
Chapter One

White clouds, blue sky and birds tweeting in the trees. Sharp grass sticking in your back, making you uncomfortable. A blanket comes out and you place yourself on it. Comfy again.

Staring into the sky, not a thought in your mind. A familiar childhood tune flows into your ears. You see a familiar face and remember the whole point of being in the place you are now.

Your tears and thoughts can't be held back any longer. They flow like a waterfall-freely; no one to stop you. A puddle forms around you, the memories along with it.

No one stops to check if you're okay, they just walk on by. Can anybody hear you? Can anybody see you? Are you just a body lying on the earth, invisible to the human eye?

Now you have stopped crying. He wouldn't want you to be crying would he? No. Start to think of what it was like to have him by your side- not what it's like without him.

Theories come into your head wondering why and what you did, that made him do such a thing. What you could have done that would have meant he was still alive today.

You shouldn't put yourself down, you didn't do anything wrong. He was the messed up one, not you. It was his mind that twisted everything, not you twisting the things. There is an upside to his death, it taught you a lesson...