Angel Wings

Chapter Four

My nerves felt like they were set on 'high'. I swear to somewhere -I'm not going to say where, I've been working on my language. -i was going to die. There was too much drama in my life already, i knew. Jeeze, i really hope that no one's going to drink my blood. They'll probably die from all the poisonous stuff in my blood that comes from being a mutant bird freak. Well, in a way it was a bonus. But, now come to think of it, if i die, were ever i go, the dude that dies along with me would be forced to come down to my reserved spot in hell. Now were would that lead me?

Vincent looked back at me through the door. "Come on, Bridget! Theres a load of people in here that i want you to meet."

I smiled nervously and walked up the stairs. As soon as i got in the home i could feel tons of eyes on me. I looked around the room, taking in at least five boys over in a corner sitting on a couch facing forward. A bunch of other people were sitting on another couch across the room facing a huge flat screen T.V. Looks like the whole group of them decided to visit me when i first arrived. I twiddled with my thumbs nervously. Seriously, they could be thinking of me as a living blood bank. How uncool would that be.

Vincent was standing by my side. "Everyone this is Bridget. Bridget, this is everyone!" I rolled my eyes. He was obviously teasing me.

A girl sitting on a couch got up, and rescued me from not knowing what to do. "Vince, give the girl a break." She said teasingly. "Hey Bridget, my names grace." She held out her hand. I shook it.

"Hi." I whispered out. I could hear chuckles coming from different sides of the room.
She smiled warmly. "Okay so in the corner over there, the 'anti-social dorks'-" That earned a chuckle from some inside joke. "-is Chase, Kyle, Brent, Steven, and Nick." We exchanged hellos. "And then over there in the other couch is Tasha, Vic, Kelsy, Carly, Sam, Dylan, and Will." She paused, looking around the room. "Well, looks like were missing a bunch, i guess you'll meet them later..." There were so many names, i wasn't going to remember almost all of them by tomorrow let alone more!

"There more of you??" I asked shocked.

More chuckles. "Yea about twice this much more." Vincent replied. I bobbed my head. "Well," he said to the rest of the group, "I'm gonna show Bridget to her room now, so she can get settled in." Everyone turned to each other and began talking quietly amongst themselves.

I followed Vincent along tons of corridors. I didn't bother trying to start up a conversation, too lost in my own thoughts to care. We continued down the long hallway until we came to one at the very end of the hallway on the right side. "This is it." I followed his gaze to the door. It was navy blue, just like all the other doors. How very cliche.

He took out a key from his jeans and handed it to me. I caught it out of the air and stuck it in the lock. The door opened up and we walked inside. I gasped as i saw the inside. The room was so much bigger than my small attic bedroom back home. I loved it instantly. It was a huge bedroom that had a king sized bed in the middle of it. Huge windows sat on either side of a glass door. The door opened up to a balcony that gave me view of the backyard.

The fairly decent sized bathroom was connected to the bedroom. "Wow." Was all that i could say.

Vincent was grinning like a mad man. I looked curiously at him. "Grace went shopping for you already, i hope you don't mind." I cocked my head. Shopping? "Got tons of cloths for you." He pointed to a couple of closet doors i hadn't noticed before.

I walked over to them, half afraid that something would pop out and suck my blood. I opened the door and realized that the closet was a walk in closet. My widened.

"Woa! What did she do? Raid the cloths shop for everything they own??" The closet was lined with hundreds of clothing items.

Vincent chuckled behind me. "I know you've had a tough day. I just hope you like it here." I smiled back at him.

"Thanks Vincent." I ran over to him and hugged him. I could tell he was shocked, but he hugged me back.

I pulled away, a grin on my face. "Night." He grinned back. "Oh, i was wondering; why did you come alone to get me? Wouldn't it have been safer if more of you had come?"

"We had to hurry to you. I'm the fastest runner out of everyone.." He turned around and walked out the door. "Night." He said before shutting it gently closed.
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