Angel Wings

Just Bridget

Hello everyone, my names Bridget. Just Bridget.
I'm an avian American, you could say. Or rather, mutant bird freak. I guess i would be pretty freaked out if i had never seen myself before, so I'm just going to put this delicately.
I've got wings. Yea - Behold! and all that stuff.
There are many things about me that you wouldn't think possible in this world. And yet, here i am. Living.

When i was just a baby i was abducted from my home and taken to this place, way out in the middle of no where. I was tested on, i don't know why or what for, but all the same, they put bird wings on me. Mixing DNA around the created me. I look like any other normal teenager, except for the fact i have huge wings coming out of my shoulder blades.
This is my story.

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It was raining - raining hard. I sat up in my bedroom listening to the rain hit the roof. The sound is really loud, considering that my bedroom is up in the attic. It almost had a synchronized sound to it. Thump, thump thump. Thump. thump thump. Thump, thump thump.

I pulled my black hoodie on, shivering slightly as the damp material touched my skin. My wings slipped through the holes in the back of the hoodie easily enough.
I looked up at the roof again. Their were small holes in it, the rain dripping down onto my floor and bed. My bedroom was small, all things considered.

I sighed, thinking of how hard it would be to clean the mess up. I decided it would be better just to not think about it, so i put it off for the moment. I walked across the room and down the stairs. The living room was much more warm, so i opted to sit on the couch and look out the window at the rain.

My brother lives with me here. We bought a house way out in the middle of Nevada. There wasn't much to see here, just a few shrubs here, a few weeds there. Yea, you get the point.

My eyes drifted easily over to the window again. The rain had.. stopped. I raised an eyebrow.

Outside, it was pretty muddy, but other than that, it wasn't raining. I began to smile. I hopped up from my seat and went outside. Finally, i could get out of that house!

My eyes scanned the horizon suddenly caught up in the moment. My eyes opened wider as i spotted something in the distance. Whatever it was, it was moving fast. I blinked and it was another 100 yards closer. I should have gone inside, should have done anything at that moment, but i was curious. And as the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. Or in my case, curiosity killed the mutant bird freak.
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Next one will be longer :] okay i hoped you liked it!! =D i love messages btw *hint hint* Rofl