Angel Wings

Getting there

By noon i was drop dead tired. I had been awake for 30 hours straight. I didn't think i would last any longer. But, Vincent didn't look like he wanted any rest stops. He was faster than me, and had to keep waiting. I decided i would try to hold out longer.

Not to mention how hungry i was. The gnawing pain in my stomach told me that much.

Suddenly the dot was coming closer to me. Raising an eyebrow i pulled my body downwards. I began swooping down to the ground at an alarming rate.

We were still basically in the middle of no were. Except for the highway a few miles to the sides of us.

I touched the ground in time for Vincent to pull to a stop.
"Time to eat!" He said excitedly.
"Yay!" I said it just as much excited.

- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -

I glowered at Vincent from across the table that we were placed in. The restraunt was small, and crowded. I hated crowded places, especially with people i didn't know. It made me so.. claustrophobic. But Vincent just had to come to this restraunt. I would have been just fine with garbage digging behind the restraunt.

"Come on, lighten up already." Vincent was perfectly relaxed, his arms swung over the backs seat of him. Me on the other hand, i was all tense, my eyes flickering everywhere looking for anyone who looked like a threat.

I had to tuck my wings underneath my hoodie before we had came in. I hated that more than anything! It was so uncomfortable having them this way. It only worsened my mood.

The waitress came to take our orders. She turned to Vincent to order first. "I'm good." He replied. The waitress bobbed her head and turned to me. "How 'bout you hun?"

"Two breakfast burritos, two chicken sandwich's, one water, one orange soda, and one ice cream Sunday." The waitress looked at me like i was growing two heads and no arms. I instantly felt embarrassed.

"Is this some kind of joke?" The lady said, suddenly serious. Vincent looked like he was holding back a laugh.

"Its for both of us." Vincent said sweetly. I grimaced at him.

The waitress shook her head then went to go order. I let out a sigh of relief.


"No problem." He choked out. He began instantly laughing.

Once the food came back out - which took a looong time, I dug in. I was so hungry i could probably have eaten twice that. But, we Wouldn't want the Waitresses eyes to fall out of her little head, now would we? My thoughts were lined heavily with sarcasm. By the time i was done with my food most of the costumers had left.

"How do you eat so.. much?"

"How do you eat so.. little?" I shot back at him. He let out a sigh.

I rolled my eyes back at him. "Did you know that birds eat half their weight in one day?"

He laughed again. I know it was probably childish, but i stuck my tongue out at him.

Vincent paid for the meal with his credit card. Mental note: Get a credit card.

I let out a contented sigh once we were out of the cramped restraunt. We had to walk, since Vincent couldn't run in front of people.

"How much further??" I had asked, he told me 'only twice as long as how much you say that.'
Okay, i have to say that that made 100% no sense.

I decided to skip the metaphors and keep my mouth shut.

It was starting to turn dark again. Great. Let the mutant bird freak suffer, huh? I was practically asleep on my feet. I had been awake for 42 hours straight. Alot, but not a new record. Back when i was on the run i would stay awake for 3 days straight at a time.

It wasn't the same anymore though, not since i had a warm bed to sleep in and plenty of food to eat.

Tears pricked the corner of my eyes, but i forced them back.

"Were here." Vincent, a few paces in front of me, said. I looked up and saw an enormous building. It was gorgeous. A Huge white picket fence lined the house, but the top of the house still peaked out over the top of fence. The house was white, with navy blue linings.

We entered through the huge gate, dialing numbers into the little white number pad on the side of the gate.

Vincent clicked enter and the gate slowly swung inward. I followed Vincent inside, felling more nervous than ever. A huge streak of lawn wound around the house. Flowers lined the front of the house in blue hues. A huge porch was spread in front of the door, with a roof to shield it from rain. Almost all the lights in the house were on.

With a house this big there had to be quite a few of the 'others'.

What if the vampires want to eat me? What if they suck all my blood out of my body and leave me for dead? What if i don't fit in? Tons of questions whirled through my head. I looked behind me to see the gate click shut. I gulped. No turning back now.
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Okay i think this one is longer =P