Worlds Keep Spinning Round

What's Gonna Happen Next?

Joe, Nick, and Kevin had come back with us to Uncle Danny’s house. So did my dad and my sister Kaitlyn. When we got there, we were all going down to the basement, but my dad stopped me. I told everyone to go on ahead without me. “So what’s up?” I asked him as we sat down in the living room.

“Well honey, you have been going through a lot this last year,” he started in that tone that I had learned to mean something bad was coming my way. Seriously, did all adults get together one day and decide that when they were going to share bad news that was the face and tone they were going to use? Oh yea, dad knew about what happened with Todd last year because my mom had decided to tell him behind my back. I think that was the first time she had spoken to him since they agreed that I would spend every Thanksgiving with him. I put that thought aside and tried to focus on what he was saying. “And I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I’m afraid that you can’t go on tour with those boys anymore,” he finished, pointing to where the guys were directly downstairs.

“WHAT?!” I exploded. Did he just say what I think he just said? “Why not?” I yelled, surprised that I could manage anything besides a whisper.

“Natalie Marie Anderson, keep your voice down.”

“Don’t tell me to keep my voice down! Why can’t I go on tour with them anymore? And who are you to tell me what I can or can not do?”

“Don’t speak to me in that tone young lady. I am your father, and at the moment legal guardian.”

"FATHER?! Some father you are. You left mom when I was three years old because you got some other chick pregnant. I only see you for a week a year and you're going to call yourself my father?! The last time I checked, the definition of father was someone who RAISED their child. Not someone who put up with them for a week and sent cards for birthdays and presents on Christmas." Oh My God I can't believe I just said that! My dad was surprised too because he just stared blindly at me, not saying a thing. Then something he said registered in my brain. “Wait, legal guardian? What are you talking about?”

I could tell that he was angry now. As if the veins popping in his forehead and his beet red face weren't evidence enough, he seemed to be speaking through clenched teeth when he said, “Your mother had it written in her will. If anything were to happen to her then I would be your legal guardian.”

I sat in silence, completely shocked, thoughts reeling around in my head. Why did mom have a will when she was only in her thirties? Will I ever catch a break from all this drama? How can dad do this to me? I love my job! Being on tour with these guys is the best thing that has ever happened to me! Why IS he doing this?

“Now, we’re going to be heading back to the city in a few hours, so go get your things together.” I was brought back from my thoughts by his strict and pissed off tone. I sent him a menacing glare, but I did as I was told. When I turned into the hallway that led to the stairs, I saw Joe, Nick, Kevin, Sarah, and Kaitlyn standing there. Their mouths were hanging wide open. Guess they heard all that.

I didn’t say anything to anyone. I just shook my head and ran up the stairs with tears starting to form in my eyes. Within seconds, everyone was in my room. “I can not believe your dad is doing this,” Sarah said as soon as she walked into the room.

“I know!” I said letting out a sob. I was still pissed off, don't get me wrong, but I was starting to take in the fact that I wouldn't be seeing the Jonas' again.

“Did he say why you can’t continue the tour? I mean, he can still be your guardian while you’re somewhere else,” Joe said in a desperate voice as he put his arm around me and pulled me in a hug. Their relationship just got started, and now they had to be separated, not knowing when the next time they would see each other was.

I shook my head and made my way to my closet to reluctantly pack my things.

“This is so unfair,” Kevin said.

“Come on, dad has your best in mind,” Kaitlyn said in dads defense. Everyone ignored her. I kind of felt bad because she was an innocent bystander in all of this, but there was a tiny part of me that envied her for having our dad when I didn't. But this wasn't the time to be thinking about that.

“What’s gonna happen next?” Nick asked. We all looked around at each other, but no one had an answer to that question.


Joe was sitting on his bunk checking their Myspace when he heard his phone beep, indicating he had a new text message. Ugh, I can’t wait anymore!

It was from Natalie. After she left with her dad for the city, they only spent a few days in Jersey. They had to fly back early to continue the tour. His parents and Frankie were joining them and Sarah had gone back into the city for a new semester.

He talked to Natalie every day on the phone, through text messages, and even through e-mail (all in the wee hours of the morning that is). In the weeks since he had last seen her, she had broken down pretty badly. It turns out that since she was already 18 and legally an adult, what her mom wrote in her will shouldn’t have been taken into effect. Now they were going through a whole bunch of legal issues. Both he and Natalie were waiting for the paperwork to be finished so that she could come back and finish the tour with them.
His phone beeped again and he saw that she had sent him another text message, this time showing a frustrated face. He couldn’t help but smile as he thought about how cute she looked when she was frustrated. He sent her a smiley face back, hoping to lift her spirits. Then she sent him another one. He laughed again and decided to send her a real message instead of just a face.

