Status: Finished.

I'm Not One for Love Songs

Chapter Nineteen

Another week had passed since the night of Gabe's return and things were nearly back to normal. The only difference was that whenever Gabe got excited by memories of tour and started retelling each one with a blow by blow account, Kyira would just sigh sadly and pick up the nearest reading material. It had gotten sort of awkward when it turned out Ryland, who had stayed for three days due to a flooding in his apartment, accidently left one of his 'male' magazines and Kyira picked it up without looking.

"I like the articles." She mumbled when Gabe laughed and asked her if she had something to tell him.

He was disappointed.

But apart from that one moment of humor, Gabe would always strive to make up for it. When he did though, Kyira simply shook her head and said 'it's already forgiven' and would leave it at that.

Another thing that had happened in that week was Kyira's move. She had nearly officially moved in with Gabe. Her apartment was filled with her furnature as she had just brought her clothes, shoes and anything else she needed over. Gabe was still getting used to the 'lady products' in the far left bathroom cupboard.

It was now the Monday of a brand new week and Gabe, Ryland, Alex and Nate were all sat down at Gabe's apartment with a beer each and sports playing on the television for background noise. Vicky-T was out shopping with Katy and had had lunch with Kyira and Stuart earlier that afternoon. She did not want a day with the band boys, after all a couple of months stuck on a bus with them is MORE than enough.

"I still can't believe you did that!" Alex hollered, laughing his head off. The others all laugh along boisterously with him as they talked about a prank Ryland had managed to pull on tour. It had involved a public bathroom and a firework. Use your imagination.

"It was so fun though! Seriously, did you not see those security guards chasing me down the street?" Ryland exclaimed. It just so happened that the toilet in question had in fact been in a mall in England. Said mall had been evacuated and the bomb squad were called in. It's lucky they didn't find Ryland or he'd be stuck in jail right now...

"Man I still can't believe the freaking BOMB SQUAD came!" Nate chuckled. The laughing heightened again before simmering down.

"Speaking of's things with Kyira after your little playaway game?" Ryland snickered. Gabe threw him a glare before sighing.

"She says she's over it and that she doesn't care but I can tell she does. She hates me talking about tour now and ignores the subject all together. I really messed up." Gabe was gloomy as he remember the fighting the day after she had gotten drunk.
There had been shouting, glasses had been thrown and the front door now had a lovely dent curtesy of Gabe's fist after he just hit it in frustration.

"Damn. Weren't you going to propose when you got back though?" Alex asked, eyes wide. Gabe just nodded sadly.

He could honestly say he loved Kyira and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her even after just a few months together. She completed him, made him whole, and was perfect in his eyes. She made him a better man and he adored her. But now his plans had been ruined because of one of his mistakes.

"What're you going to do now?" Ryland asked. Gabe shrugged.

"I don't know." He sighed.

"Well don't give up. If she's right for you, fight for her." Nate smiled.

Gabe thought about that. After all he did still love her and she obviously must love him if she's still with him after all of this. Could he really still do it?

"Well I've got to go. Allie gets home soon and I wanted to surprise her with dinner." Ryland smiled. Allie was his girlfriend and he really liked her. He was thinking she could be the one.

"I'm going to go too. My parents want me to visit tonight for a family dinner and all that jazz so I'll see you later." Alex was next to leave, leaving Nate and Gabe alone.

"I've got to go too but but think about what I said alright? I'll see you later." Nate said kindly. They did the whole man hug thing before Nate made his leave and Gabe was alone.

His hand slinked into his pocket, grasping that velvet box in there as he thought.

He couldn't give up. Nate was right, he'd have to fight for her. He has to be courageous and brave and just do it. He had made up his mind.

He was going to ask the girl of his dreams to marry him.
♠ ♠ ♠

yes did you hear that? that was this story screaming for joy. it always says 'thank you to all the readers!'
what a nice story it is =]
so as promised here is the seven star update and you have TalkingIsMyLife to thank for that.
She got me that seventh star and is very awesome for doing so.
it may seem partically fillerish but obviously, as you can tell this is rather important.

so what will happen?

predictions? praise? ideas? reviews?
all are welcome because...
i want 10 comments for another update
much love guys, you're fucking dazzling.
