answered her question. “Well me, my two brothers Kevin and Joe, Joe’s girlfriend Natalie and her cousin Sarah.”

“Ok, so there will be other girls there?”

“Yea,” he answered, laughing at the relief evident on her face when he said that one word. “So, how about it?”

She looked a bit apprehensive but finally answered, “Yea, sure. I’ll just call my mom and ask her if it‘s ok.” She made the phone call and the smile that spread out on her face told him that she would be coming.

“Thank You,” he silently said to the heavens.


I tried to avoid eye contact with Joe as much as possible all night. Once I had gotten off of cloud nine, all I could think about was the fact that he knew about everything that had happened in LA. I was going to tell him eventually. He was my boyfriend after all and I always believed honesty was key in making a relationship work, but it was awkward knowing that he already knew. I took my time packing up all the merchandise because I knew the guys were waiting for me. Sarah and I were going to go back to their hotel room and watch Christmas movies all night to welcome the holiday.

“Hey,” I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around with a blank look on my face.

“Hi,” I said coldly.

“Whoa, what’s with the attitude?” Kevin asked.

“It‘s nothing. What do you want?” I asked.

“I was just gonna ask you if you need help packing this stuff up so we can get out of here. I really want to see Sarah.”

“I’m almost done. Just taking inventory.” He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows. That was his signature ‘you’re-gonna-tell-me-what’s-going-on’ look. I rolled my eyes and put down the clipboard I was holding. “Why did you tell Joe about what happened in LA? That wasn’t open for discussion Kevin. I trusted you to keep that a secret.”

He uncrossed his arms and looked at me with guilt all over his face. “I’m sorry. You never said anything about not telling him anything.”

“I know but I didn’t think I had to. He went and told Josh too. Do you know how embarrassing that is? That event caused me so much pain and everyone has found out about it, after I spent so much time trying to forget it.”

He let out a sigh, walked around the table to me and gave me one of his hugs. The ones that make all my problems go away and let me know I have someone I can depend on. “I am so very sorry. I swear from now on I will never discuss your issues with Joe, or anyone else. Well maybe Sarah, but that’s it,” he said that last part jokingly. I could always count on him to lighten up the worst of situations with a joke.

I pulled back from his hug and looked up at him. “Speaking of which, what are your intentions with her mister?” I asked mimicking what he would ask me about Joe all the time.

He instantly had a goofy grin on his face. “I really like her Nat. I think I might ask her to be my girlfriend.”

I let out a yelp which caused some other members of the crew to look at me funny. I didn’t care. “OMG no way. When?”

“I don’t know yet. When the moment is right. Don’t say anything!” he warned after taking one look at the expression on my face.

“I won’t. I promise. Now let’s get out of here,” I said grabbing his arm and leading him to his dressing room where everyone else was waiting for us.


As soon as we walked into the lobby, I saw Sarah sitting on a couch reading a magazine that was laid out in the hotel lobby. She didn’t see us walking in so I motioned for the guys to follow me silently. I was going to surprise her but Kevin ruined it. “Hey stranger,” he said as we approached her.

I turned and glared at him but he just flashed me his charming smile. I turned around as Sarah got up and gave me a hug. She gave them all hugs but lingered on Kevin’s. “Um, aren’t there six of you?” she asked looking from one to the next.

“Oh yea, where did Nick go?” Joe asked looking around for his younger brother.

As he said this, Nick walked up to us. There was someone behind him. He stepped over and we all recognized Camille, the girl he had met at the amusement park the day before. We all gave Nick knowing smiles as he introduced us. “Guys, this is Camille. Camille, these are my brothers Joe and Kevin, our friend Natalie, her cousin Sarah, and the members of our band John, Jack, and Garbo,” he said pointing to each of us. We all smiled at Camille and she timidly said 'hi'.

“Alright guys, we have tons of movies to get through so let’s go,” Kevin said taking charge like always. We all walked to the elevators and went up to their suite. John, Jack, and Garbo went to their own suite. They all had early flights back to their home towns for their break. The rest of us all grabbed seats as Kevin pulled out a few movies. “Ok, what do you guys want to see?”

“The Santa Clause,” me and Sarah said at the same time. Everyone else in the room looked at us. “What,” we said at the same time again.

“Ok that is really creepy,” Nick said. Both Sarah and I started laughing.

“We do this every year around Christmas. We always start off our marathon with the Santa Clause movies. This year we have a third one to add to the list,” Sarah said all giddy.

