Status: Finished.

I'm Not One for Love Songs

Chapter Fifteen

The smell of coffee wafted through the apartment as did the sound of a toaster popping, arousing a certain lady from her sweet dreams and opening her eyes to soft morning sunlight streaming through open curtains. The city sounds filtered into the background, muffled to a silent whisper by the closed windows but it's well known that one can never really escape the hustle and bustle of New York whilst there. It's an excepted fact which only adds to the city's charm.

Kyira's eyelids fluttered open to reveal her sparkling blue eyes to the world, her breathing stalling as she stretched before starting again as she settled onto the bed and closed her eyes once more. A fluttery smile creeped onto her face as she realised where she was before she pulled the white sheet around her body, clutching it to her by a scrunch of the material on her collarbone.

She swung her legs over the side of the bed, blearily stepping out of it before slowly leaving the room and crossing the hallway to the lounge where Gabe was, reading the newspaper whilst perched on a counter in his open plan kitchen. At the sound of her arrival, Gabe looked up and smiled softly before climbing down and leaving his reading materials where he had previously sat.

"I made coffee." He told his girlfriend, his voice quiet and his smile kind. Kyira walked into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around his waist. Gabe wrapped his around her waist.

"What, no hello?" She joked. Gabe rolled his eyes before pulling her face to his and placing his lips on hers. He worked her lips gently, keeping the kiss sweet and innocent, keeping his hands on her back, before pulling back. His eyes danced with romance and that soft smile was still there.

"Is that a good enough hellol?" He asked.

"It will do." Kyira placed another kiss on his lips before simply resting her head on his chest. To any outsider the embrace would be perfect moment, a total kodak one...that person would be right. Nothing could have made the moment better.

But of course, murphy's law interrupts every good thing so of course ringing filled the apartment.

Cause I'm a mess and you know that I can't help it
The drive home never seemed this long before
We're killing time just a little bit faster
And I swear we'll make it

"Ugh, for goodness sake." Kyira groaned, turning away from Gabe as his arms dropped from her waist.

"Is that your phone?" Gabe asked, looking around for it, the whole time the ringing continued.

But I can't tell you what I don't know
(Be mine tonight, be mine tonight)
The simple things that make my heart go
(Be mine tonight, be mine tonight)
But I can't tell you what I don't know

"Where is it?" Kyira mumbled, moving onto the bedroom where Gabe was now searching. The room was scattered with their clothes, his and hers mixed as they had simply tossed them without looking the night before. Kyira spotted her handbag and reached down, opening it to reveal her ringing sidekick. There was a huge crack on the screen that hadn't been there yesterday.

As she straightened up, phone in hand, she accidently dropped the sheet which was the only thing covering her tanned body. Gabe, who had turned around to ask her if she had found it, was surprised to see Kyira completely exposed, phone to her ear and half turned away from him.

Kyira herself was trying her hardest not to blush crimson with embarrassment and pretended that it did not faze her. In fact she simply answered the phone.

"Hey KayKay! I phoned your office building but they said you hadn't come in yet." Alexa's voice came through the receiver, confused. As Kyira listened, Gabe slid closer and as her sister finished her sentence Gabe's hands caressed Kyira's sides. She gasped at the sudden contact.

"Uh....well I...err..." Kyira's voice was light and soft as she gasped as Gabe's hands skimmed lower and lower. She couldn't even answer a simple question anymore. However Alexa didn't really give her time to.

"Oh my gosh, you had that date last night! You didn't go home! At you at his?" Alexa's voice was excited and she giggled. Kyira took a shuddering breath, trying to steady herself as Gabe's hands trailed across her stomach to her thighs.

"No but-" She was cut off.

"Oh my GOD! You're at his now! Did you guys have sex?" Another voice called down the line. Alex Gaskarth's voice.

"Kyira? Who did she have sex with?!" Kyira went to answer but couldn't as Gabe's fingers began to work...a magic of some sort on her body. She gasped, dropping the phone to the floor. On contact it hung up; cutting off all of Alexa's and Alex's questions. Gabe picked Kyira up, bridal style, and tossed her onto the bed.

* * * *

"She hung up!"

Alexa closed her phone, staring at it intently. Alex's mouth was wide open as he watched his girlfriend place the phone down. They stayed silent for a moment until Alex smirked.

"You know what; she's probably having sex with whoever she is with right now." He whispered, his voice was deep and seductive. Alexa raised an eyebrow, understanding where he was going.

"She's with Gabe Saporta you know." Alex, despite is sudden...hornyness...was shocked by this news. He even gasped.

"REALLY? Kyira Angelo, the girl who doesn't believe in love with Gabe Saporta?" Alexa just nodded.

"Wow...who'd would have thunk it." He stayed silent once more.

That didn't last long before he pounced on his girlfriend and they had a fierce make-out session.

Alex Gaskarth does not forget his hornyness.
♠ ♠ ♠
Her ringtone was Take This To Heart by Mayday Parade.

This chapter is dedicated to both ballroom photography and Alexa

So, Alexa & Alex are finally in the story.
Gabe & Kyira did it...again.
The techincal first date was a success.

What can happen next?