Status: Finished.

I'm Not One for Love Songs

Chapter Twelve

Gabe." She sighed, pulling her door open to see the one and only Gabe Saporta, cheeky grin and all, dressed in a semi-casual outfit of black, tight skinny jeans, a white dress shirt opened a few buttons at the top and...his neon nike dunks.

Gabe himself couldn't help but smile when he saw the girl at the door. She looked stunning in the floaty pink halter top, washed out blue skinny jeans that accentuated her ass perfectly (of course he couldn't help to notice that fact) and pink peep toe sandles. She took his breath away and he immediately, on seeing her, stepped forward and placed a kiss on her rosy cheek; brushing her straight blonde hair out of her eyes in the process. She blushed at the show of affection and stepped out, picking her handbag up off of the hook as she did and locking the door.

"So, where are we going?" She asked, linking her fingers with his when he grabbed her hand, grinning. Gabe clicked the button for the elevator before turning to her, smirk on his face.

"It's a secret. You'll just have to wait and see." Kyira poked her tongue out at his secretive answer, stepping into the elevator and pulling her boyfriend along with her when it arrived on their floor. The door closed after a moment and no-one else came on. Gabe noted this and his smirk grew.

He turned to face Kyira, who was leaning slightly in the corner, and stepped closer to her. Kyira blinked confused...until he pressed his lips to hers. Her breath came in a quick gasp as lust boiled through her veins and her fingers grasped into his hair, her tongue licking his bottom lip and begging for entrance. Gabe, who had not been anticipating her reaction, accepted with great enthusiasm and a battle for dominance began.

Unlike other girl's Gabe had kissed, Kyira wasn't willing to just let him win. She was putting up a fight and it turned Gabe on to no end. He would have taken it further, the immediate date slipping out of his mind, if it weren't for the elevator doors opening to reveal the lobby of her apartment building.

The couple pulled apart quickly and straightened themselves up and exited the building.
Even Gabe was blushing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't moan for the shortness. There is a reason.

This is part one of three. So patience my little readers.

Oh and I'm back =]

4 comments for motivation?