Worlds Keep Spinning Round


I can not believe this is what this guy is having me do. This is officially the worst job ever. “Natalie, I need you in my office for a meeting in 10 minutes,” I heard my boss say into the intercom.

I winced at how loud it was before pressing the button and responding, “You got it boss.” I wonder what he's gonna have me do next? I swear if he makes me fetch him coffee one more time I'm gonna...ugh. I hastily finished filing the few documents I had left with information about the different venues on the tour that Josh had asked for a few hours ago. I quickly glanced at the time on the computer screen. Crap, I should probably get to his office soon. Grabbing the thick stack of cream-colored manilla folders, I started making my way down the hall to Josh’s office. The ping of the elevator didn’t give me much warning before someone dashed out and slammed right into me...hard. The force of the impact made me drop all the folders, causing the papers I had spent hours sorting through go everywhere. “Oh come on!” I yelled in frustration. I didn’t even bother to look at the person that had bumped into me. Instead I immediately bent down and started picking up folders. Now I have to re-file all of these! A few seconds later three pairs of hands were helping me pick up the mess of papers.

“OMG I am so sorry,” said an all too familiar voice. Soon all the papers were collected and I looked up to see three very good looking guys handing me what they had collected. I immediately recognized the owner of that voice. It was the guy that had bumped into me at the mall a few days ago. I couldn’t believe it. His eyes widened as he realized who I was. I felt all frustration seep from my body as he shot me a lopsided apologetic smile.

“Come on Joe. Uncle Josh is gonna flip cuz we’re late,” said the shortest one. He grabbed Mr. Malls arm, apparently named Joe, and dragged him down the hall towards Josh’s office. Uncle Josh? Before either one of us said a word, the three of them were rushing into Josh’s office. I sighed and walked back to my desk and put the pile of papers back down on my desk. Guess I have more work to do.

“Natalie, I said ten minutes!” I heard Josh yelling through the intercom as I got there. Gee, what's his problem. It's only been nine minutes and thirty-seven seconds. Can he calm down!?

I rushed over to the intercom and said, “Right sorry. Be right there.” Taking a deep breath, I glanced at myself in a tiny mirror and decided I looked presentable. I made my way down the hall again and smiling at Lucy, his secretary, walked into Josh’s office. When I walked in, I saw him on the phone and the three guys talking amongst each other. All four looked up at me, one with a smile, as I walked into the room and closed the door behind me, trying to make as little noise as possible. Josh ended his call and asked us all to take seats. There were three chairs for the boys across from his desk and a seat for me next to him. I took my seat and waited for him to start.

“Ok well, the reason I asked you boys to come in today was to let you know that everything is set for the beginning of the tour. We have a few shows here on the East Coast and then we head on west. I know you boys are very excited about this tour. And that you will have needs along the way, so I hired some help.” With that he looked at me. Soon all four were looking at me.

He wants me to take care of their NEEDS? “This is Natalie. She is my personal assistant. She will also be more than happy to assist you boys in anything you need. So feel free to ask her for anything you may need,” Josh said, smirking over at me.

Is this guy serious? I have to answer to the every whim of three teenage boys AND to him? Because they were all looking at me, I plastered a smile on my face even though I was getting annoyed by my new job assignment. You'd think anyone would be happy to spend time with three good looking guys but trust me, the good looking ones are the neediest.

The older looking one was the first to break the silence that had set amongst us. “Hi Natalie. My name is Kevin. So glad uncle Josh hired some help. He can really use it.” He stood up and walked over to me and stretched out his hand. I shook it while taking in his features. He was fairly taller than my 5’3” and had brown hair and hazel eyes. He had a genuine smile on his face revealing pearly whites. He seemed really nice.

“And I’m Nick. Great to have you on board,” said the shorter looking one. Though he was shorter than his brothers, he was still taller than me and had brown eyes. Very gorgeous brown eyes. He had a mess of curly brown hair and his muscles were visible through his shirt. Nice. I shook his hand and smiled up at him.

“Names Joe. AKA DJ Danjaa,” said the last brother, shoving Nick out of the way and putting his hand in mine. I raised an eyebrow and gave him a quizzical look. He and his brothers chuckled at my expression.

“Well, Kevin, Nick, DJ Danjaa. It’s very nice to meet you all. As you were told, I’m Natalie,” I replied with a smile on my face. I looked at all their faces, but my gaze lingered on Joe’s.

“Now Natalie I’m going to need those files I asked for.”

“Oh, uh. I don’t have them,” I turned to face my boss. He didn’t look happy.

