Status: Finished.

I'm Not One for Love Songs

Chapter Seventeen

"Kyira are you sure about this?" Alexa asked sceptically.

Alexa and her boyfriend, Alex, were both stood watching Alexa's older sister as she changed the locks on her apartment door. It had been a week since the phone call and Kyira seemed to be completely over it.

She was obviously trying to erase Gabe from her life completely. She had blocked him on AIM, ignored and deleted all his text messages and phone calls, she had taken all of his things back to his apartment and left the key he had given her for it, she had packed away all the photographs of him and her and the ones with just him in as well as the necklace he had given to her on their one month anniversary, she had thrown away the shirts she had stolen from him and now she was changing the locks on her door.

Boy would he be in for a surprise tonight when he gets back. He had been staying mainly at her's before tour and when he returned he was supposed to be going straight there but now it seems Kyira was banning him from the apartment.

"Yes I am damn well sure of what I'm doing. Stop nagging me for goodness sake!" She huffed, getting off of her knees and brushing her jeans of any dirt. She stepped inside.

"Alex go outside and try your old key for here." Alex sighed and stepped outside. Kyira closed the door and the sound of rattling started up. It carried on for a moment before stopping.

"It's not working!" Alex's voice called out from the other side of the door.

"Now try the new one!" Kyira shouted back. Alexa rolled her eyes at her sister's melodramatic ways and stepped back when the door opened. The new key had worked; the locks were officially changed.

Kyira nodded, approving, before ushering Alex in. He closed the door behind him and stood there as Kyira walked back into the lounge. She bustled around, cleaning and tidying up whilst her sister and friend watched in amazement. She was like a one woman whirlwind! She scrubbed, polished, hoovered and sweeped; all the while humming.

"Kyira, for heavens sake you need to stop. You're a mess and you're trying to hide it." Alexa sighed, beginning to follow her sister around. Alex merely leaned against the doorframe, not willing to get involved in the brewing fight.

"No Alexa. You're the one who needs to stop. Get off my fucking case and go live your own life. I'm perfectly fine, I'm moving on yet you seem to want me to breakdown and let that boy walk all over me. Well I'm not going to, that was the last time ANY man will mess with me so screw you." Before Alexa could say anything else Kyira walked over to the iPod docking station and flicked it on, turning the volume up loud.

The sounds of Ain't No Other Man by Christina Aguilara filled the apartment, making conversation impossible.

Alexa huffed angrily before storming out of the apartment, dragging Alex along with her. The whole time Kyira just danced along with the music.

She then looked at the clock which read 6:30pm. An hour until Gabe would return and before any major drama occured. Maybe she could have a little fun before the inevitable storm that was heading her way so Kyira shimmied into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of wine. She opened it and didn't bother with a glass, instead drinking it straight out of the bottle.

She carried on dancing before deciding the song was too lovey-dovey for her liking, and switching it to something more appropriate.

The sound of Ashlee Simpson, Outta My Head filled the room as she put the iPod on shuffle. Singing along, she danced.

1 hour later

Too far gone with the music too loud, Kyira didn't hear the sound of a key in the front door lock. She didn't hear when it failed to open and the person at the door begin to knock. However she did hear the sound of the same person getting annoyed and begin hammering on the door, pounding.

She sighed, annoyed that she was interuptted during the beginning of her new, favourite song (When I Get Home, You're So Dead by Mayday Parade) and dropped the near empty bottle to the floor as she stumbled to the door.

That bottle was the second bottle...of wine. In the space of an hour she had finished two bottles of wine, three bottles of beer and two thirds a bottle of vodka. She was pretty drunk right now.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." She slurred, her voice to quiet to be heard as the banging continued. Without looking through the peephole, she clumsily pulled the door open to reveal Gabe. His eyes widened as he saw her in such a state, and stepped inside, dragging his bags in with him.

Kyira was confused. Wasn't he supposed to not get in here?

"Senorita, what have you done?" He sighed, reaching out to touch her. Coming to her senses, well as much as she could under the influence of such a large quantity of alcohol, she slapped his hands away and glared at him. She wobbled slightly as she placed her hands on her hips.

"You. No, you aren't allowed to be here you asshole. I hate you now so...just...piss off." The last part of her words was spilt up slightly by hiccups.

"What? Why aren't I allowed to be here? Baby, I was supposed to come here remember?" Gabe asked, confused and worried by the woman in front of him.

"Yes well that -hiccup- was until you called some other girl baby, wasn't it Gabriel." The question was entirely rhetorical.

Gabe gulped, wringing his hands as he realised what she was talking about.

" do you know?" He asked, his voice low and quiet.

"Because you're an idiot." She glared, stumbling to the door and opening it, "Now get out."

"But Kyira, honey, I love you. Please don't do this." He pleaded. Kyira shook her head spasmodically as if to shake away his voice.

"Go." Gabe slumped his shoulders at her words and made his way to the door. But before he could leave Kyira fell to the floor, passing out. His eyes widened and he bent down to her, closing the door. He picked her up and took her to her room, placing her on her bed. He tied her hair back incase she was suddenly sick and rushed to the kitchen to fetch a bucket, a glass of water and some Advil for when she did come around. He noticed the six bottles scattered around the place and shook his head.

What had he done to her?

Returning to her room, he sat on the edge of the bed and half undressed his love. He then settled, sitting comfortably, to watch Kyira as she slept. He didn't want her choking on her own sick or anything so he stayed awake. Just watching.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I want five comments for an update.
And another star.