Status: Finished.

I'm Not One for Love Songs

Chapter Nine

Kyira slammed her phone onto the table, viciously muttering things like 'pretencious asshole' and 'how dare he the stupid idiot'. All the while she was furiously spearing her food onto her fork and eating it. She was just about finished.

"Who does he think he is?!" She cried, dropping her fork. Stuart and Katy, who had over heard the whole conversation but politely pretended not to, looked at each other.

"Honey, he's a boy. They make stupid mistakes, it's nothing to get so worked up about." Katy tried reasoning. Kyira looked up, her face wearing a dismal frown. She looked so sad, it was heart-breaking.

"I know but I felt connected with him. It's odd but...he could have been the one." She whispered to the astonishment of her friends, "I'm going to go home. I've got some things to think about." And with that she left, picking up her bags and hailing a taxi.
Once home she placed her bags in her bedroom before sitting at her window. She stared out, her thoughts swirling around inside her head.

She felt hurt so bad which was strange to her because they barely knew each other and that kind of scared her. Yet, she had felt such a connection to him, she was so drawn to him that it also hurt to be angry at him. She never used to shout like that; she was never prone to such outbursts as she was usually a soft, timid sort of girl. The kind of person who listened, not talked. She had changed through all of this which made her feel that she truly wanted to forgive him. Maybe that's what she had to do, maybe she needed to talk to him.

Yes. She would talk to him.

She picked up her phone, which she had luckily just remembered to take home, dialling a number in her record book. The phone rang and when it was answered she didn't give the person a chance to talk.

"Travie, I need you to tell me something."

Gabe was sat at his breakfast bar still but the difference this time was he was actually doing something. He was writing lyrics filled with love, angst and passion. He was furiously scrawling line after line, word after word; ignoring his hand cramp. He occasionally took a sip of the beer in front of him before carrying on with his work. He was oblivious to a timid knock at his door. Then the knock got louder and harder until it was pounding.

He sighed, annoyed, before jumping up to the door. He was ready to tell whoever it was to piss off and come back later; that was...until he saw who was at his door.

"Angelito...why're you..." He trailed off, his voice weak with emotion. She smiled shyly, looking down at her feet. They were still in her white peep-toes and she was still wearing her white and blue dress. In fact all her make-up was completely intact too. Gabe was blown away by her beauty.

"May I come in?" She asked. Gabe, unable of any coherent words, nodded frantically, pushing the door open wider. Kyira stepped in, allowing Gabe to close the door behind her, before taking a good look at the man before her.

He was dressed in plain blue boxers and a baggy, faded Michael Jackson shirt he had bought ages ago as a joke. His hair was a little messy and his face had some stubble. Overall, to Kyira, he looked ruggedly handsome. She honestly felt like jumping into his arms and letting him take her, but settled for clearing her throat and beginning the speech she had to say.

"Gabe I'm really sorry for acting like such a bitch. It's just I found myself really liking you and then you didn't call so I thought you had just forgotten about me or you were just ignoring my existance or something like that. My first reaction was to just push you out and ignore you when the truth is; I can't function anymore without you. I can't sleep properly, I'm acting differently and my heart aches. We barely know each other yet I feel this pull to you and it's so strong. I tried fighting it Gabe, I really did, but I can't. I'm not strong enough. I need you Gabe, I want you. Can we start again, will you forgive me and try it all again with me?" She asked, her eyes glimmering slightly with tears that wouldn't, couldn't fall.

Gabe said nothing and she thought he was just spiteing her, forgetting her and moving on. Rejection crashed over her like storm-driven waves and her face crumpled, a few stray tears leaking out. She shuffled her weight from foot to foot, preparing to leave, when suddenly Gabe launched at her. He picked her up in his arms and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

His lips were urgent and passionate against hers, speaking every unspoken word he had. His embrace was filled with acceptance and love as he held her as tight as he could without hurting the delicate angel in his arms.

Kyira wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to get as close as she could to him. His hands held her up by her butt as her arms gripped around his neck, her fingers tracing his back. He shivered at her touch and Kyira took it as a good sign. His lips trailed down her neck, butterfly kisses fluttering on her skin, as he made his way to the bedroom.

He had missed her alot.
She had missed him alot.

And it seemed to show strongly as they did something so personal, so beautiful that it couldn't be called something as simple as sex.

They made love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short but important as you can tell.

Who's happy?!
-] <<alien