Angel Wings


It was dark inside the building, but my eyes were accustomed to night-vision and i saw perfectly. I was in a dog crate, with barbed wire surrounding the cage. The cage was small enough for me to sit with my head bent. I curled myself into the smallest ball that i could manage, scooting myself away from the barbed wires. I rocked myself back and forth, my body shivering from the silent sobs that escaped my mouth.The place smelled like rotting meat. I didn't want to know anything about it. I closed my eyes, not wanting to identify the smell. But i all to clearly knew were i was. The Institute.

As soon as my mind crossed that fact a ear-splitting shriek sounded close by me. I pressed my head into my knees, trying to cover my ears. Another shriek followed, closer to me. My body stopped dead. I could feel someones breath on my face. I held my breath and opened my eyes. Below me was another cage.

A mangled monster looked up at me from the bars its eyes a blood red color. "Were coming for you." It hissed, spit and blood spat out from its mouth, spraying me all over in the face. I began screaming as i saw the thing lung upwards.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When i woke up i was standing on the balcony. It was pitched black, and it was as if i was in a trance because i couldn't turn around and go back inside. My feet wouldn't move. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I tried to scream but my mouth wouldn't work.

The hand pulled me backwards and turned me around. I was face to face with someone i didn't know.

"Dude, what are you on!? Jeeze! You scream your butt off and then i come out here to see you trying to commit suicide?!" The person hissed. He looked like he was going to go on, but when he looked closer at me he stopped. "..your covered in blood."

I came out of the 'trance' as soon as he said that. I couldn't feel my legs, i couldn't feel anything. I slipped out of his grasp, dropping to the floor. He caught me right before i hit. "Whoa."

He set me on the bed before walking out of my line of vision. I heard the sink running, then i saw him come back with a wash cloth. I sat up, feeling my strength returning. I looked straight forward and saw another girl sitting opposite of me, sitting on a bed. Blood was plastered to her face and arms. Her hair was a mess, and her eyes were a deep red color. I blinked, and the eye color changed to a stormy blueish gray color. The blood was still there.

That girl was me.
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Sorry this ones reallllly short rofl!! But send me messages to tell me if i should continue or what? :P