Status: Finished.

I'm Not One for Love Songs

Chapter Twenty-Four

Meeting Gabe's parents went extremely well and at the announcement of the wedding it only went better. Gabe's mother burst into tears of joy, mumbling something along the line 'finally, my baby found one to stick!' while his father grinned and toasted the happy couple. Paige had squealed, raving about how she had 'always wanted an older sister' and Joaquin had rolled his eyes with a smile saying 'Gabe always gets the hot ones'.

It was now December the 24th and Kyira was sat in front a glittering Christmas tree. Not being able to deny his 'angelito' anything, Gabe completely decorated their now shared apartment they had bought together. Kyira, knowing it a good relationship was about compromise (that book she had picked up after Gabe's 'indiscretion' had really come in handy), bought gifts for Gabe and also took part in the customs of Hanukkah but he seemed to be a one man Christmas whirlwind, and he had just entered the large, open plan living room holding his and her coats and scarfs.

"Where are we going?" Kyira asked when she saw him. Gabe handed her black coat to her.

"It's Christmas Eve, angelito. Where do you think we're going?" He chuckled, "We're going to midnight mass."

The other night, they had been talking about holiday traditions at this time of year and Kyira had mentioned that she went to midnight mass every year. She said she found peace at church, it reminded her of her childhood with her parents, when her mother had been alive. It was that night, two days ago that Gabe found out that when Kyira was 11 years old her mother, Rebekah Angelo, died from leukemia at the age of 30. Gabe immediately decided he had to do this for his sweetheart.

Kyira's eyes widened, glistening with tears, and smiled.

"Oh Gabe." She breathed. Gabe grinned.

"Come on or we'll be late. And put your gloves on too, it's freezing outside." Gabe's voice took on a loving, protective tone as he helped her stand up and wrapped her in a warm hug.
They made their way into the cold winter air, arms around each other’s waists. Snow piles rested at the sides of the road from where the slush had been cleared for safe travelling and the New York night was bright. The usual sounds filled the night, wrapping around everyone and winding down the long, bustling streets. Even on Christmas Eve people were out and about in there hundreds, the feeling of Christmas cheer brimming to overload.

Shop windows were filled with seasonal displays, streetlights and buildings were wrapped with colourful lights and posters screamed ‘Happy Holidays’ to passers by.

”It’s crazy!” Kyira giggled, looking around in awe. Gabe watched lovingly as his adorable fiancée gazed around like a 6 year old in a toy store. She caught him staring at her through the corner of her eye and turned her head, reaching on tiptoes to plant a soft kiss on his cheek, Gabe’s grin grew ten-fold and he gently pulled her closer to his side.

They turned down a side street that was slightly quieter, only a few people walking around. They were only a few minutes away from St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

Suddenly Kyira stopped dead, unmoving with eyes wide open. Gabe didn’t realise until he felt himself being pulled back. His faced turned to one of confusion as he faced Kyira, worried. Her hand flew to her mouth and she ducked into a nearby alley. Gabe followed.

”Baby what’s-“ he couldn’t finish his sentence because he got his answer as Kyira emptied her stomach into a half full trashcan. Gabe held her hair away from her face and rubbed her back, cooing comforting words into her ear.

When she finished she stood back up straight, shaking slightly and very pale. She also looked exhausted.

”Sweetheart, what was that?” Gabe asked, pulling her into a hug. They edged out of the alley and Kyira leant on a wall.

”I don’t know. Maybe I caught a bug or ate something bad.” She mumbled, her voice hoarse. Gabe bit his lip.

”You can’t stay out like this, especially for a whole night. We’re going home.” Kyira sighed at his words but nodded and they made their way home as quickly as they could.
“Gabe, what on earth are you doing?” Kyira sighed, shaking her head with a small smile on her face. From here position on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, she could not see what Gabe was doing she could certainly hear it.

His head popped around the door way, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Half his body shuffled out and in his hand she could see a yogurt.

”This goes out of date today but…maybe they printed it wrong. You never know. Did you eat one of these?” He asked, his voice trailing off in thought. Kyira shook her head and got up, shaking off the blanket, and made her way to him.

”Gabe stop worrying. It’s Christmas Eve and I feel fine now. Come sit and watch a movie with me.” She pouted and Gabe just couldn’t resist that pout so hot cocoa was made and they snuggled up on the loveseat, wrapped in blankets and watched the original Miracle on 54th Street.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy (late) Holidays!
Don't hate me for the shortness and lateness, I have plot planned out now.
It involves Paige, Alexa, romance, touring and drama!
The first two just make it epic, the other three parts are the seasoning ;]