Status: Finished.

I'm Not One for Love Songs

Chapter Twenty-Three

The couple drove the two hour drive to New Jersey with music blaring; Gabe's attempts to calm Kyira down were become feebler and weaker by the moment. She was staring out of the window, watching traffic and scenery fly by in a blur . Her cheek was pressed against the cool window and her hands rested carelessly in her lap. Every now and again Gabe would sneak a glance at her from the corner of his eye and decided he would attempt to comfort her.

Turning down the music so it was just a background hum, he moved a hand from the steering wheel to clutch one of hers, resting their now intertwined hands on his knee. Kyira moved her head to look at him and smiled.

"I'm being silly aren't I?" She asked, giving into his attempts are stunting her nervousness and anxiety. Gabe pondered this.

"Not really, it's prefectly normal to feel nervous but you shouldn't need to. Honestly my family is going to love you. After all, you're part of it now." Gabe explained, squeezing her hand reassuringly. Kyira blushed at his words but nodded.

"Well if they are your family I'm definately sure I'll love them." Gabe grinned at her words and lifted their hands and pressed his lips to knuckles. The skin there was soft and warm and her fingers flexed in his at the gesture.

He truly loved this woman and she felt the same way. He was glad he had found her because he now couldn't imagine life without her. She had changed him completely and wholly. She was now part of him, a part he never wishes to lose, and he cherished her with all the love and affection he had. Before her his life, srue it had meaning, but it didn't have any standing as it did now. His life was so complete, so amazing that he felt on top of the world. In his head he saw his life as a fairy tale come true. He had his dream job, his dream apartment and now, the perfect woman about to become his wife. He could not wait to start a family with her.

"I love you." He whispered. He spoke with so much conviction that Kyira could not doubt his words.

"I love you too." She replied, closing her eyes at the perfection of the moment.

Soon they arrived at their destination; The Saporta Residence. Gabe exited the car and rushed around to open the door for Kyira as she gathered her things and before she could open it herself. She smiled shyly at the gesture and stood on tippy-toes to peck his cheek. Gabe still blushed at the tiny gesture and coughed to hide it up but Kyira saw the evidence plain and true.

"I love what I do to you." She giggled. Gabe cocked an eyebrow.

"I do too." He whispered seductively, wiggling his eyebrows. Kyira rolled her eyes and smacked his chest lightly.

"Get your mind out of the gutter Diavolo." She chuckled at her use of the old nickname, as did Gabe. He closed the car door, locking it afterwards, and placed a hand lightly on Kyira's lower back as he lead her to the front door. He knocked on the door, before stepping back. Kyira shivered, glancing back to the yard where the first snow of winter laid, glistening and seemingly pure.

There were sounds from the other side of the door before it swung open to reveal a tall, black haired girl with bright green eyes. Her long, sideswept bangs flopped in front of one of those sparkling eyes and she lifted a tan hand to push it out of the way. When she recognized one of the people at the door she squealed.

"Gabriel!" She cried, launching herself forward into Gabe's arms. Kyira watched shyly from the side as Gabe hugged the girl.

"Paige! I missed you lil sis!" He chuckled, squeezing her tightly before putting her back down on the ground. "This is Kyira." Gabe pulled Kyira gently to his side, hugging her close and Paige smiled shyly, just as Kyira did.

"Hey Kyira, I'm Paige, Gabe's little sister." Paige introduced herself, knocking Kyira's polite hand away when she motioned for a handshake, instead pulling her into a friendly embrace.

"Nice to meet you Paige." She smiled, pulling away. Paige too stepped back.

"I'm not usually that upfront, Gabe is the outgoing one as is Joaquin our my other older brother whereas I am the shy, reserved one." She smiled. Kyira chuckled.

"Oh Joaquin is my younger brother, the middle child." Gabe added. Kyira nodded.

"Well lets go inside. It's freezing and Mami and Papi are dying to meet you." Paige grinned. She held the door open for the couple as they stepped into the cosy warmth of the house and then closed the door behind them, locking the cold out.

Kyira's first impression of the house was a good one. It looked tidy and organized but cosy and lived in. The walls were painted neutral shades of magnolia but had red designs which added to the comfortable character of the house. The smells of all sorts of delicious things filled the house but the most significant one was gingerbread. It smelt tangy but sweet and reminded Kyira of when she was a little girl and her father used to walk her and her sister Alexa to a bakery just down the round every Friday after school and buy them a gingerbread person each. She remembered her way of eating them.

First she'd pick off the sweets that were supposed to be buttons and one by one, toss them into the air and catch each one in her mouth before chewing them, letting the sweet taste run down her throat. Next she'd lick off the icing facial features before nibbling at the limbs until all that was left was a ragged circle of gingerbread. Then she'd take even smaller bites, savouring each and every mouthful. When she was done, she'd always beg for more and her father would just chuckle, shake his head and say 'next friday my angel' before handing her a bottle of ice cold, flavoured water to drink on the way home and share with her sister.

The memories made her smile and Gabe just watched his lover in awe. He looked away for a moment to see a gangly man standing at the foot of the stairs. His hands were dirty with smudged paint and oil pastel residues and his dark eyes sparkled in the light.

"Joa!" He grinned, rushing to the man and pulling him into a manly, familial hug. The man who was in fact Joaquin, the third Saporta child. Well, technically he isn't a child he is a 23 year old man but that doesn't mean he wasn't a key member of the sibling unit.

"Gabe my man, how're you doing?" He chuckled, relasing his older brother from the embrace.

"I'm good and yourself?" Gabe grinned.

"I'm fine, just finished up some art work for my exhibit." Joa explained before looking past Gabe to the young woman behind him, "And who is this beautiful lady?" Gabe scowled at him playfully.

"This is Kyira." He introduced her to his brother.

"So this is the famous Kyira! I'm Joaquin but call me Joa." He grinned, pulling the shy Kyira into his arms before releasing her. Kyira smiled bashfully.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Both of you." Kyira said, "I've heard alot about you from Gabe."

"Only good I hope." Paige chuckled. The others laughed along and Kyira did too. She had only known these two people for a few moments and already she felt like they were her family.

"Well we best not keep you from our mother anymore. I'm sure she wants to rave about how skinny Gabe is and how lovely you are." Joa chuckled and Gabe elbowed him in the ribs whilst Kyira blushed. They all walked through a white door and into the kitchen where two older adults stood.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to Paige for being my 100th commenter. She is now a character in this tale of mine, she plays Gabe's youngest sibling.

I want more comments people. I have over 50 subscribers so I demand at least 10 comments.

I love you muchly