“Well I’d hate to break up tradition,” Kevin said putting the disc into the DVD player. There was no more room on the couch so we had to change seating arrangements. Me and Sarah immediately lied down on the floor as close to the television as possible. Joe and Kevin sat down next to us which left Nick and Camille with the couch to themselves. The movie started and Sarah and I were immediately enthralled by it.

After a while my stomach hurt from lying on the hard ground so I sat up and leaned in to Joe a little. He looked over at me with a smirk on his face. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in closer. Definitely more comfortable. A few minutes later, Sarah sat up and Kevin immediately put his arm around her shoulder. I looked over at them with raised eyebrows. They both shot glances at me with huge grins on their faces. I turned back to the TV and continued to watch the movie. At the end of the first movie I said, “Well I don’t know about you guys, but I need some snacks. I think I saw a vending machine down in the lobby.”

“I’m coming with,” Sarah said. She got up and we started walking towards the door. “Want to come?” I asked Camille.

She looked up a bit relieved. “Yea sure.”

“We’ll be right back,” I said to the guys as we left the room. I nodded my head at Joe and he knew what to do.

“So Camille, how old are you?” Sarah asked once we were walking down the hall.

She looked over at us nervously. “Uh, I just turned sixteen in November,” she said.

I noticed she was a bit timid. “Hey, don’t worry. We don’t bite. No need to be nervous or shy or anything,” I told her.

She let out a nervous laugh. “Sorry, it’s just weird being around people I don’t know. I’m shy like that. I’m usually really crazy and loud though.”

“Haha, yea. I noticed that yesterday at the park. You were pretty loud on the Pacific Plunge. You managed to out scream Joe, something none of us have ever been able to do. But don’t sweat it. Me and Sarah are probably the craziest, and loudest people you’ll meet. These guys are used to it so don’t worry about making a fool of yourself.”

She laughed and nodded her head. “Ok. So uh, you and Joe are dating huh?” she asked continuing the conversation.

We had agreed not to let people know yet (except for immediate friends and family of course), but I couldn’t help the smile that tugged at my lips. “Yea. It’s really recent. Like this morning recent,” I told her. “But don’t say anything.”

Sarah came back into the conversation at that. “I still can’t believe it. I was freaking out when you called me this afternoon and told me.”

“Are you and Kevin dating?” Camille asked turning to Sarah.

Sarah blushed a bit but shook her head. “No. We just met a few days ago.”

“Yea but you’re like totally in love with him,” I added.

“Shut up I am not,” Sarah said. I shot her one of my looks. “Ok so I’m interested in him but that doesn’t mean I’m in love with him,” she added defensively. I rolled my eyes at her.

“You guys look really cute together,” Camille told her. Sarah blushed and said thanks with a grin on her face.

“So how about you,” I said to Camille. “Are you interested in Nick?”

She was surprised by my question. “Well I don’t really know much about him, besides the stuff he told me at the park yesterday. He seems really nice though.”

“Oh he is. He may seem shy at first when you meet him, but he is so much fun to be around. He can be just as wild and outgoing as his brothers. He just doesn’t feel comfortable being like that around other people. But if you break out and act all crazy around him, he’ll do the same. He’s such a sweet heart. You should really get to know him,” I said in Nick’s defense.

“Plus you two look really cute together as well,” Sarah said returning the compliment Camille had made about her and Kevin.

I saw Camille blush as we grabbed our snacks from the machine and started to make our way back upstairs.


“So Kevin, are you going to make your move on Sarah or what?” Joe asked as soon as Natalie closed the door.

Kevin was changing the discs in the DVD player and looked up really fast. “Uh-,”

"Oh come on, we all know you like her. Don't even try to deny it."

"Okay," Kevin said, placing the first disc into its rightful case.

"So, are you going to do it or what man?" Joe pressured.

"Yes, Joseph. Happy?"

Joe grinned broadly and nodded his approval. “When?” Nick joined in the conversation.
Kevin let out an exasperated sigh. “Sometime tonight probably. How about you?” He turned his attention to Nick. “How come you haven’t made a move on Camille yet? You guys were pretty quite back there.”

Nick looked away and blushed. “I don't know. I thought this would be fun, but it’s just weird. She seems to be so nervous and out of her element, and now I'm kinda regretting being so forward and asking her over to watch movies. I don’t want to rush things even more when I just met her yesterday.”

Joe and Kevin looked at each other and then at Nick. “Well, we’re going back home for Christmas and after that we’re going to finish the tour. If you want this to happen, you’re going to have to move quick lil bro,” Joe told him.

“Yea I know. I’ll work on it. But you guys are going to need to help me out on this one. Speaking of Christmas Joe, have you told Natalie we were going back to New Jersey for Christmas?”

