Worlds Keep Spinning Round


The next morning I woke up totally confused as to where I was. I looked around me and tried hard not to laugh. Nick, Joe, Kevin and I were all sprawled out on the hotel floor with crazy bed hair. Nick and Kevin were cuddling with each other while I was resting my head on Joe’s back. He was sleeping with his face resting on an outstretched arm.

I sat up to check out the time. It was ten o’clock. I felt a hand pull me back down. Joe had turned over and now my head was resting on his chest. “Mornin’,” he said with his eyes still closed.

“Good morning,” I said back. We stayed like that for a while and eventually I fell back asleep. Then I felt a pair of hands shaking me gently.

“Come on Nat, wake up.”

“Ugh, five more minutes.”

“You said that five minutes ago. Now come on, get off of Joe.”

I reluctantly opened my eyes and saw Nick staring at me. Both him and Kevin had gotten up and were already dressed. I was still sleeping on Joe’s chest, but he was wide awake. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and said, “Good morning sleeping beauty.”

I sat up and told him good morning. I got up and went into the bathroom. I took a shower and when I came out, Joe went in. I was doing my hair when he came out. He grabbed an outfit and changed in the bathroom. He came back out to find me in a comfy hotel bathrobe, trying to choose an outfit. I turned around when I heard him laugh.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Did you ever realize that you tilt your head at an angle when you are trying to decide on something?”


“Well you do. And it’s really cute.”

“Uh, thanks?”


I stared at him confused and turned back to look at the outfits I had laid out. I decided to wear gray wash jeans from American Eagle, a white polo shirt with a black zipper hoodie, and my black clogs. I motioned for him to leave the room so I could change. When I walked out of the room I saw the guys eating.

“Hey, we ordered room service. We got you your favorite,” Kevin said. He uncovered a plate and I saw buttermilk waffles and bacon.

“Yes, you guys are the best.” I sat down and ate my breakfast as I watched Joe shoot grapes up into the air and try to catch them in his mouth. “So, what exactly happened last night?” I asked.

“What are you talking about?” Nick asked.

“I have no idea what happened last night. The last thing I remember was me and Joe jumping on the couch for like an hour.”

Kevin answered, “Well after that, you brought out pillows and we all had a huge pillow fight, while eating more candy. Which, might I add, was not such a great idea. Let’s see, you kept running away from Joe as he chased you around making believe he was the tickle monster. Then he tackled you onto the couch and started tickling you while Nick and I were wrestling. Then Joe collapsed on the ground and you fell on top of him. You were both out cold.”

“Really?” I asked, laughing through my amazement. I didn’t remember all of that!

“Yea I remember that happening. For some reason I also remember whipped cream,” Joe said with his mouth full. Kevin and Nick burst out laughing. “What?” Joe questioned.

“That was because me and Kevin put whipped cream on your hand and tickled your nose with a feather, from the pillow you broke by the way. You slapped your face and got the whipped cream everywhere.”

“Aww and I missed that?” I whined.

“Don’t worry, we took pictures,” Kevin said grabbing his camera from the table. We looked through them and we all burst out laughing.

“That would explain why my hair was sticky this morning,” I said when we got to a picture of me sleeping with whipped cream in my hair.

“Well, at least it wasn’t as bad as the last time we were on a sugar high,” Joe added. We laughed even harder, remembering that unforgettable night. Then Mr. Jonas came into the room with Frankie right behind him.

He jumped into my lap and started eating some of my bacon. “Hey buddy, get your own,” I protested, trying to control my laughter.

He shook his head. “I don’t wanna. I wanna eat yours.” I ruffled his hair and let him eat the rest of my breakfast.

“Ok boys, you have to be at the studio by 1:00,” Mr. Jonas said looking at his watch. “It’s 12:30 so we should get a move on.”

He walked out of the room and went to gather his stuff. We got our stuff together and left. We met up with their parents in the lobby. They handed Frankie his coat and we all rode the van over to the MTV studio.

When we got there, there were already a whole bunch of girls screaming their heads off for the Jonas Brothers. They signed a few autographs but had to go up to hair, make-up, and wardrobe. While they were in the dressing rooms getting ready, I walked around the set.

OMG this is so cool. I can’t believe I’m on the set of TRL!