Joe: So, anythin yet?

Nat: nope nothin

Joe: ugh that sux. I can’t wait anymore either. Kevin is gettin pretty pissed at all my whining

Nat: poor Kev :l I’ll have 2 apologize next time I talk 2 him

Joe: lol yea. So guess wut I found da other day

Nat: no idea

Joe: ur ‘join the dark side, we have cookies’ t-shirt

Nat: no way! I’ve been lookin 4 dat!

Joe: lol yea well it was under my pillow

Nat: how did it get there?

Joe: good question. I think it was that night we…


Joe: lol jk

Nat: -sigh- g2g

Joe: :(

Nat: yea I know. Luv ya ttyl

Joe: luv u 2

He closed his phone and turned off the computer. It was pretty late and they had an interview tomorrow morning so he decided to go to bed. He pulled Natalie’s shirt closer to him and drifted to sleep anticipating the day she returned to him.

"Honey, are you alright?"

Denise Jonas looked up and was met with her husband’s concerned face. "Yes, I'm fine," she replied with a forced smile.

Being married for twenty-two years came as a disadvantage for her when he gave her a skeptical look. "What's bothering you?" Mr. Jonas asked, sitting next to his wife on the small kitchen table and putting his arm around her shoulder.

"Kevin, I'm worried about Joseph," she answered in a small voice.


"I have never seen him like this. Ever since we came back to continue the tour he hasn't been himself. He's a lot quieter than usual, he doesn't have the same energy at the concerts, he seems to have lost his appetite, and I swear he is starting to get bags under his eyes. That part is what's worrying me the most."

"Honey, he just misses Natalie, that's all. He'll learn to get used to the idea of not having her around all the time. He'll be fine," Mr. Jonas tried to reassure, but his wife wasn't buying into it.

"I've never seen him so into a girl before. Do you think...what if he's...Kevin, do you think he's in love?" she asked in a whisper, the thought of her baby boy being in love, a bit too much for her to handle.

Her husband chuckled slightly. "Sweetie, they haven't even known each other for that long. There is no way he could possibly be in love."

"Don't you remember us at their age Kevin? The signs are all there."

Her husband let out a sigh and rubbed her arm slightly. "So let’s say that our Joseph is in love, what's so bad about that? Natalie seems like a wonderful girl and she makes our son happy. That should be enough for us."

"And it is, but, never mind." She wasn't about to tell her husband that she was afraid of being replaced. Because it sounded ridiculous even in her own head. Out the corner of her eye she saw the light that was coming from Joe's bunk go out and she tried her hardest to ignore the feeling of jealousy in her gut.


Run, baby, run, don't ever look back
They'll tear us apart
If you give them the chance
Don’t sell your heart
Don’t say we’re not meant to be
Run, baby, run, forever will be you and me

I opened my eye a wink when I heard my phone ringing. It took me a while to realize who it was but answered it with a smile on my face once I was awake enough to know who was calling. “Hey,” I said as I stretched a bit.

“Hey, did I just wake you up?” Joe asked.

“Yea, but that’s cool. I’ve slept long enough as it is.”

“Oh, ok. Sorry I missed your call last night but I got your message. What’s up?”

I was instantly filled with excitement as I remembered why I had called him the night before. “It’s finally done,” I told him.

“No way! So the wait’s over? You’re coming back?” he asked full of excitement. I nodded my head. “Ok Nat you do know I can’t see if you’re nodding your head or not. You have to say something.”

“Haha, YES. I’m coming back!”

“Finally,” I heard Kevin say in the background.

“Do you have me on speaker again?”

“Yes,” I heard Nick, Kevin, John, Jack, Garbo, and Joe say simultaneously.

“Ok well since you can’t see me, I’m rolling my eyes right now.”

“Yea we figured,” I heard Garbo say. I laughed out loud. I missed those guys so much.

“So when do you get in?” Nick asked.

“Well, I’m flying to Cleveland so I’ll be there a little bit before your concert.”

“No way, that’s like, tomorrow,” Joe said.

“I know. I’m so excited. I miss you guys so much.”

“We miss you too,” they all said, except not at the same time, so it sounded funny.

“Dad just said we’re almost in Cleveland so we’ll be able to pick you up at the airport!” Kevin yelled into the phone.

“Jeez Kev, I need my ear drums. Could ya try not to blow them out?”

