Status: Finished.

I'm Not One for Love Songs

Chapter Ten

Gabe's arm was carelessly layed across Kyira's waist, pulling her close as she rested her head on his chest. She was fast asleep in his arms and he just watched her. Her chest rose and fell with her breath and her eyes twitched slightly as if she was dreaming. Her lips were parted slightly which meant her warm breath was tickling his chest and her legs were tangled with his. Her long, blonde hair was splayed around her face, giving off the impression that she had a halo. To Gabe she looked breathtakingly beautiful.

He still couldn't believe she had come to him, asking for another chance and apologizing. He had felt he had to apologize, not her. But then they just did something so intimate and so loving that it awed him. He felt so much love for this girl that he had just accepted it.

He was in love with Kyira.

He no longer found it scary or believed it was too soon. He truly felt that he was falling in love with her, if he hadn't already fallen. She was like air to him, he needed her, but she was also like a drug; he wanted her.

He felt her stir in his arms, her eyes fluttering open to reveal those blue oceans behind them. She smiled up and Gabe, snuggling closer to him and placing a delicate kiss on his chest. He let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding in, and smiled.

"Good evening." He chuckled, pushing the hair out of her eyes and caressing her cheek. She relaxed into his touch and smiled blissfully.

"Good evening, handsome." She whispered. Gabe blushed slightly and leaned down to place a kiss on her lips.

"Well I was wondering, and I've been thinking about this all afternoon...would you be my girlfriend?" He asked, taking a deep breath. Even though she had acted so lovingly towards him his mind and heart still prepared for the sting of rejection.

But it never came.

Kyira nodded before pulling him down into a passionate kiss. And Gabe accepted the kiss, knowing it was the answer to his question. She was truly happy. Gabe gently pulled away, smiling.

"Well to celebrate, if that's the right word, I'm going to take you out on a date tonight." He grinned and Kyira chuckled. She nodded before ducking her head as a blush spread across her face. Funnily she had only just realised the enormity of what they had done and...what they had said.

That afternoon had been so special, in so many ways. They had obviously passed a huge milestone in any relationship but in doing so they had felt so strongly that they had admitted a beautiful thing.

Gabe had said 'I love you.'

And Kyira had said it back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry this is so short.
I kind of felt pushed to write it but it's still important.