I was so consumed with my excitement that I completely didn’t notice the person standing in front of me. Until I bumped into him and it was too late that is.

“Oh my goodness. I am so sorry,” I apologized.

“That’s cool.” He got up from the ground and picked up his phone. “It was my bad. This thing can be really distracting,” he said pointing at his phone. He looked up and stared at me, a smile spreading out on his face. “I’m Ryan by the way.”

“Hi. I’m Natalie,” I said flashing him my killer smile.

“That’s a pretty name.”

“Thanks,” I said blushing a bit. “So, um, are you sure you’re ok?”

“Actually, now that you mention it, my shoulder does hurt a bit,” he said rubbing the shoulder I banged into.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. I completely wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and,” He cut me off.

“Chill out. I was just kidding. I’m absolutely fine,” he said laughing a bit.

“Oh.” I could feel my cheeks warming up. They were clearly pink because Ryan started laughing even more, which caused my cheeks to flame up even more.

I was going to say some smart comeback but I heard a familiar voice calling me. I turned around and was face to face with Nick. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you.”

“Oh yea. I was on my way to the dressing rooms but got distracted,” I said. He looked at Ryan, then at me, and then back again. I hurried to make an introduction. “This is Ryan, uh.”

I looked back at him, realizing I didn‘t know his last name. “Sheckler. Ryan Sheckler,” he said shaking Nick’s hand.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Nick Jonas.”

“Yea I know. My friend Taylor loves your band. Sorry I kept her from you,” he said looking back at me. “We kinda bumped into each other and were just talking.”

After they both raised their eyebrows at me, I knew I had been staring. And probably drooling. “OMG, you’re THE Ryan Sheckler.”

“Uh yea. I guess.”

“My younger sister adores you. She has posters of you up on her wall but, you know, I didn’t recognize you with that hoodie on.” That was a total and blatant lie. Kaitlyn was more into musicians and actors. I’m the one that’s totally in love with him. But he didn’t exactly need to know that.

“Haha, nice cover up,” Nick whispered in my ear. I punched him in the stomach and he doubled over in pain. Ryan just looked at us with a confused look.
I smiled at him and said, "Well, I should probably get going. It was so nice to meet you. And again, sorry about your shoulder.”

“Haha, I told you I’m fine. And it was nice to meet you too.” He turned and started to walk away. Then he turned back around and asked, “Are you going to be hanging out backstage?”

“Uh, I don’t know. I guess so.”

“Cool. So I guess I’ll see you around.”

“Definitely.” I looked after him as he walked away, texting on his phone. When he was out of eye sight I turned back to Nick. “Way to make me look stupid in front of THE Ryan Sheckler, Nick,” I reprimanded, putting my hands on my hips.

For some reason he found this funny and started laughing. “Don’t think you needed my help to do that Nat,” he said. I sent him a death glare. The second he saw my eyes narrow into two slits he started running.

“Nicholas Jerry Jonas, I am going to get you!” He ran all the way down the hall and into their dressing room.

He hid behind Joe and said, “Joe, help. Your girlfriend is going to kill me!”

“Wow Nick. I’ve never seen her this mad. What did you do?” Kevin asked with humor dripping from his voice.

“He totally embarrassed me in front of Ryan Sheckler.”

“Ryan Sheckler, isn’t he the skater you like Natalie?” Mrs. Jonas asked from a corner.


“That boy is such a cutie pie,” she replied.

“Oh My God I know! And Nick just embarrassed me in front of him.” I turned around when I heard Kevin and Nick laughing. I put my hands on my hips and glared them down. “What did you want anyway?” I asked Nick.

Joe spoke up instead. “We just wanted to tell you that they’re going to let you sit in the audience if you want to,” he said in a small voice.

“Oh ok.” I sat on a chair as the boys finished getting ready. Soon enough, it was almost time for them to go on air. Before they left I pulled Joe aside. “Hey, what’s wrong with you?”

“What do you mean?” he asked, looking everywhere but at me.

I put my hands on his chin and made him look at me. He didn’t have to say a thing. I knew what was bugging him by the look in his eyes. “Joe, please tell me that you’re not jealous of me talking to Ryan.” The hurt in his eyes deepened and I knew the answer to my question. I pulled him into a hug and said, “Joe, you’re my boyfriend. I like you and no one else. That thing with Ryan was just me obsessing over how cute he is. But you know I’d chose you over him any day!” After I was done with my speech, I felt him pull me into a tighter hug around the waist. Good. All better now.

