Status: Finished.

I'm Not One for Love Songs

Chapter Twenty-One

They lay in bed, completely naked and wrapped up in each other's arms. Gabe's fingers trailed up and down Kyira's spine as she lay next to him, her face pressed to his neck. Every now and again she'd kiss it. She'd kiss each little purple mark she'd given him with her fingers winding into his hair. They were completely quiet.

"I love you Kyira." Gabe sighed, moving his hands to her hips and rolling her on top of him.

"I love you too Gabe." She replied almost instantly.

In the early days of their relationship, Kyira was hesitant to say 'I love you' at all. But now she felt completely comfortable to say it to Gabe because it true. She did love him.

Gabe grinned at her words and gently kissed her lips.

"Well, shall we go and have the dinner I'm meant to be preparing?" Gabe sighed, still smiling. Kyira nodded and shuffled out of bed, still in the nude. Gabe smirked at his girlfriend's boldness and just watched her from his position on the bed as she changed into booty shorts and a tank top. She tied her long blonde hair into a ponytail before placing her hands on her hips.

"Your turn Pervy McPerv-Perv." She chuckled.

Gabe poked his tongue out before hopping out of the bed and stretching, facing Kyira. She rolled her eyes at his immaturity before skipping out of the room as he pulled on some clothes. She carried on skipping into the kitchen and began pulling out things from the grocery bags Gabe had placed on the side. She jumped when to arms wrapped around her waist.

"Babe, what are you doing? I wanted to cook tonight." Gabe pouted, pressing close to her. He was just wearing a pair of baggy sweatpants, remaining topless.

"Well I'll feel guilty so...maybe we can do it together." Kyira grinned, turning her head to face him. He smiled and pecked her cheek.


They set to work, Kyira chopping vegetables while Gabe began cooking the rice. They were having vegetarian stir-fry. As Gabe cooked, he looked at Kyira to see her sneaking a piece of pepper into her mouth and chewing. She grinned guiltily, still chewing, when she noticed Gabe chuckling at her.

"What?" She mumbled, swallowing her mouthful.

"You're such a child." He grinned, shaking his head before helping her cut the foods. She poked her tongue out at him and they carried on cooking. Soon sizzling filled the air and delicious smells floated around the apartment. Kyira breathed deep as she got out two wine glasses and Gabe poured red wine into them.

"Man it smells gorgeous." Kyira said, sniffing the air again. Gabe nodded.

"Well it's done now." He smiled, starting to dish up the food whilst Kyira took the glasses into the lounge. She pulled too cushions off of the couch and set them on either side of the coffee table, she couldn't be bothered to set up the dining table so decided they could just sit on the floor.

Gabe soon came in with the food and smirked at the layout.

"We slumming in today then?" He teased. Kyira pushed him gently before taking her plate from him and sitting down. Gabe sat down opposite and they both tucked in.

The meal was filled with talk; talk about Kyira's work, talk about the band and anything else they could think of. Then the talking stopped and Gabe began to fidgit. Alot. Kyira sipped at her wine before placing it down.

"Gabe, baby, is something wrong?" She asked, worried and curious.

"Yes, well no...just wait one second." He dashed off out of the room. Kyira waited, confused, when all she could hear was banging around and rattling as Gabe obviously hunted for something.

Suddenly he returned, hiding something behind his back. Kyira watched as he nervously made his way towards her.

"Kyira. I've known you for around half a year now. Saying that it doesn't sound like a long time but I still know that I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love you with all my heart. You're beautiful, inside and out. Your heart is one made of gold and you still love me with all of my faults and mistakes. You make me a better person and I can see myself spending eternity with you. Kyira Angelo, will you marry me?"

Kyira gasped.

When Gabe finished he looked down at the ground, waiting for an answer.

Forever seemed to pass before Kyira caught her breath.

♠ ♠ ♠
So he finally did it.

Long time no update I know.
I lost a subscriber and I swear I died a little.

Comments and stars to make me feel better?
Yeh I think so.