“Yea actually I did. I asked her to come with us. And she said yes,” he told them with a grin on his face. He turned to Kevin. “After you ask Sarah to be your girlfriend, you should tell her to come too. That way she won’t be left alone for Christmas.”

“Ok I will,” he said as the door to the suite opened.

“You will what?” they heard Sarah ask as she strolled into the room.

“Nothing. How did you get in here?” Kevin replied. Just as he asked this, Natalie walked in with the key to their room. Kevin shot a glare towards Joe, who merely raised his shoulders in a shrug. “Alright, now that you girls have your snacks, let’s get back to our marathon,” Kevin said, putting aside the conversation they had been sharing. Everyone got situated the way they were before and went on to watch the Santa Clause 2.


Just as the credits started at the end of the second movie, we heard someone’s phone ringing. We all looked up at the couch and noticed that it was Camille’s phone. My jaw dropped when I turned around and saw Camille sleeping in Nick’s arms. I looked over and saw that Sarah’s jaw had also dropped and Joe and Kevin had knowing grins on their faces. As if he could feel our eyes on him, Nick opened his eyes and rubbed the sleep away. He took one look at our faces and immediately removed his arm which caused Camille to wake up.

“What’s going on?” she asked in a daze.

Nick cleared his throat and said, “Uh, your phone was ringing. You might want to check who it was.”

Camille checked her missed calls and noticed it was her mom. She called back and had a short discussion (she seemed to be trying to convince her mom of something in hushed tones). When she hung up the phone she said, “My mom wants me to come home. It’s two hours past my curfew.” We all looked at our own cell phones and noticed it was a little after one in the morning.

“Oh ok,” Nick said getting up from the couch. We all got up from the floor and stretched a bit as Camille gathered her things.

“Alright well, it was nice meeting you all,” she said to us and then looked back at Nick. I was closest to him so I nudged his ribs.

“Oww,” he said. He looked at me and I raised my eyebrows towards Camille. “Uh, why don’t I walk you down to your car?” he asked turning towards her, his face tomato red. She said ok and they walked towards the door.

“It was nice meeting you too,” I yelled out before Camille left. She turned around and I winked at her which caused her to blush like crazy. The guys just looked at us as me and Sarah flashed her knowing smiles.

“Don’t hurry back,” Joe said to Nick as he walked out the door. Even though he closed the door pretty quickly, we all saw his blush deepen which made us burst out in laughter.

Once we were done Sarah said, “Well, while Nick is off doing whatever he is going to do, I’m going to stretch my legs a bit. Call me when he comes back.” She grabbed her phone and headed towards the door. We heard the door click and both Joe and I looked at Kevin. His eyes widened, realizing now was the perfect moment, and ran after her.

I rolled my eyes and said, “You guys are so slow when it comes to girls.” Joe laughed and we sat back down on the couch, having the whole suite to ourselves.


“Um, sorry if my brothers and our friends made you feel uncomfortable,” Nick said to Camille as they walked down the hall towards the elevators.

Camille had been fidgeting with her car keys and looked up when Nick spoke. “Oh that’s ok. Actually, Natalie and Sarah were really nice to me. And my guy friends are just like your brothers, so I’m used to it,” she reassured him shrugging her shoulders.

Nick’s heart sank a bit when she mentioned guy friends but shook the feeling away. “Good. So uh, what did you girls talk about when you went down to the lobby?” She scrunched her eyebrows at him, not knowing why he had asked that question. He understood that look and added, “It’s just that when you came back, you seemed more, I don’t know, relaxed.”

Camille flashed him a smile that made his knees go a little weak. “Well, I was really nervous about being around people I didn’t know and they reassured me that I could just be myself and no one would judge me. So I took their advice.”

“I’m guessing Nat said most of those things, right?” Nick asked.

“Yea. She did. She also spoke very highly of you,” Camille added.

Nick blushed and asked, “Really? What‘d she say?” Camille’s eyes sparkled with life as she told him everything Natalie had said about him. With each word she said, Nick’s cheeks got redder and redder and Camille’s eyes sparkled more and more. “All that huh?” he asked embarrassed by all the good things Natalie had said about him.

Camille nodded her head. “Seems to me like you’re a guy worth getting to know,” she said opening her car door. She threw her bag into the passenger side and turned back to say goodbye to Nick. He was much closer to her than she thought. Before he knew what he was doing, Nick grabbed her neck and kissed her. At first she was shocked, but gave in and wrapped her arms around his neck. They stood there for a while until Nick pulled back completely embarrassed that he had moved so fast. He started to apologize but was cut off by Camille’s lips on his, once again.