I gave him a light kiss. When I went to pull away, he held on tight and deepened the kiss. We were interrupted as someone walked past us in the hallway. “Uh, Mr. Jonas, they need you on the set. We’re about ready to get started.” I blushed profusely, wished Joe luck and made my way to the audience.


“Welcome back. Today we have three very special guests with us. They are teenage brothers from New Jersey and their career has taken off since the premiere of their song “Mandy” here on TRL. If you don’t know who they are by now, well shame on you. Here they are, Kevin, Joe and Nick, also known as the Jonas Brothers,” the thick Australian accent rang throughout the set.

“Why thank you very much for that introduction Lyndsey. Loving the accent by the way,” Joe said once they reached the bottom of the ramp. All the girls in the audience settled down from their outburst of screams.

“Yea, it’s awesome being here,” Nick said.

“Aww thanks mates. How are you?"

"Awesome, we're doing great," Kevin replied.

"Ok, so you guys are finishing up your tour with Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana. How has that been for you?”

“Well Lyndsey it has been absolutely amazing. We love going to all the cities and seeing our fans. They’re the best,” Kevin answered.

“What has been your favorite part of touring so far?

“Hmm, our favorite part? Guys, why don‘t you answer that while I think about this one?” Joe replied stroking his chin in thought.

“Well, my favorite part was being able to write songs for our new album and being able to record them on our bus,” Nick said.

“Oh yea, that was pretty cool. But my favorite part is always meeting the fans,” Kevin said, gesturing to the girls in the crowd, which, of course, was received with, you guessed it, more screams.

“Joe, did you figure out your favorite part?” Lyndsey asked turning to him once things settled down.

“Yup. My favorite part was getting presents. Our fans give us the coolest stuff,” he said.

“Really like what?”

“Oh all sorts of things. This one group of girls gave us a sweet scrapbook. They had a whole bunch of pictures of magazine spreads we were in, photoshoots, pictures from our videos. They also had pictures from all of our concerts that they’ve been to. It was just really cool and creative.”

“Wow, that is pretty neat. I bet it took them a while to make it.”

“Yea. Our fans are just that great,” Kevin said.

“Haha. Ok, so I’m sure you guys are tired of answering this question, but tell me, how’s the love life?”

“Aww man. The love life. Where to begin,” Kevin said.

“Well first off, Joe, we need to know if the rumors are true.”

“What rumors?” Joe asked confused.

“There have been rumors of you dating a girl that I believe is on tour with you boys. It‘s been all over the web for months. I think we actually have some pictures.” The screen behind them started showing a slide show of pictures of Joe and Natalie hugging at the Toys 'R' Us, a picture of them in each others arms, staring intently at each other with smiles on their faces, and then another one that looked as if they had just pulled back from a kiss. Joe turned bright red and everyone noticed. All the girls in the audience started whispering amongst each other. “So the rumors are true? Is that girl your girlfriend?”

“Well, you know people are always making stuff up and it’s all usually a mess of lies. But in this case, they’re right. She actually is my girlfriend.” The audience was in an uproar.

“Well tell us about her.”

“Umm, well, her name is Natalie and she is absolutely amazing. She’s pretty, and smart, and my absolute best friend.”

“Aww, that’s cute. So how did you guys meet?”

“Well, my uncle Josh, who’s our tour manager, he hired her to be his personal assistant. She’s been on tour with us all these months and we all just hang out together all the time.”

“Wow, so Nick and Kevin, do you guys get along with her?”

“Aww man, are you kidding? Nat’s like the sister we never had. For us at least,” Kevin said smirking at Joe. “But, yea I have to agree with Joe, she is pretty amazing. She keeps us grounded and she’s become one of our best friends.”

“That’s pretty cool. So, does it get awkward when they’re together?”

“You know, you’d think it would, but it doesn’t. We’ve all known they liked each other for the longest time. They act pretty much the same as before except now, we can’t really give them a hard time about it because they're dating, so it's no fun,” Kevin replied. Everyone in the audience started laughing. When they were done he added, “It was only awkward in the first few months of the tour.”

“Really and why is that?”