“What do you mean you don’t have them?” his voice boomed. I winced at how loud it was. When I first met him, he didn't seem to be this mean. I wonder why his attitude towards me changed?

“My bad Uncle Josh. See we were rushing out of the elevator and I bumped right into her causing papers to go everywhere. I’m guessing they are said files,” Joe cut in after taking one look at my face. I'll have to thank him later.

Letting out a breath I wasn't aware I had been holding, I said, “I’ll just go back to my desk and file them again.” Before anyone could say anything else I waved at the guys and rushed out of the office. When I sat down on my chair I was finally able to regulate my heart beat. OMG I am going to be assisting the three hottest guys I have ever seen. I started to re-file the documents, thinking about the three guys down the hall. Right off the bat I could tell they each had interesting personality's. I was definitely looking forward to this year. It's gonna be a fun one.

“Need some help?” I looked up at the sound of his voice. It was Joe. His brothers were standing behind him.

“Uh sure. That would be great,” I replied flashing him my killer smile. The three of them grabbed chairs and pulled them up to my desk.

“Ok so what needs to be done?” asked Kevin.

“Ok well each folder has the name of the venue you guys will be performing at. All these papers contain information about the location, crew members, etc. at each venue. We need to get them all in the correct folder,” I explained.

“Way to go Joe. Do you know how many places we’re gonna be performing at?” Nick reprimanded his older brother. “This is going to take forever!”

“Well it’s a good thing you guys decided to help. For that I am most grateful,” I said. I handed them each a folder, taking one myself and we started rummaging through the mess of papers. We sat in silence for a while, filing the papers. Finally I asked, “So, what’s the name of your guys’ band?”

Nick answered, “The Jonas Brothers. And before you ask, Yes, we really are brothers.”

I smiled a bit at his comment. I hadn't even thought of asking that question. Guess they must get asked that lot. “Seems appropriate. So are you guys like a local band or something?” I asked, continuing the conversation.

At that they all looked at me as if I had three heads. “Wait a minute, are you saying you’ve never heard of us?” Joe asked. For a moment I didn't know how to answer that question. I finally shook my head which got a ‘wow’ from all three guys.

“Is that bad?” I asked, hoping I hadn't offended them in any way.

Kevin answered, “No. I mean, it is a bit weird that you live in Wyckoff and have never heard of us, but it's not necessarily a bad thing.”

“Well I’m not from here originally. I just moved here from LA a few weeks ago,” I replied, relieved I hadn't offended them. They looked up, interested.

“Really? I love LA. When we went there on our tour with the Backstreet Boys, I fell in love with it. I love the weather out there,” Nick replied, his voice full of excitement.

I giggled. He was so cute. “Yea. It's where I call home. I’ve lived there since I was four,” I said remembering the great times I had living there.

“How old are you?”

“Joe!” Kevin exclaimed, slapping his brother on the arm.

“What?” he asked rubbing his arm.

“Don’t you know you’re not supposed to ask a girl her age? It’s like sacred information or something,” Nick replied showing he was wiser than his older brother.

I laughed as Kevin and Nick rolled their eyes at Joe. “It’s ok you guys. That only applies to women who are like, past their thirties. I have a while to go before that happens. I‘m actually seventeen.”

“Oh cool. Me too! But I turn eighteen next month,” Joe proclaimed ignoring the looks he got from his brothers. “So when do you turn eighteen?”

I was surprised he kept this conversation going but decided I didn’t mind. “Umm, in October,” I answered. They all just nodded. We were silent for a while and I was about to ask them another question when I heard a beep coming from the intercom on my desk. I jumped a bit and answered it.

“Yes boss.”

“Have you seen my nephews anywhere. They haven’t left the building and I can’t seem to get a hold of them.”

I gave them all quick glances. “Uh yea, they are right here,” I answered back.

“What are they doing with you?” he asked back angrily.

I pressed the button to answer his question but before I could say anything Kevin jumped in, “We were just chatting. You know, getting to know each other.”

His uncle’s voice softened at the sound of Kevin. “Oh ok. Well Paul just called and said he’s downstairs waiting for you boys.”

“Ok thanks,” they all said at the same time. They got up and handed me the folders they had filed. I gave them each a smile and a thanks as I grabbed the folders.

“Well Natalie, looks like we’ll be seeing a lot of each other,” said Joe. For a second I got lost in his eyes. But that’s all it took for him to wink at me, smile a dashing smile and head down the hall to the elevator.
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leave some love <3