Status: Finished.

I'm Not One for Love Songs

Chapter One

"I am so sorry I'm late." Kyira cried, bursting into the bright office.

She had had a bit of trouble getting to work this morning and it showed.
Even though her outfit was flawless and her hair wasn't out of control, her cheeks were flushed and her small body gasped for breath as it attempted to recover from the 15 minute jog it had to make.
The traffic had been too bad to take the car to work and it was a nice day so she decided to walk that day. To Kyira that was a change, a bit of spontaneity in her organised, routined life. This walk had caused her alot of trouble though as you can now see.

The person she had apologized to looked up, slightly shocked but amused, and put down his pen.

"Kyria, you are never late and you certainly aren't today. Technically you're two minutes and 11 seconds early." He grinned, holding out his wrist to show her his watch. You'd think a buisness man would have a rolex or something but no, Benjamin had a plastic Power Rangers character watch with the changeable covers. Today it held the Red Power Ranger.

"Really? I was sure I was late." She mused, dropping into the seat in front of the desk. Benjamin shook his head, chuckling, as he picked up a clipboard.

"First off today you have to shoot for Victoria's Secrets. Normally that would take most of the day but Stuart is working with you so it only takes up this morning. Then after lunch you have to shoot Katy Perry for with AP." He informed her, reading off of the board. Kyria nodded, taking two folders that he handed her and giving him the two she had brought with her.

"A pretty easy-going day then. Is Stuart in yet?" She asked. Benjamin nodded.

"Well I'm going to go finish getting set up." She sighed, smoothing down her dress as she got back up. She picked up her belongings before exiting the office and walking down a plain, cool corridor. Making a quick detour to the employee safe where she had left her camera for the night, she then entered the shoot room.

It was rarely used, usually only for shoots that did not have any specific locations or when the photographers or models could not get to a location.

"Hey KyKy, you ready to do this?" The enthusiastic voice of Stuart Lamet called. Kyira rolled her eyes at the nickname and hugged him, a smile on her face. Stuart hugged back eagerly, not having seen Kyira for a while. He had been on holiday for a week in California and a few days before that he had been off ill.
Kyira was good friends with Stuart and many people used to think they were dating but Stuart was already happily dating his boyfriend of around a year, Jacob. Actually it was Kyira who set them up, Jacob being her cousin.

Stuart himself was tall with black hair, green eyes and a cheeky smile. He was talkative, hyper and very loveable. It was hard to dislike him, he seemed to ooze charisma. He was hardworking but playful, looking at life in a positive and bouncy way. You could say he just goes with the flow. Kyira was similar to him in a few ways, it was hard to dislike her and she was definately hardworking. However she was not as talkative and hyper, leaning more towards shyness and definately did not go with the flow. But despite these major differences they managed to get along fine.

"Yes I just need to get myself set up. When are the models and the Victoria Secrets reps coming in?" She asked, pulling out of the hug.

"They're expected in a few minutes so I'd hurry up. I've already sorted out the set so all you have to do is set up your camera." Stuart said, picking up her camera case and opening it.
Kyira proceeded to get ready as the models and their entourage arrived.

After discussing with the reps on what kind of shots they wanted, Stuart and Kyria got to work. Amazingly they managed to finish early, giving them an extra 15 minutes for lunch (as well as giving them an early lunch) and an extra 10 minutes prep for whatever things they had to do after lunch.

"Hey Stuart, where are you heading for lunch?" Kyria asked as she watched him put away his own camera.

"I'm meeting up with Jacob at some diner. Want to come?" He asked, joining her as they exited the room and left the building.

"And watch you two be all mushy? No way." She teased, "Anyway I'm just going to go to Starbucks."

"You sure?" He asked, stopping outside the main doors. Kyira nodded and they said goodbyes before walking of in different directions.
Kyira began the short walk to the closeby Starbucks.

She entered quickly, surprised to find it virtually empty. Starbucks is never empty; fact. But she shrugged it off, walking up to the counter to order.

"Hi can I have a Grande Strawberries & Crème Frappuccino and a...blueberry muffin please." She requested. The barista nodded and she paid before waiting for her cool beverage to come.

"Angelo!" A voice called, indicating that her order was up. Kyira sighed in happiness as she picked it up and took her first sip. Smiling to herself, she sat down at a small table and pulled a notebook out of her gucci handbag, beginning to write.

She never knew exactly what she was going to write, instead she just followed her muse where ever it took her and today she was inspired to write a song. In her elegant, personal calligraphy she let her words spill out, forming beautiful lyrics and letting melodies fill her head. And she had to get those melodies out too so she pulled out some blank music sheets and proceeded to do just that, humming the whole time.
And whilst in her musical daze she had not noticed him enter. In fact, even if she had she wouldn't know him so he wouldn't matter. However, he noticed her and he recognized her. He had ordered his drink fast and decided to talk to her.

To him she was just another pretty face, another girl in a long line of many he would seduce. He wanted to get her attention before wooing her, ultimately going 'back to hers' before leaving to find another 'pretty face'. He was, in all essence of the word, a player. One of the best. Girls like her were just his pawns, the minors of the game. So when he sat down, smirking, in front of her he was a little bit surprised to find that she didn't even notice him, continuing to write her music.
Trying a different approach he cleared his throat to speak.

"Hi." He said simply, grinning. She glanced up at him, confusion in her eyes, and dropped her pencil.

"Hey." She replied, not quite sure of what to make of this man. He was dressed in faded black skinny jeans, colourful Nikes on his feet, with a white and black hoodie on and a lime green Yankee's flat cap on. He had dark hazel eyes and she couldn't help but think of them as mysterious and alluring. His smile was half way to being a smirk and he was tanned and very tall. She began to sum him up; attractive, cocky, confident.

And she got all of that by just looking at him.

"You looked a little lonely so I hope you don't mind, I decided to sit with you. Is that cool?" He asked. His voice was deep and suave, only making him even more enticing. Kyira definately liked first impressions although she was too cautious and sensible to admit it.

"That's fine...sorry I didn't catch your name." She answered, smiling a shy smile.

"My name's Gabe; Gabe Saporta." He told her, grinning even wider when she smiled. He couldn't help it; her smile was infectious.

"I'm Kyira Angelo." She informed him, shuffling uncomfortably in her seat. She didn't really like talking to strangers, especially ones who were so good looking.

"Angelo as in Angel. We have something in common Miss Kyira." He chuckled, cockiness just barely showing. Kyira cocked her head to the side, her brow furrowing in thought and confusion.

"My full first name is Gabriel." He explained, resting his elbows on the table and his chin in his hands. Kyira blushed as she realised, that made him look adorable.

"Like the angel? That's pretty." She spoke softly, looking down. Previous to Gabe entering, Kyira had been sat in that Starbucks for 20 minutes. Realising that she only had 5 minutes left to get back to the studio, she gasped.

"I'm going to be late this time for sure." She cursed, grabbing her things. Her frappuccino had left a small, cold puddle from the condesation that had slowly but surely dripped down the side of the cup.

"It was nice speaking to you Gabe Saporta." She cried, pushing back from the table and jumping out of her chair. Gabe stood too.

"Goodbye Angel!" He called to her retreating back as she rushed out of the doors. Sadly, in her haste, she had left her sheet music behind on the table. Gabe sighed, sitting back down and muttering curses under his breath. He should have got her number.

He looked up to see the sheet on the table. He grabbed it before also exiting the store, a smile on his face.
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Comments would be much appreciated.