“Well it’s actually a pretty funny story. When we first started the tour, both Joe and Nick had crushes on her. Even though they didn't know it, they were in a competition to see who could get her attention. And everyday I had to listen to both of them separately talking about what had happened on a certain day.”

“Really? So, how did that end up?”

“Well, after a while I realized that she really liked Joe so I decided to back down. Then I realized that I liked her more as a friend and like a sister,” Nick said.

“Aww, that was nice of you. So, Nick, Kevin, do any of you guys have girlfriends?”

“Yea, actually, I have a girlfriend as well,” Kevin replied. Again, the audience started to talk amongst themselves.

“Really, well why don’t you tell us about her,” Lyndsey said when the chatter subsided.

“Well, her name is Sarah and she’s actually Natalie’s older cousin.”

“Really. So you guys met through Joe’s girlfriend?”

“Yea. When we went to LA, Natalie met up with her and introduced us. We started hanging out and I ended up asking her out,” Kevin replied, a smile spreading out on his face.

“So, how long have you two been dating your girlfriends?”

“Well, we actually asked them out on the same day. And that was a little over a month ago,” Kevin replied.

Lyndsey turned back to Joe and gaped at him. “You guys have been on tour for five months and you only asked her out a month ago?” she asked surprised.

“Yea, I’m kind of slow, I know,” Joe replied scratching the back of his head.

Lyndsey shook her head and turned her attention back to Nick. “So, Nick, both your brothers have girlfriends, which makes me wonder, is there a special person in your life?”

Nick turned bright red and answered, “Well I was interested in a girl I met in California, but things didn't exactly work out.” There was an outburst of ‘awws’ from all the girls in the crowd, even though most of them were probably glad that ONE of the Jonas' was still available.

“So, no special someone for you huh? I’m sure that makes half of America’s teenage girl population very happy.” Everyone in the crowd started to laugh. Lyndsey asked the guys a few more questions about their plans for when the tour was over and then played their video for S.O.S. which made number 5 on the countdown. “Alright, well up next we have another teenage heart throb, so stay tuned. TRL will be right back.”


After the guys finished talking, they went back to the dressing rooms. I stayed in the audience and watched Ryan talk about the new season of his show ‘Life of Ryan’. The countdown ended and the crowd started to thin down. I made my way back to the dressing rooms and found the boys fooling around with each other.

“So, how did we do?” Joe asked, coming over and giving me a hug and a kiss.

“You guys were good. I can’t believe all your fans know we’re going out now!” I exclaimed.

“Yea, I actually wasn’t supposed to say anything but I figured, some people have seen us together already, and those pictures they have were evidence enough, so where’s the damage.” He beamed down at me. Then I looked over at Nick and Kevin.

“So it's bad enough that I'm gonna have girls hating me for dating Joe, but Kevin, you just HAD to mention that Nick used to like me too?” I asked him putting my hands on my hips. He looked away embarrassed. After a few seconds of silence I decided to drop it. “Whatever. You're just going to have to up your security whenever I'm around, that's all. You should have seen the daggers the girls around me were giving me when they realized I was the girl in those pictures.” They all chuckled slightly nervous, as if they were really realizing how things were going to be different after this.

Kevin looked as if he was going to say something when a knock came at the door. Nick, who was closest to the door, got up and answered it. We heard a guy’s voice and then Nick stepped aside and let him in. “Hey guys, we’ve got company,” Nick said. We all looked over and saw Ryan Sheckler.

“Hey,” he said to all of us.

“Uh, well you already know Natalie, but these are my brothers, Kevin and Joe, our parents and our little brother Frankie” Nick said making the introductions.

“Wut’s up. I’m Ryan.”

“Oh, we know,” Kevin said shooting a glance my way.

“So, um, wut’s up?” I asked him, ignoring the looks I was getting from the Jonas boys.

“Oh uh, well my friend Taylor, she is a fan of your guys’ band and she wanted me to ask if you guys wanted to hang out with us tonight.”

The guys looked at each other and then their parents. When Papa J gave them a firm nod, Joe said, “Yea, that’s cool.” We all got out our phones and exchanged numbers.

“Alright thanks. I’ll call you and let you know where we’re going to meet up,” Ryan said. He gave a small wave and walked out the room.

“Well Nat, looks like you’re going to have a great time tonight,” Joe said teasing me.