Sarah was halfway down the hall when she heard someone calling her name behind her. Her heart skipped a beat when she recognized the person’s voice. It skipped another two beats when she turned around and saw Kevin running to catch up with her. “Hey, what’s up?” she asked putting a smile on her face.

“Nothing,” he answered grabbing her hands and leading her in the other direction.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked as he pulled her to the end of the hallway.

“You’ll see,” he said pulling her into the elevator. He covered her eyes with one hand and pressed a button with the other. They reached their destination and he carefully led her out of the elevator and through a door.

Before he even removed his hand from her eyes, Sarah knew he had led her to the roof. She could feel the cool night air hitting her bare shoulders and heard the buzz of the city down below them. She wasn’t, however, expecting the beautiful sight before her. “Are you ok? You’re not afraid of heights are you?” Kevin asked, concern clouding his words.

She snapped out of it and giggled. She shook her head and said, “No, it’s just that this is such a pretty sight of the city. Believe it or not, I’ve never seen it from a rooftop before.” Kevin flashed her his charming smile and grabbed her hand. He led her to a small ledge, sat her down on it, and sat down on the floor. She shook her head and got up to sit next to him. He let out a little chuckle and a small smile spread out on his face. They sat in silence enjoying the different sounds of the city.

Kevin looked over at Sarah. She was sitting with her legs crossed. Her eyes were closed and her long black hair was swaying in the breeze. He had never seen a more beautiful sight. She looked so peaceful. As if she could feel him staring, she opened her eyes and asked, “What?”

He shook his head and said, “Nothing.” She raised one eyebrow at him and he had to let out a chuckle. “You have no idea how creepy that is?” he told her.

Her smile was immediately replaced with a frown and he knew that hadn’t come out the right way. “I didn’t mean it like that. What I meant was you remind me so much of myself. It’s really weird. And that look you just gave me, I give it to my brothers and Nat all the time. So it’s creepy that we’re so much alike,” he struggled. She let out a giggle and told him it was ok. “But I like it,” he started. “Just as much as I like you.”

Her head shot up when those words came out of his mouth. She couldn’t believe her ears. “You like me?” she asked in a small voice.

Kevin nodded. “A lot. And I want you to be my girlfriend,” he said. He had been wanting to ask her for a few days and now that he had, all she did was stare back at him in shock. This made him nervous and he started to babble. “I mean, I know we just met a few days ago, but like I said, I’ve never met anyone more like me,” he was cut off by her lips on his. He was taken by surprise but gave in to the softness of her lips.

She pulled back and Kevin asked, “So, is that a yes?”

She smiled at him, said, “That’s a heck yes,” and went on kissing him.


While Nick and Kevin were out making things happen, me and Joe sat on the couch in their suite talking. He was doing most of the talking, while I merely nodded or shook my head when he asked me a question. He finally gave in to his curiosity. “Ok, what’s up with you?”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“That is the first sentence you have said to me since we were backstage earlier tonight. You’ve talked to everyone else, but with me, it’s just one word sentences.”

“Well, they’re still sentences,” I told him trying to avoid the conversation. He merely turned his body on the couch, facing me, and crossed his arms across his chest. I let out a sigh in surrender. “It’s just, I feel so awkward.”

“Awkward? Why?”

“Well, when I had my little chat with your uncle after the concert, he told me that he was ok with us dating and stuff,” I started.

“Yea, we had a talk early in the morning before I called you. But why would that make you feel awkward?”

“Well, he also told me that you explained to him the reason for why I was sent to live with uncle Danny," I continued, looking down at my hands, fascinated all of a sudden in the manicure I got yesterday.

"Oh," Joe said, understanding now why I felt awkward.

"Yea. It’s weird knowing that my boyfriend knows about that event. I kinda wanted to be the one to tell you. I mean, a lot of intense stuff happened last year and, I haven’t really told many people about it. Now, everybody knows about it.”

Joe unfolded his arms and grabbed my hands. “Natalie, you don’t have to worry about it. We will never judge you for anything. Especially not me. Heaven knows I’ve been through bad relationships as well. But I am sorry I told Uncle Josh about it without talking to you about it first.”

I couldn’t control the tears that strolled down my face. Joe had hit the spot when he said he would never judge me. I hadn’t realized until that very moment that I was worrying about what he would say about my past. Even more, what he would think of me afterwards. He rubbed the tears away with the pads of his thumb and leaned in for a kiss. We sat on the couch kissing until we heard the door of the suite open.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's taking me forever to finish updating this story to where we left off of on With school and work, I barely have time to sit down at the computer anymore. But I'll try my hardest to get all the chapters up as fast as I can.