I heard them all laugh in the background and Kevin apologized. “Alright well we have to go so we’ll see you tomorrow!” Nick said. I said bye to them and hung up. I was jumping out of my skin with excitement.

The next morning I got up early and got ready before anyone else was awake. Kaitlyn was the first one up. She walked into the kitchen to find me eating a bowl of Corn Pops. "Hey," she said taking a seat on the stool next to me yet not looking over at me. For the whole two weeks I've been here, I've been avoiding everyone in the apartment, and they've done the same, especially Kaitlyn. The only time we had actually spoken to each other was about a week ago when I broke down REALLY badly. She sat with me for hours as I cried over mom’s death, over the rift between me and my dad, and over being separated from Joe when I needed him the most. I was actually surprised at how much better I felt after that. But I still felt really guilty about all the things I said to my dad at Uncle Danny's house and hadn't found the way to apologize yet.

"Hey," I replied, shoving another spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

"So. You must be pretty excited to be getting back on the road," she said as she poured some Special K into a bowl.

"Yea. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't," I answered, staring intently into my cereal.

She nodded her head in understanding as she started her breakfast. After a few more minutes of silence we both said, "I'm sorry," at the same time before breaking into a fit of giggles.

"Ok, so I know I'm apologizing for being a brat for the past two weeks, but what are you apologizing for?" I asked turning slightly towards her.

"For taking your dad from you," she whispered, staring into her bowl so intently that I found myself wondering if she was trying to make the cereal disappear without her having to actually eat it.

"Kait, that is completely ridiculous. None of this is your fault. You weren't even born when this happened," I stated. I can't believe she's actually blaming herself for this.

"Still," she replied with a shrug, continuing to play with her cereal. I shook my head slightly and turned to my own sogging cereal. "You know, it's not dads fault your mom moved you all the way across the country. He has always been proud of you. He's always bragged about all your accomplishments and stuff to his friends. It's not as if he doesn't care," she whispered, not looking up at me.

I let out a long sigh. "I know," I said. "I really didn't mean all those things I said back in Jersey. I was just upset about the whole thing with my mom but I knew being with those guys would help me get over it. So when he told me that he had custody of me and he wasn't going to let me continue with the tour, I sort of lost it. He really didn't deserve those things and I haven't found a way to apologize yet. I can't even look him in the face now."
After a moment of silence she said, "I think he knows that you're sorry." Then I felt a hand come down on my shoulder. I felt the color drain from my face when I saw my dad standing behind me.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked, diverting my gaze.

"Long enough," he replied. He let out a sigh and took a seat next to me. "Honey, I am so sorry I put you through all of this. I was just being selfish and I hurt you without that being my intention." I turned to him confused. "When your mother moved to California, it tore me apart to know that I wasn't going to watch my first kid grow up. I missed out on so many things in your life that when I found out about what your mother had written in her will, I just saw that as my opportunity to be a part of your life. You're already finishing high school and going off to college soon. I just wanted to spend as much time with you as possible before you started the next phase in your life," he finished.

I stared at him blankly, tears starting to well in my eyes. Seriously I've done so much crying these past two weeks I don't even know how my tear ducts do it anymore. I got up from my seat and gave my dad a hug. None of us said anything, but that silence was a sign of understanding between us.

After breakfast, we headed towards the airport. Saying one last teary good-bye to my dad and to Kaitlyn, I made my way through the terminal and to my plane. A few hours later I was in Cleveland. I was pushing my luggage through the terminal when I heard my phone ring. “Hello?”

“Hey where are you?” Joe asked.

“I’m here. Where are you guys?”

“We’re here too but I don’t see you.”

“I don’t see you either. Are you sure you went to the right place?”

“Yea, the American Airlines terminal.”

I rolled my eyes. “Joe, I said incoming American Airlines terminal.”

“Are you serious? Ugh fine we’ll go over there right now.”

“Are you saying we’re in the wrong place?” I heard Kevin yell in the background.

“Kevin, stop yelling. We only have to walk a little bit to get to where she is.” Joe was quiet for a while but I heard him panting, so I figured they were running. “Ok, we’re at the terminal. What are you wearing?” he asked.

I looked down at my outfit. “I’m wearing black skinny jeans, a dark purple shirt with a black vest, the vans Nick gave me for Christmas and I have a black headband on,” I answered.

“I just saw her, this way,” I heard Kevin say.

“No way, that’s definitely her over there,” Nick said obviously pointing in the opposite direction.