“Of course I am. I’m going to be hanging out with my boyfriend and with my best friends,” I said pulling them all into a group hug.

“Which reminds me, I’m going to call Sarah and see if she can come with us,” Kevin said. He pulled away and left the room to make the phone call.

“Hey Nat, can I borrow your phone?” Nick asked me pulling away from the hug as well.


“Cuz I need to make a phone call,” he replied as if it were obvious.

“Why don’t you use yours?”

“Cuz it’s out of battery. Come on please.”

“Ok fine, here,” I said handing him my enV.


He too walked out the room and made a phone call. Me and Joe stayed and chatted with his parents until they both came back into the room. Then their parents told us it was time to go.

Before we left the studio, however, we were stopped by one of MTV’s producers. “Hey guys, sorry to bother you but we were wondering if we could have a picture of you two,” she said, indicating me and Joe.

“What for?” Mr. Jonas asked.

“Well, we were hoping of putting a poll up to see if the fans like you guys as a couple.”

Joe and I looked at each other and both shrugged. “Sure,” we said at the same time.

“Great.” We followed the producer into a room on the set where they had cameras set up. After a few pictures she said, “These pictures are great. You two are really cute together. We’ll see what the fans think.” She thanked us and we made our way out the building.

When we got back to the hotel (after fifteen minutes of being mobbed, taking pictures and signing autographs), we all plopped down on the couch. “Man, I don’t remember what happened last night, but I sure am beat. How about you guys?”

“Yea, I know I am. How about we order room service instead of going out for lunch?” Nick asked.

“I’m good with that,” Kevin replied. We ordered a late lunch and sat around watching television. Eventually we all fell asleep. I woke up when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket an hour later.

“Hello,” I said in a whisper, trying not to wake anyone else up.

“Hi, Natalie?”


“Hey wut’s up? It’s Ryan.”

“Oh hey, wut’s up?”

“Nothing really. We were just wondering what you guys wanted to do tonight.”

I was confused for a while but then remembered we had made plans to hang out with him and his friends. “Uh, we’re cool with anything you guys wanna do,” I responded.

“Cool, so does dinner and a movie sound ok with you?”

“Yea, that sounds fine. Where should we meet?”

“How about we meet at ‘Planet Hollywood’. We can eat there and go out to a movie.”

“Alright, what time?”

“Does eight sound ok?”

“Yea, see you at eight.”

“K, bye.”

“Later.” I hung up the phone and plopped my head back down.

"Who was that?"

I looked up at the voice above me. Joe still had his eyes closed but I knew he had asked the question. I laid my head back down on his chest and answered, “That was Ryan. He wanted to know what we wanted to do tonight.”

“And, what did you say?” I looked up and saw Nick sitting Indian style on one of the couches. So much for not waking any of them up.

“I told him whatever they wanted to do was fine. So we’re going out to dinner and a movie at eight,” I replied.

“That’s cool. I guess I should call Sarah and tell her to be here by seven,” Kevin said. He got up and went into his room to make the phone call. Nick also got up and went out to the hall.

“I wonder what’s up with Nick,” I said to no one in particular.

“What do you mean?” Joe asked.

“He’s been acting weird these last few days. And what’s with all the mysterious phone calls?”

Joe tried to contain his laughter but failed miserably. “Our little Nicky poo has a crush on a girl.” I stared up at him dumb founded. “Yea I know. And he’s actually making a move on her.”

“OMG, who is it?”

“I have a feeling you’ll find out tonight,” he replied getting up from the couch. “Come on, if we’re going to meet them at eight, we should probably start getting ready. You know you and I take the longest to get ready and I don’t feel like having Kevin yell at us for taking so long.” I let out a giggle and followed him into our room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! The whole world knows they are dating!!!! But how will the fans react? Accept the fact that 2/3 of JB is taken...or being mean and rude about it?

Who is Nick's "mystery girl"?

And don't worry, Ryan will not be a threat for Joe and Natalie. He will just be needed later on in the story ;)

I wrote this story like a while back, and at the time I was writing this chapter, Life of Ryan was a guilty pleasure of mine, hence the inspiration to add him to the story in a way that I realized would be perfect for the part I mentioned above ;)
I'm not gonna give away what it just leave a comment and tell me what you think :)