Life Lessons

Ten Keys To a happy Life

1. The most important key to happiness is that you must love yourself. You will never by happy if you don't love yourself; and you will never truly be able to give love to others. You are a giftt; you weren't put here to hate yourself.

2. Love ALL that is; and love others. At any given moment, things are exactly as they should be. This doesn't mean you can't change them by creating new things; but you can't create something new by complaining about something old. All is well. Love our world and your neighbor; there is only good--that which we see as good, and that we dont understand, and therefore see as "bad." Understanding will come with love. Love is all you need. Love is all there is.

3. Fear not; and don't be ashamed, either. You cannot be happy and afraid at the same time; nore can you be worried and happy, or sad and happy simultaneously. Emotions, such as happiness, are the ruesult of thoughts; and you can anly think one thought at a time--so fear not! Don't fear the judgment of others; and dont fear death--it is inevitable your body will die, but you never will. Be bold. Stand tall and go for it; you are invincible as long as you're alive.

4. Judge not; and quiet complaining. You don't have to constantly point out the good and bad in your world; they are already obvious to youu -- and no one else cares. And, before you consider judging another human, realize that you cannot think about judgments, and "happy-things," simulataneously. Accept others; and accept the world as it is--and make whatever changes you want to make.

5. Forgive and forget. You can't be in the present, and in the past, at the same time. It is tempting to hold-on to old hurts and resentments--there is always some preceived payoff(Martydom, being the the hero, etc...). But holding-on to such things as anger, resentment, ,disappointment, and greief, are like trying to hold a mouthful of boiling water, or acid, or poision, a --stupid, unproductive, painful, ill-advised, course of cation that cannot end well for you.

6. Be of good cheer. Find a way to be happy, no matter what. Being unhappy is not helaty or fun. Find something cheerful to think about, talk about, or do. Repeay as necessary.

7. Do unto others....Do the kindest thing possible in every situation; it is scientifically proven to provide an immediate, measurable health benefit to the giver of the kindess, the receiver, and even any witnesses to the kind act.

8. Say, Yes!" Serve others generously and take steps toward your desires. Say "Yes!" to any actions that appear to lead you in the direction you want to go. Empower others by helping when asked, and by being the answer to a prayer when possible. When you help the dreams of others come true, you recieve more help with yours. Empower others to dream; and say, "Yes!" If they ask for support or encouragement.

9. Have faith and trust in the est outcomes for people -- and for the future. Conrageously face the future trusting that you will prevail in all things, and learn exactly what you need to learn in every situation.

10. Be grateful and appreciative for all that is, all that you are, and all that you've been given. If you are busy cursing one thing you are not grateful for, you cannot be creating another thing you are grateful for. The energy of gratitude is powerful attractor for good will.