I tried my hardest not to laugh as they argued over which way to go. Then I spotted three tall figures with curly hair. Aww, I love it when Joe and Kevin don’t straighten their hair. I rolled my eyes as I watched them turn in circles looking around the crowded terminal. I started walking towards them. “Nat, where are you?” Joe asked.

“Why don’t you turn around?” I was now a few feet behind them.

The three of them turned around and instantly broke out in wide grins. Joe ran over to me, picked me up and twirled me around as he embraced me in a HUGE hug.

“I missed you soo much,” he said putting me down and giving me a pretty heated kiss.

“Hey, we missed her too,” Nick protested from behind us. I went over and gave both him and Kevin a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Ugh, I missed you guys so much. And it’s only been two weeks!”

“That is long enough,” Kevin said. “I never realized how annoying Joe can be! All he did was whine about how you weren‘t here.”

Joe shot a glare towards Kevin. I laughed at him and linked my arms with his. When we walked out, we spotted their dad waiting for us. Before we made it to the car, however, they were attacked by a mob of girls. They were forced to take pictures and sign autographs for a while before Mr. Jonas came to their rescue.

“Alright, sorry ladies, but these boys need to get to their sound check,” he said smoothly pulling the boys away from the group of twenty-something girls.

All the girls whined but eventually let them go. “Whew, thanks dad. Why didn’t you save us any sooner?” Joe asked.

“Well I warned you that you should put your disguises on. But you were so convinced no one would be paying attention to you at a busy airport.”

Both Kevin and Nick shot glares towards Joe and I instantly knew it was his bright idea not to wear the disguises. I laughed at the expression on all of their faces as we pulled away from the airport.

When we arrived to the buses I was greeted with many hugs. As soon as I walked in, Frankie ran to me and attached himself to my leg. It took a few of the guys and a couple of tickles to pry him off, but eventually they did. Then John, Jack, and Garbo gave me long hugs. Then I greeted Mrs. Jonas.

Even though I had only met her about three weeks ago, I felt as if I were hugging my own mom. I was a little bit sad as I remembered my mom’s hugs. But I put those thoughts aside. I had been doing my best to forget and move on with my life. It was turning out to be harder than I thought.

“Oh sweetie don’t cry,” Mrs. Jonas said in her maternal voice.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I’m so happy to see you all. I’ve missed you a lot,” I said wiping away the tears that had formed.

“Don’t be sorry. We’ve missed you two. Especially these boys. They’ve all been going nuts without you,” Mr. Jonas said rubbing my back.

“True that. We’ve had no one to pick on,” Jack said. We all laughed and continued talking about what’s been going on in the past two weeks. A few hours later, it was time for the boys to go through sound check. Before I knew it, the stadium doors were opening and thousands of girls were filling the seats.

“Natalie, why don’t you just enjoy the concert tonight? You don’t have to work,” Josh said as I was preparing everything backstage.

I looked up shocked. “Uhh, are you sure?”

“Yes. Positive.”

“Oh, uh, ok. Well, if you need any help just let me know,” I told him as I went back towards the dressing room.

“Hey what are you doing back here?” Jack asked as they all walked out of the room.

“Uh, Josh said I could have the night off. I was gonna hang out for a while but I guess you guys are already going on.”

“You should sit in the audience,” Nick offered. “I hear it’s a lot of fun.” I couldn’t help but laugh as he raised his eyebrows up and down, edging me into it.

“Ok, I’ll sit in the audience. Hope you guys have a great show. Good luck.” I gave them each a hug and followed the sound of screaming girls until I got to the audience.

I had never seen one of their concerts from the audience before. It was completely different than being backstage. There were girls literally screaming their lungs out, flaying posters and throwing themselves forward, trying to get closer to the stage. Of course the most die hard fans were closest to the stage. I couldn’t help but laugh at them all.

I took a seat in the front row as the lights dimmed and the concert started. Soon enough I heard Nick, Joe, and Kevin’s voices as they started singing ‘Kids of the Future’. The crowd went even crazier. It was great. Within seconds I was caught up with them all. I got up and started rocking out like the rest of them.

The next song they sang was ‘That’s Just The Way We Roll’. I saw Joe’s eyes searching the crowd. Finally they landed on me and he broke out in a wide grin. He knew this was one of my favorite songs, even though I loved them all. While he sang the song, he shot me quick glances and kept winking at me. I rolled my eyes at him but couldn’t keep myself from smiling.

The concert continued and all the guys would flash me their charming smiles whenever they could. While Miley was performing, the girls next to me started talking to me.

“I absolutely love the Jonas Brothers. Don’t you just love them?” one of them asked turning towards me.

