Leaving You to Be Forever Seventeen Cleaning up the Messes That You've Made

Don't Be So Scared, It's Harder For Me.

Michelle sat there, in her bedroom bathroom, and waited for the pregnancy test to finish.
And truth is, she was scared to death. She couldn't be pregnant, could she?
Or maybe she just didn't want to believe she was. It was her and Alex's first time and everything, and they didn't use protection.
Even though, that was stupid of them. But she didn't want to think about that right now. She wanted to focus on the mini test sitting on her bathroom sink.
It's been 15 minutes so far, and she had to wait five more.
What if she was pregnant? What would she do? How would she tell her parents? She's only seventeen. She's too young for a baby!

And how would Alex react?
He's been her boyfriend for a year and a half, almost. She doesn't think he'd be mad or anything..or would he?
Michelle walked over to the sink, and took a deep breath.
She picked up the little stick, and looked at it.
It was done. The sign read a red positive sign, she was pregnant.
Right then, at that very moment, she felt like her whole life stopped, and was ruined.


"What do you mean, you're pregnant?" Michelle's best friend Hayden asked. "How!?"
"Shut up," Michelle closed her bedroom door. "I don't want my mom to hear us."
"Wait, how did this happen?"
"Do I really need to explain that to you?"
"Was it Alex?"
"Hayden, what do you think? Of course it's Alex."
"Well, did you tell him yet?"
"No, and stop asking so many questions. You're making me nervous." Michelle sat herself next to Hayden on her bed.
"When do you plan on telling him?" Hayden went on with the questions.
"I don't know..I'm too scared to tell him. What if he leaves me?" Michelle lowered her voice.
"Alex would never leave you, Michelle. You know that. And if you want, I can come with you to tell him."
"No, it's okay." Michelle looked at Hayden. "I need to do it on my own." She forced a smile.
"Are you sure? I know how scary it must be." Hayden sighed. "Are you scared?"
Michelle took a minute to answer. "Of course I'm scared."
Hayden moved closer to Michelle and put her arm around her. "Everything will be okay. You're going to be okay, and I'll help you through this."
"Thanks." Michelle kept her face down.


Later that day, Michelle planned to meet Alex at a near by park.
She thought about all day how she would tell Alex that they were going to be having a baby. And everytime she thought about it, she flet like she was going to be sick.

When Michelle pulled up in the parking lot at the park, she seen Alex sitting on one of the swings. "Hey, pretty lady." He yelled.
Michelle took a deep breath, and got out of her car to make her way over to him.
"What's up?" Alex asked.
"We need to talk.." Michelle said, as she sat on the swing next to him.
"What do you mean?" Alex looked worried. "Are we..breaking up or something?"
"No," Michelle let out a small laugh. "It's nothing like that."
"Well what is it, then?" Alex took her hand. "You can tell me anything." He smiled.
"Well.." Michelle started. "I'm...I'm pregnant." She looked at Alex quickly.
He didn't say anything. He looked away, and starred at the ground, and looked back up at her. "Are you sure?"
Michelle nodded her head yes.
"Wow.." Alex said, taking a deep breath. "You're positive you're pregnant?"
"Yes, Alex. I took the little tests about 5 times.."
Alex stood up from the swing, and rubed his hands through his hair. "Well, then were just going to have to go through with this."
Michelle stood up, also. "What?"
"What do you mean, 'What?'"
"I mean, you're not....mad?"
"Well I'm not happy about it, but I'm not mad at you, why should I be?"
"I don't know.."
"This is our resonsibility, and were going to deal with it." Alex said. "I'll get a better job, we'll be able to finish school.."
"What about your band?"
"What about it? Everything will be okay." Alex took another deep breath.
"I don't even know what to say.." Michelle said.
"Well, when do you think we should tell our parents?"
"I'm not sure. I don't want to....yet."
"We're going to have to soon."
"I know, Alex. I think my parents would notice how fat I'm going to keep getting."
Alex laughed. "You're not going to be fat." he grabbed her hand. "We'll figure out a way to tell them."
Michelle smiled, held onto his hand. "Hopefully, we will."