Angel Wings



"Hey. Hey its okay." He said gently, lifting a finger to my cheek and wiping under my eyes. It felt wet ; i hadn't known i was crying. My shocked expression must have shown because the enormously hot dude wrapped his arms around me. I sat stunned for a moment, but soon i just let him pulled me closer. I put my head on his chest knowing that a hug was what i had needed ever sense i had left the only home i ever had. And let me tell you, this dude, he was a great huger.

I felt him pull the covers around me. I was too tired to protest, and i was glad when he wrapped his arms around me again. I felt safe, and more protected than i had in a very long time. I sighed against his chest and found my eyes slowly drooping lower and lower.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SLAM|!! I heard the door slamming open. I sat straight up and fell onto out of my bed onto my back. I felt something hard land on top of me. I looked up to see the hot dude blinking his eyes groggily. His arms were still wrapped around me. It made me happier than ever to know that he had slept with me in his arms.

When his eyes finally focused he saw me laying under him on the cold ground, his expression turned shocked. He instantly got up and helped me off the ground. We both turned to the intruder that had so rudely awakened me from the best dreams i had had in a long while.

Vincent stood inside my room, his mouth slightly ajar, a hurt expression of his face. A wave of guilt hit me.

Vincent gritted his teeth and turned around.

"Vincent i-!" The door slammed shut after him, cutting me off mid-sentence. I frowned.

"Jackass, woke me up from a good sleep." I turned to face the hot dude, only now realizing i never asked him his name.

"Whats your name?" I asked, confused.
"I'm Bridget."
"Yea i know. Didn't think you'd try to kill yourself after one day of being here. Jeez I didn't know how tough people can be on the new ones!" He ran his hand through his hair sheepishly.

"I didn't try to kill myself.."
"Oh really, then why were you on the balcony, looking like you were gunna jump?"
"...I don't know.." I was as equally confused as he was. And now i had to deal with Vincent and whatever his problem is.

"What's up with Vincent?" I asked Dylan.
"Pissed that he saw me sleeping next to you." He grinned a beautiful crooked grin. He must have read his mind. I returned the smile, and then realized that Vincent was jealous. I scowled slightly at the floor.

"I guess i better go before Vincent see's me with you again. Wouldn't want vincent to have a heart attack and die." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Thanks.. For helping me yesterday." He just smiled and walked out the door. I sighed and went over to my closet to find an outfit for the day. I had taken off my cloths when i looked down and screamed. There was a tatoo on my body that had never been there before.
It was a silver dragon that slightly circled my belly button and then curled around my hip. I was freaked out. Beyond freaked out. It didn't even bother me that Vincent came in the room, and i was in only a bra and underwear.

"Dude i freakin have a tattoo!"
He gave me a look that said 'What the hell?'. Then he must have noticed that i had only my underwear on because he turned bright red and turned around.
"I-I there- that wasn't there before!"
"What?" Vincent asked, still turned around.
"I've never gotten a tattoo in my life!" I could see the frown on his face.
"That doesn't explain why you have a tattoo on your....Yea."
"The hell it doesn't! What is this??"

I heard the door slam open and shut. Dylan ran into the room, out of breath. "What happened? Are you okay?" He walked past Vincent and took my hands in his. Then he too noticed what i was wearing ; which wasn't much. He blushed and turned around.

"What is it with you people?! I have a freaking tattoo that wasn't there before and all you too can think about is what I'm wearing?!
"Which isn't much." Dylan noted.

"Seriously, what is this? How could i not remember getting a tattoo??" I was so frustrated at this point, and wanted answers.
"What does it look like?"
"It's a silver dragon."

Vincent turned back at me, and looked at the 'tattoo'. "Thats no tatto, love." He said it gravely. I felt this was going to get bad. "Thats the Institutes symbol." He paused.

"They've stated their claim on you."
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:3 comments? Pleash???? :] *puppy dog eyes*