“Yeah, they’re cool,” I told her.

“Hey, I’m Amanda, and this is Ashley,” the oldest looking one yelled over the blaring music.

“I’m Natalie. Nice to meet you,” I yelled back. “Are you guys sisters?” I asked trying to make small talk.

“Yeah. I’m older,” Amanda said.

“That’s cool. You guys look a lot alike.”

“Yeah, we get that a lot,” Amanda replied.

“So, do you, like, know the Jonas Brothers?” Ashley asked joining the conversation.

“What makes you say that?”

“Well, they kept looking over here and smiling at you. And Joe kept winking at you. You must know them.”

“Well...yea, actually I do.”

They both squealed. “OMG no way! How do you know them?” Ashley asked. Seemed like she was the bigger fan of the two.

“Well I work for them. So we‘re all pretty good friends,” I answered.

This time they both let out very loud screams. “Oh My Jonas, you work for them? And you‘re friends with them?” they both squealed. Thankfully the guys were coming back on stage and everyone around us was screaming too much to hear them.

They turned all their attention back to the stage but I had a feeling they wouldn’t drop our conversation that easily. A few songs later Kevin started speaking to the crowd. “I can see that a lot of you dressed up for the occasion. I know I did. Well, this is my favorite part of the night. Time for us to get romantic on ya.” All the girls went even more nuts, if possible.

I saw Mr. Jonas setting a stool in the middle of the stage. This was my favorite part of their concerts too. The girls they picked to go up on stage always ended up crying and I thought that was so cute. I looked up and saw Joe with his hand on his forehead, searching the crowd for that lucky girl. His eyes roved over me a few times and I knew what he was thinking. I gave him a ‘you-better-not-do-what-I-think-you’re-gonna-do’ look when I got a brilliant idea. I motioned for him to pick Ashley instead. He raised his eyebrows slightly but ended up picking her. She went ballistic. I thought she was going to faint before even making it to the stage!

Big Rob helped her up to the stage and she positioned herself on the stool. Nick started singing ‘Hello Beautiful’ and all the girls started screaming. When it was time for the chorus, Joe walked over, got on one knee, grabbed her hand and sang to her. He stayed that way throughout the whole song. When they were done, they each gave her a hug and she came back to the audience.

Soon after, the band took us to the future and then they were done. I got up and started to make my way backstage. I turned around when I felt two hands on my arm. “Hey Natalie, do you think you could introduce us to the band?” Amanda asked.

I, being the big push over that I am, said, “Uh, sure. They have a meet & greet in a little bit but I guess you can meet them real quick.”

They both scram and followed me backstage. I walked into the dressing room and was greeted with many smiles. I shot the boys a warning look before Amanda and Ashley walked in behind me. “I hope you guys don’t mind, but I kinda brought a few fans to meet you,” I told them closing the door.

“Not at all,” Kevin said. He was always the first to be nice to their fans. He walked over and gave Amanda and Ashley a hug. I thought Amanda was going to hyperventilate, but she managed to compose herself as Nick and Joe got up and gave them hugs. “So, did you ladies enjoy the show?” Kevin asked.

“Did we?! We have been to eight concerts and this by far has been the best one ever!” Amanda answered with her eyes glued on Kevin.

“How about you?” Nick asked turning towards Ashley. She blushed like crazy and nodded her head. The band chatted with them for a little while and then Mr. Jonas came in. “Ok boys time for your meet & greet.”

“Coolio,” Joe said. “Well it was great meeting you guys. Glad you had a great time tonight.” He got up and gave them each a hug. Nick and Kevin did the same and Big Rob escorted the girls out of the dressing room.

“Alright boys, lets go,” Mr. Jonas said.

They got up to do their meet & greet while the other three guys went out to do God knows what, leaving me alone in the dressing room. I plopped down on their couch and closed my eyes. A few seconds later, someone walked back into the room. “Forget something?” I asked looking up at Joe.

“Yea,” he said walking over to me. He grabbed my hands and stood me up. What is he doing? Next thing I knew, his lips were locked with mine. “I forgot to say ‘I love you’.” He gave me another quick peck and ran out of the room.

“Ok, I have got about the greatest boyfriend in the world,” I said aloud, plopping back on the couch. Can things get any better? I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. Little did I know, someone had been walking past the open doorway and had seen our little PDA.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yea, I know the Hannah concerts weren't like that, but wutevs. I wrote this story like summer '07 so I had to rearrange things a bit. So yea, comments?

Happy Birthday to Nick Jonas!!!

And to ME!!! turning 17 tomorrow (the 17th)